Zhejiang Announcement (Travel expenses within Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai will be covered)
A young female foreign model is needed in Anji, Huzhou.
The shooting will be on the 31st.
It will be indoors, with normal clothing, shooting furniture.
Please send flat - lay materials for application.
Budget: 800 /h with a minimum of four hours.
zhejiang annuoncement (Travel Expens with Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Sunghai Will Be Covered)
a young female foreel is needed in anji, huzhou.
The showing will be on the 31st.
it will be indoors, with normal clothing, shooting function.
Please Send Flat -Lay Materials for Application.
Budget: 800 /h with a minimum of four houses.
Zhejiang notice (Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai Bao Poly Travel)
Huzhou Anji needs a young female model
Shooting No. 31
Indoors, normal clothing, shooting furniture
Sign up to send plane information
Budget: 800/h, starting four hours to start
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