📍 Xi’an Bottle live club need 1 girl
Need the girl who is in China❗Can start RIGHT NOW❗
Offer requirements: Pop , hip hop, K-pop, urban and funk jazz style.
One night 4-5 sets. One set 15-20 mins. Show+GoGo+interaction.
We provide tickets and work visa. Live in apartment, 1 person 1 room.
2 days off per month.
PM me for more details [勾引]
📍 xi’an bottle live club need 1 girl
need the girl who is in china❗can start right now❗
offer requirements: pop , hip hop, k-pop, urban and funk jazz style.
one night 4-5 sets. one set 15-20 mins. show+gogo+interaction.
we provide tickets and work visa. live in apartment, 1 person 1 room.
2 days off per month.
pm me for more details [勾引]
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