WeChat API fully operational
The WeChatJobs API will be turned off this weekend (11th/12th January 2025) due to high server maintenance costs.
If you would like to continue using the service and would like to discuss the future of WeChatJobs, then please scan the QR code below and join the group to discuss it.
甘肃市区补招ABGO一名 价12-15提成五五开 对接暗号:15887757500
[福][福]做公益[福][福] [福]现在大环境消费降级 赞助前期无投资 较困难开机的剧组[福] 提供【竖屏短剧赛道的项目】所有拍摄期间的摄影设备、灯光设备、录音设备等等 【无偿使用】 相关部门工作人员劳务费【低市场价】 力所能及尽一份力 行业加油 :hahakaixin1616
1️⃣ October 11-13, one day, shooting furniture in Huizhou, need a foreign elderly male model, aged 55-75,500/h,4-8h 2️⃣ October in Shunde, Foshan, shooting small household electrical appliances, need a young foreign model, 3500 / 8h 3️⃣ Shooting in Foshan or Guangzhou, need Iran 🇮🇷 Foreign female model, middle east female …
Guangzhou👨 Shooting during the national day. Need a male model to shoot jeans,👖Pant European size:29-30,Indoor shooting for 5 hours.
【艾律动·抖音云连锁】 153家瑜伽馆共同的选择 我们的承诺 对赌签约:抖音拓客100-1000人/付费客资 微13875609225
Part-time Foreign Teacher Recruitment in Tianjin Extra-curricular Training Institution International students are preferred, such as part-time foreign students from School of Foreign Languages of Tiannan University Responsibilities: Standard English pronunciation to create a daily bilingual environment for primary school students , for children aged 6-13 Face children with patience and …
Overseas drama filming, We need a foreign white male actor from North and South America to shoot a short drama, with the role of the male lead Requirements: American accent, good pronunciation, good figure, dominant facial features, age range: around 40 years old, Shooting location: Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) …
!!!Full time jobs open for the teacher who can get work visa only start from 2024!!! Beijing,北京 1. Primary school teacher,25-28k after tax, Native only 2. Training center teacher,16-25k pre-tax, no nationality required, Must with relevant teaching experience 3. 15-23k english Drama teacher,no nationality required Shanghai,上海 1. Biology teacher grade …
😘 湖南益阳急招比基尼👙 ⛳️ 顶级夜店 点舞场 日结 全场60大场 👑 无底薪80有底500~800日结不压 🦄 业绩场内人均3千业绩🉑查 💋 住酒店: 🉑一人一间 🍬 车费报销 大哥多多 ●━━━━━━────── 💃💃安徽省六安市市区 招聘:BGO可比基尼👙 待遇;无底薪2/8 结算:日结 平均业绩2000+ 住宿:小区套房 酒店 路费:天半地全 欢迎单飞姐妹(全场一组人) ●━━━━━━────── 💃💃甘肃·宁夏筹备场 点舞派对场 只要 10 人,点跳好做 日结❗️日结❗️日结❗️ 住宿酒店🉑一人一间 车费满国际惯例 住宿🏠报路费🚄 🈲不是资源公司 注: 欢迎团队单飞加入! ●━━━━━━ ️:18666603174(微信同步 ) 换gogo群➕
Ktv job need girls, there is nothing under the table everything normal just to chitchat with some chinese and drink with them, work is from three to four hours / 1200 to 1500 Rmb Chengdu
江苏句容 日结不压 保业绩 团队大换血,控人数只要6名 补6名BGO 多了不要 🉑比基尼 🉑贴身 不卡龄 日结不压 可保业绩点跳200起 业绩2000➕大哥多 本人同场,出粮准时 ●━━━━━━───── ➠招聘:👙BGO ‼️ ➠薪资:无底2/8 ➠上班时间10:00-3:00 ➠酒店:两人一间(免费) ➠车票:国际惯例 ————带姐妹有🧧! 🚅:进场的私信我[抱拳] 🈲:公主病 鸽子女 抓紧上车🚌营业老店 微信:15349602816
#内蒙古鄂尔多斯 🔥新店,[得意] 本人同场。 ●━━━━━━─── 📮补招:Bgo💃🏻B组 ●━━━━━━─── ➠-待遇:无底薪80% ➠-住宿:宾馆标间 ➠-路费:出勤🈵15天报销 ➠-提成:日结不押 ➠-要求:服装性感、辣妹 ●━━━━━━─────── 控制人数 业绩好做#包捞钱 人均业绩2000+ 可查业绩表 当地独家无竞争 #不内卷 本人同场🙋🏻♀️ V:15219181727
Whose video number and Tiktok can sign the contract for broadcasting? Foreigner video number needs more than 5w fans, and the signing fee will be paid directly Other newcomers come to learn that the minimum guarantee is 8000~15000 💰, Scale OK
⚠️坐标✈️浙江温州点舞场 🔥🔥🔥🔥🌹🌹🌹🌹 ——————————— ①现招优质B组BGo×10人【颜值优先】要求会打野💪💪💪 ②💰无底-2/8开~提成下班结»»» ③酒店公寓包一个月两人一间 【🉑一人一间】 ④业绩可查√路费10天报 ⑤点舞场💰💰逼事少不排练 ⑥🉑️比基尼👙随便穿 【全场一组人】无押金 ☎️联系人:13407029998 💪💪本人驻场»团队和谐 公主病»照骗»资源公司勿扰
新疆乌鲁木齐 市区 #全新集团店即将开业提前报名 ?招聘:bgo ?无底薪 2/8日结 不压 #卡颜,全场一组人 点跳300起,?? 1888起 ●━━━━━━──── ?车费 15天,国际惯例。 ?住宿酒店,公寓。 卡人数(10人),招满即停。 滑雪 旅游 首选 微信:16683220150
出受夜场酒吧群ABgo群 代发 广告 次包 天包 周包 月包 长期合作 优惠 全程可录视频 首次代发18.88含800-1000个群任意时段 需要的老板 私Vx :13507655989
#山西⛳原平 🕵️筹备店 10月1进场 💥急招: Bgo Ptgo. 香槟🍾 💃有底: 400-800 资料定 💃无 底: 2-8开 日结不压 🎊要求:业务不行颜值来凑 服装自由 不约束 🏛️住宿: 酒店 标间 🌏—————————— ☎️VX:18135437789 🈳欢迎各位单飞、组队姐妹加入 🈲公主病、事逼、经纪公司勿扰!
广东茂名化州 全新高空场,小场两家同时开业 bgo,无底2-8 有底400-700 人均2000+,日结不压 本人同场带做业绩 🈲 逼事🈲 鸽子🈲 公主病 🉑 团队合作,🉑 单飞,随时入场 ━━━━━━───── 本号或→🛰️: :Yu-jianmeihao 🈲️资源公司勿扰 谢谢🚫 换高质量BGO群
🌟remote work English native speaker American accent , MALE only recording shortvideos by moblie phone at home we can give the script and example videos , all about Game , very SIMPLE we need 5videos , around 30-45 seconds each video 400rmb each video , 💰2000rmb total please pm me …
山西/太原场 音乐舞蹈融合会客厅即将开始 长期招聘舞蹈舞台剧餐秀演出演员 工作内容: 负责每天节目流程演出,休息时在化妆间后场,每天3-4场演出,每场15-20分钟没 有经验的公司都会提供培训,不收取任何一分钱 岗位要求: 1、身高164以上,体重110以下,可微胖,年 龄18-28岁,身高体重比例条件优秀也可以放宽要求。 2、每天上班5-6个小时左右 3、要求舞蹈专业,舞台表现力强(这个是重点) 有自信且有责任心能服从公司安排 4、对化妆品不过敏、可以适应高 薪资福利: 1、外地来的可报销路费薪资待遇: 2、底薪工资300-400/天+50%提成+包吃住+五险+出勤满奖励(满28天算全勤) 3、包吃住,宿舍环境优美1-2人公寓,空调热水器洗衣机冰箱,家电齐全 4、月休 2-4天,可调休 月底进场,准备自己擅长的月底进场演员还补15个
代发:绿色歌酒单: 需要礼仪模特6名,要求净身高168以上+时尚漂亮、五官端正,工资日结价2000-2500能接的宝宝,发模卡,绝对的绿色正规,报名➕微信674197813
!!! foreign teacher needed in Hangzhou Vocational College Salary 16-17k+3khousing, summer vacation is half paid Requirement: Require professional international trade, e-commerce, cross-border e-commerce, candidates with relevant working experience or teaching experience Work visa provided Person to contact: Will Wechat: 15845942007
Motorcycle advertising PV video shooting requirements: Candidates requirements: Two foreign-faced males, 174-180 height, well-built, do not need to be acting, do not need to be a model, do not need to be able to ride a motorcycle (we have a professional rider as a substitute) just need to take off …
City: Beijing When: October 10 Type: Fitness Equipment Photos Need: Young White Male Requirements: Usually exercise, no tattoos Portrait rights: 1 year Please send model card + introduction video + price WeChat: Jessicagongzuo
City: Beijing Time: Set the person and set the time Type: Information Stream Video Requirements: Foreign women around 40 years old, no skin color required Requirements: Good spoken English Time: 2 hours Please send model card + English introduction video + price WeChat: Jessicagongzuo