深圳服装平面拍摄需要男女外模,时间12.8-12.9 价格600/h,拍摄两天,两天12h起拍。男性模特要求长发和白色皮肤,年轻,身高约183cm,而女性模特要求长发和白色皮肤,法国风格,身高约170cm,省内🉑报,有差旅
Shenzhen clothing flat shooting need male and female external models, time 12.8-12.9,price600/h, shooting for two days,At least 12 hours of filming.the male model requires long hair and white skin, young and around 183cm tall, while the female model requires long hair and white skin, young and French style, around 170cm tall, with transportation subsidies within the province
Shenzhen clothing graphic shooting requires men and women's models. The price is 12.8-12.9 price 600/h.Male models require long hair and white skin, young, about 183cm tall, while female models require long hair and white skin, French style, about 170cm tall, in the province, there is a travel travel, there is a travel travel, there is a travel travel, there is a travel travel.
Shenzhen Clothing Fit Shooting Need Male and Female External Models, Time 12.8-12.9, Price600/H, Shooting for Two Days UIRES Long Hair and White Skin, Young and Art 183cm Tall, While TheFemale Models Long Hair and White Skin, Young and French style, Arth Transport Subsidies within the PriveINCE
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