🔥Full time homeroom Kindergarten teachers needed from Feb,2025 near Liu li Qiao, line 10/9; Feng Tai ;Beijing
7.30-17.30;Monday to Friday; there’re break hours at noon.
Kids are 3-6 years old, around 20-25 kids in a group .
There’re 2 weeks break for summer/winter vocations each ( paid ).
Paid offical holidays
28-32K/Month(housing allowance inlcuded) before tax ; free meals
Teaching visa sponsored/Transfered!
Only English native speakers(from US.UK,Ca,Au) considered!
Those with teaching visa preferred!
Onboard date : End of Feb, 2025; at least 1 year contract required!
Wechat/Call: 18311161989; 2633268947
🔥1. Bei yuan, Chao yang District, Beijing (adjacent to Qingheying Metro Station of Line 17) / International Kindergarten
2. English Native speakers From USA.UK.Ca...
3. Visa: Work Visa
4. Gender: unlimited
5. Teaching students: 2.5-year-old
6. Onboard date : 2025/02/15
7. Salary range and accommodation: 25-30K after tax;paid Chinese Public holidays;Insurance.Work visa..
8. Working hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. / 5 days a week
9. Others: Early Childhood Education/Linguistics/Literature/Psychology, 3-5 years ESL or 2 years of kindergarten experience; Caring and patient, but with a lively and cheerful personality, the appearance and figure are relatively good
Wechat:15010926285, 77133465
🔥Full time Homeroom Kindergarten teachers needed now near to Jin Tai Lu station ,line 6/14, Beijing.
8.00M--17.00PM; Monday to Friday ;
Kids are 2-3 years old . You will stay one group every day.
25-30K/Month,paid statutory holidays.
Start date: February ,2025 ; long term contract preferred!
Wechat: mei356485; 13051737663
🔥Full time homeroom Kindergarten teachers needed now near to Jiang Tai, line 14; Chao yang; Beijing
Female English native speakers preferred.
25-30K/Month after tax, two- week paid Summer/Winter holidays each; Working visa sponsored.
Kids are 2-6 years old, less than 20 kids in a group .
8.00AM--5.00PM;Monday to Friday; 12.00-13.30PM is break time .
Start date: February ,2025 ;
WeChat 13718850794, 77133465
🔥full time homeroom kindergarten teachers needed from feb,2025 near liu li qiao, line 10/9; feng tai ;beijing
7.30-17.30;monday to friday; there’re break hours at noon.
kids are 3-6 years old, around 20-25 kids in a group .
there’re 2 weeks break for summer/winter vocations each ( paid ).
paid offical holidays
28-32k/month(housing allowance inlcuded) before tax ; free meals
teaching visa sponsored/transfered!
only english native speakers(from us.uk,ca,au) considered!
those with teaching visa preferred!
onboard date : end of feb, 2025; at least 1 year contract required!
wechat/call: 18311161989; 2633268947
🔥1. bei yuan, chao yang district, beijing (adjacent to qingheying metro station of line 17) / international kindergarten
2. english native speakers from usa.uk.ca...
3. visa: work visa
4. gender: unlimited
5. teaching students: 2.5-year-old
6. onboard date : 2025/02/15
7. salary range and accommodation: 25-30k after tax;paid chinese public holidays;insurance.work visa..
8. working hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. / 5 days a week
9. others: early childhood education/linguistics/literature/psychology, 3-5 years esl or 2 years of kindergarten experience; caring and patient, but with a lively and cheerful personality, the appearance and figure are relatively good
wechat:15010926285, 77133465
🔥full time homeroom kindergarten teachers needed now near to jin tai lu station ,line 6/14, beijing.
8.00m--17.00pm; monday to friday ;
kids are 2-3 years old . you will stay one group every day.
25-30k/month,paid statutory holidays.
start date: february ,2025 ; long term contract preferred!
wechat: mei356485; 13051737663
🔥full time homeroom kindergarten teachers needed now near to jiang tai, line 14; chao yang; beijing
female english native speakers preferred.
25-30k/month after tax, two- week paid summer/winter holidays each; working visa sponsored.
kids are 2-6 years old, less than 20 kids in a group .
8.00am--5.00pm;monday to friday; 12.00-13.30pm is break time .
start date: february ,2025 ;
wechat 13718850794, 77133465
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