Highly professional English teacher with a masters's degree in English language and literature and a ton of experience looking for a private school or manager. The classes are conducted in Classin. I have online experience working with both children and adults. My intro and demo class at your disposal! You won't be disappointed!
高度专业的英语教师,拥有英语语言和文学硕士学位,并且在寻找私立学校或管理人员方面拥有丰富的经验。课程在 Classin 进行。我有与儿童和成人一起工作的在线经验。我的介绍和演示课程供您使用!你不会失望的!
Highly Professional English Teacher with A Masters's Degree in English Language and Liticture and a Ton of Experience Looking School Or. Asses are conDucted in classin. I have online experience working with children and adults. My Intro and DEMO Class at ATYour Disposal! You won't be disappointed!
Highly professional English teachers, have a master's degree in English and literature, and have rich experience in finding private schools or managers.The course is carried out in classin.I have an online experience with children and adults.My introduction and demonstration course for you to use!You will not be disappointed!
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