
More About This Job


by Kevin 🎬 晓峰
1 month, 1 week ago


Work shooting
Work location: Shanghai
⭐ Shooting time: December 16th
① Role: Angular Sharp/Young (1 female)
② Role: (Restaurant Scene)
Europe, America or the Middle East/Youth (1 female)
East Asia/Young (1 male)
⭐ Shooting time: December 17th
① Role: 1 male and 1 female
Visual age 25-30 years old European and American youth (playing male shop assistant)
Visual age: 30-40 years old, European and American (playing female customer)
② Role: 1 male and 1 female
Visual age 30-35 years old (middle-aged and young male) (no business style required)
Visual age: young women aged 20-26
⭐ Shooting time: December 18th
Role: 1 male and 1 female
Visual age 25-35 years old European and American youth (female shop assistant)
Visual age 25-35 years old European and American youth (male shop assistant)
⭐ The above actor roles (must not have tattoos or nail art)
If you are in Shanghai, let me know. Thank you @

Machine Translation

work shooting
work location: shanghai
⭐ shooting time: december 16th
① role: angular sharp/young (1 female)
② role: (restaurant scene)
europe, america or the middle east/youth (1 female)
east asia/young (1 male)
⭐ shooting time: december 17th
① role: 1 male and 1 female
visual age 25-30 years old european and american youth (playing male shop assistant)
visual age: 30-40 years old, european and american (playing female customer)
② role: 1 male and 1 female
visual age 30-35 years old (middle-aged and young male) (no business style required)
visual age: young women aged 20-26
⭐ shooting time: december 18th
role: 1 male and 1 female
visual age 25-35 years old european and american youth (female shop assistant)
visual age 25-35 years old european and american youth (male shop assistant)
⭐ the above actor roles (must not have tattoos or nail art)
if you are in shanghai, let me know. thank you @

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