【广州外模】十月底劳斯莱斯品牌广告拍摄需要四名外国人,要求有中国驾照,能熟练驾驶,并且能边开边说的外国人,口述功底要行,会听说基础中文,男女不限,先定人再定日期,欧美白人优先,自报价,有资源的外模经纪或者外模演员请加我微信: HYRZ5299 。
[Guangzhou External Model] At the end of October, four foreigners were required for the shooting of Rolls Royce brand advertising. Foreigners with Chinese driver's licenses, who can drive skillfully and speak at the same time, who have good oral skills, can hear basic Chinese, men and women are not limited, who can set the person first and then set the date, European and American whites are preferred, and self quotation is required. For qualified external model brokers or external model actors, please add me to WeChat: HYRZ5299.
[Guangzhou Foreign Model] Four foreigners require a Chinese driver's license at the end of October. Foreigners who need to have a Chinese driver's license, be able to drive proficiently, and can speak while opening.Men and women are unlimited. First, the date is determined. European and white people are preferred, self -priced, and resource -based foreign model brokers or foreign model actors, please add me WeChat: hyrz5299.
[Guangzhou External Model] At the end of october, Four Foreigners Weeired for the Shooting of Rolls Royce Brand Advertising. Foreigners with Chinese Licenses, who can drive skillfully and speak at the ate time, who has good oral skills, can hear basicCHINESE, Men and WOMEN Are Not Limited, Who Can Set the Person First and THEN SET The DATE, European and American Whites Are Preferred, And Self Quotation is Required. FOR Quali Quali. FIED External Model Brokers or External Model Actors, please add me to wechat:Hyrz5299.
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