WeChat API fully operational
The WeChatJobs API will be turned off this weekend (11th/12th January 2025) due to high server maintenance costs.
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😘 江西萍乡急招比基尼👙 ⛳️ 顶级夜店 点舞场 日结 全场70卡 👑 无底薪28 🦄 业绩场内人均3千业绩🉑查 💋 住酒店: 🉑一人一间 🍬 车费报销 大哥多多 ●━━━━━━────── 💃💃安徽省六安市市区 招聘:BGO可比基尼👙 待遇;无底薪2/8 结算:日结 平均业绩2000+ 住宿:小区套房 酒店 路费:天半地全 欢迎单飞姐妹(全场一组人) ●━━━━━━────── ️:18666603174(微信同步 ) 换gogo群➕
Shanghai shooting, we need a young female model, around 25 years old, youthful and energetic, young and beautiful, with graphic works, 700-800/h. Please contact me when you have time
抖音江苏探店视频招募 【平台】:抖音 【产品】:五星可复美品宣(药店,非硬广,只分享自用感受) 【达人类型】:主页要有人物出镜的,需要出镜口播 【粉丝数量】:20W+800 【呈现形式】:探店视频 【投放时间】:国庆后,10月发布 地址:江苏益丰 报名:https://www.wjx.top/vm/YdsJA6V.aspx# 小红书美妆直发博主招募 1、平台:小红书 2、产品:美妆产品 3、账号类型:美妆,颜值 4、粉丝要求:1k+ 5、合作方式:非报备70 6、档期:选中就发 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/rQgnCqy.aspx#
小红书西宁市探店博主招募 1、平台:小红书 2、产品:酒店探店 3、账号类型:美食,酒店探店 4、粉丝要求:1w+ 5、合作方式:非报备1300(包含差旅) 6、档期,10月9日 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/hawBs9d.aspx# 小红书手持好物达人招募 品牌:某奶制品 粉丝量:5000+ 费用:100元(送价值150+元产品) 达人类型:手持好物类 合作方式:原创图文 执行时间:10月 报名链接:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/mtH25OL.aspx# 养号不易,打扰请踢
湖北场/山西场/南昌场/河北场 合同:(2个月起步)可以先签到年前 进场时间:10.5~10.10 补女舞蹈演员60个,身高163 古筝,琵琶,阮,长笛,二胡,小提琴,大提琴 女歌手4名 男舞蹈6名178 舞种:现代/民族/爵士/古典/拉丁等,有超强的学习能力及不断突破自己的勇气 待遇:8000~15000 住宿:酒店标间/三室一厅 路费:500以内单程路费 薪资: 由基本工资,根据岗位享有高温津贴,住宿入住WiFi空调宿舍 准备资料: (1)近期全身生活照和演出照、证件照一张或近期模卡一份 (2)1/2分钟个人舞蹈视频 (3)自我介绍视频1个(介绍内容:姓名,年龄,身高,体重,毕业学校,舞龄,出发地,籍贯) 咨询先请先发摩卡,舞蹈视频,不发资料不回复
Working in Guangzhou 【Outdoor】 Time: after National Day(2 days) We need the following models: 1⃣️White female model, aged 18-28 2⃣️White male model, aged 18-28 3⃣️Black female model, aged 18-28 Video+graphic works! Shoot for 4-8 hours ⚠️ Can you ride a motorcycle? Please leave a note ⚠️ Price: 500RMB/hour, 【travel expenses …
10月2号和3号 陈思成组 需要前景人数 25人~年龄 25-38左右 发模卡自我介绍视频定人 群演195人~ 学生群演 年龄段16-28岁左右 报名要求 头发颜色黑色,无纹身美甲,不要黄头发美瞳美甲,学生形象 群演发素颜照片,身份证照片(电子版最好)! 定人拉群回复 新人欢迎推荐 拍摄现场 武昌司门口音乐学院
Nantong Notice One day of filming from 10.6-8 requires 1-2 days of rehearsal, followed by one day of filming for a situational drama with foreign actors who can speak Chinese and have acting skills. cost 💰 500/h Reimbursement of travel expenses in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai Mocha Hair ➕ video …
Огромнейший набор в театр в городе Харбин ,нам нужны абсолютно разные артисты Старт репетиций 25 октября ,старт работы 15 ноября Предоставляют рабочую визу , перелет в две стороны ,проживание по двое в комнате , на питание выделяют 600 юаней , контракт на 1 год ❗️ 1️⃣4 девушки классический балет ,рост …
四川资中 招聘bgo 火爆城市待遇好 跟本人同场,长短期,过度都可,无竞争 日结不压 80-85 管理轻松无压力 联系方式:JIEY000111
Guangzhou:Hey looking for black skin female model for shapewear shooting/video ,4+h ,if u free end of this month pls send me ur underwear cards.1000per h ,no transportation.
guangzhou:looking for a female model 25-30years old who has good looking and shape body for body shaping products shooting,pictures and short video ,500/hour
only beijing model Beijing october 10 dumbbell picture shooting need 1⃣️muscle man 25-35age,without any tattoo 💰5000-7000/10hours
Hangzhou, one day between 5th-6th, October. furniture indoor photo shooting, need a female model, about 25-35 years old. From nearby city only. If you are available, please send me Amazon style model card(if you have)+ price
院线电影,11月开机,需要16-7岁女演员 会动作的。主要角色,合适联系 福特汽车广告10月8号 有没有三胞胎小朋友,推荐 4-8岁, 男女都可以 横店拍:10月月初 小男孩小女孩,8–13岁左右!形象好一点的! 有时间的老师发资料、
Beijing shooting A foreign white female model is needed for flat shooting, Shooting time: Two days from October 9th to 11th, Shooting cycle: Two days, 6-8 hours per day Shooting cost: 500 per hour, Nationality requirements for models: Middle Eastern model actors from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, …
Shot in Guangzhou. On one of the days from October 6 to 10th, female models are required to shoot yoga clothes and down jackets (a small number of videos need to be shot), outdoor scenes, good figure and advanced sense. Price 500/H, 4-6h. Send card to WeChat:d080703
长期招聘兼职摄影师(男女不限)不需剪辑 拍摄地点:广州 拍摄内容:拍摄信息流视频为主 预算:800–1k/8h包餐水 +V发作品资料ZWN960719 可换全国群
Beijing single 10.6-10.9, one day shooting singer MV requires a female dancer in her 20s who specializes in Latin dance. Both Russia and Ukraine are available ⚠️ Sign up for a model card, self introduction video, and dance video 💰 Within eight hours. cash settlement
5th Shanghai TVC shooting needs a white male looks around 50 years old . Must can play drums 🥁 . Pay tickets.
Shanghai International High School Position: Art teacher - Graphic & Fine Arts Location: Gubei, Shanghai Start Date: ASAP Salary: 28,000 to 30,000 RMB depending on experience + other benefits to be discussed with the candidate directly Job Details: -Teach Pre-A, AS and A Level Art and Design course focused on …
Short play shooting Short play shooting, filmed in Qingdao, started on October 18, is expected to be filmed for 6-7 days, requires foreign actors, actors and actresses, light skin, visual age of 18-30, good-looking, standard figure, acting experience or Shoot short play。 Sign up for actor profile + self-introduction video …
‼ ️🎬✅ around October 9th, Zhengzhou shooting short play, need foreign actors and actresses, Europe and the United States, leading roles, supporting roles, spoken English standard, shooting 6-7 days, transportation and accommodation expenses are arranged by the crew, please contact me to register, please send your actor information
On October 8th in Hangzhou. We need 15 foreign girls. Height above 168cm. Golden hair. Work for 3 hours. Work content is coordinated with live streaming. Interacting with the audience. slick chick. Payment will be made immediately upon completion of work.
ASAP NEED DANCERS FOR SANYA CITY 🌴🐚🌊 WHO IN CHINA AND CAN BE FROM ABROAD: 10 girls and 10 boys 6-month contract 5 shows per day 1 day off per week 3 meals, 2 fly tickets CONTACT ME, FOR MORE INFORMATION