Rare subjects openings 🥶🥵🔥
Online teaching !
$30-40 (USD) per teaching hour.
January start: AP Micro
Saturday and Sunday
6-8:30 PM China time.
Environmental management Tuesday and Thursday
9-11:30 PM China time.
ASAP start:
Health science administration - 健康科学管理
Food science & human nutrition - 食物科学与人类营养
Sports medicine & kinesiology - 运动医学与运动学
Qualified to teach high school level students
Bachelors’ degree or higher
AP or international high school curriculum experience preferred
Payment $30-40 per hour
Pay Date: Within a week of completion of the instruction of the course
Contact Qingsen recruitment:
Wechat: QingsenHZ
Email: info@qr88.org
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/qingsen/
rare subjects openings 🥶🥵🔥
online teaching !
$30-40 (usd) per teaching hour.
january start: ap micro
saturday and sunday
6-8:30 pm china time.
environmental management tuesday and thursday
9-11:30 pm china time.
asap start:
health science administration - 健康科学管理
food science & human nutrition - 食物科学与人类营养
sports medicine & kinesiology - 运动医学与运动学
qualified to teach high school level students
bachelors’ degree or higher
ap or international high school curriculum experience preferred
payment $30-40 per hour
pay date: within a week of completion of the instruction of the course
contact qingsen recruitment:
wechat: qingsenhz
email: info@qr88.org
linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/qingsen/
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