♠CHINA-T and♠
♣Star Rock Heights♣
🫅 The first love affair🫅
⬛ 2K25 ⬛ year
(Full black code)
@ all We will be at 2K25 Jan 503 The holiday opens on Friday.
⭐🏴ZJ The First Event🏴 ⭐
This Friday, we bring you ALL ANOTHER MADNESS🔥😩 . We beat with VIBES on the first weekend of the year. After the exam, we're with your favorite team⏳Go on holiday together.
Not to be missed.👐🏾
🎵VIBES Team👇🏾 ⚡
🎧DJ sled
Dress Requirements:⚫It's all black.⚫
Admission fee: 20 yuan & 1 bottle of cocktail🍹Or a bottle.⛔Beer
♣NOTE: Free shooting tours at night for all ladies
Offer HOOKAY💨And make a reservation based on your drink taste.
(scan the flyer for details)
📍Location: CHINA-T
📍Jingkou District, Zhenjiang City, the first floor street Tang Chao CLUB
…. ... Zhenjiang. ........
♠china-t and♠
♣star rock heights♣
🫅 the first love affair🫅
⬛ 2k25 ⬛ year
(full black code)
@ all we will be at 2k25 jan 503 the holiday opens on friday.
⭐🏴zj the first event🏴 ⭐
this friday, we bring you all another madness🔥😩 . we beat with vibes on the first weekend of the year. after the exam, we're with your favorite team⏳go on holiday together.
not to be missed.👐🏾
🎵vibes team👇🏾 ⚡
🎧dj sled
🎧 -dj astroman
mcs🎤:klaus & banaloba
dress requirements:⚫it's all black.⚫
admission fee: 20 yuan & 1 bottle of cocktail🍹or a bottle.⛔beer
♣note: free shooting tours at night for all ladies
offer hookay💨and make a reservation based on your drink taste.
(scan the flyer for details)
📍location: china-t
📍jingkou district, zhenjiang city, the first floor street tang chao club
…. ... zhenjiang. ........
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