
More About This Job

High School, Online Teaching & Teaching

by QR - Qingsen Recruitment
2 weeks, 3 days ago


Online teachers needed!
220-360 RMB per hour
AP advanced placement program, grade 10-12
Subjects: Physics, Economics, Art, Biology, Music, Health Science Administration, Integrated Science, Theology, AP Statistics, Introduction to business

Qualified to teach high school level students
Bachelors’ degree or higher
Reliable Internet connection, have a laptop
Flexible start dates

Payment per course for 40 working hours:
$1200-1500 US Dollars (8700-11000 RMB) 220-275 RMB per hour – For candidates within 3 years of related teaching experience
$1500-2000 US Dollars (11000 – 14600 RMB) 275-365 RMB per hour – For candidates with 3+ years of related teaching experience

Pay Date: Within a week of completion of the instruction of the course

Part time or Full-time available
Online classes
You can teach multiple courses at the same time
Approved by College Board and COGNIA, the world well-known school certification body

Grade level: 10-12
Class Size: VIP (1 student) or small class (3-6 students)
Course Duration: Course duration is 7 to 8 weeks
Class pace: 2 times per week for 2.5/3 hours
40 teaching hours in total per course
Professional technology platform and teaching tools to assist teaching system
Professional training system

Contact Qingsen recruitment:
Wechat: QingsenHZ
Email: info@qr88.org
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/qingsen/

Machine Translation

online teachers needed!
220-360 rmb per hour
ap advanced placement program, grade 10-12
subjects: physics, economics, art, biology, music, health science administration, integrated science, theology, ap statistics, introduction to business

qualified to teach high school level students
bachelors’ degree or higher
reliable internet connection, have a laptop
flexible start dates

payment per course for 40 working hours:
$1200-1500 us dollars (8700-11000 rmb) 220-275 rmb per hour – for candidates within 3 years of related teaching experience
$1500-2000 us dollars (11000 – 14600 rmb) 275-365 rmb per hour – for candidates with 3+ years of related teaching experience

pay date: within a week of completion of the instruction of the course

part time or full-time available
online classes
you can teach multiple courses at the same time
approved by college board and cognia, the world well-known school certification body

grade level: 10-12
class size: vip (1 student) or small class (3-6 students)
course duration: course duration is 7 to 8 weeks
class pace: 2 times per week for 2.5/3 hours
40 teaching hours in total per course
professional technology platform and teaching tools to assist teaching system
professional training system

contact qingsen recruitment:
wechat: qingsenhz
email: info@qr88.org
linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/qingsen/

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