#广州视频拍摄 (要会弹一点吉他的男女外籍)
Job 1
# Guangzhou video shooting (male and female foreigners who can play a little guitar)
Time: Next week
Price: 2500/8 hours. Three years of portrait rights.
A female white foreign model, white foreign model, both men and women can apply, age around 25, younger, can sing, have a musical foundation (because to play a part, show the product function)
All foreign actors from the Pearl River Delta. Welcome to register
Work 1
#Guangzhou video shooting (to play a little guitar with a guitar foreigner)
Time: next week
Price: 2500/8 hours.Three years of portrait rights.
A white woman, white models, men and women can register. They are younger about 25 and can sing. There is a music foundation (because you want to play a section, display the product function)
As long as foreign actors in the Pearl River Delta region.Welcome to sign up
Job 1
# Guangzhou Video Shooting
Time: Next Week
Price: 2500/8 popular. Three Years of Portrait Rights.
a female white foreign model, white forelign model, Both Men and Women Can Apply, Age AROUND 25, YouGer, Can Sing, have a musical food How the Product Function)
all foreign action from the pearl river delta. Welcome to register
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