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Hello, fellow teachers. I am looking for a teacher to take over a small-group private gig. Details: - Location: near Tangzhen Stn., Line 2, Pudong District,Shanghai - Student Level: Basic to intermediate English. Requirements: - Native English speaker - Teaching experience Schedule: - Saturdays or Sundays, mornings and/or afternoons - …
演员需求:拍摄内容:东南亚司机一名 拍摄时间: 明天和10月5号,拍摄地点:北京 具体要求:身高年龄不限,有一点东南亚气质 联系方式:微信同步18611296622
29th afternoon Guangzhou shooting video need female model, 3h-4h. speak english. send card,english video.
Zhangjiakou activities need foreign string band, the band should have flute, Beijing reimbursement travel, have resources private me, sign up to give me information
We need a foreign wind band to come and work in China. You can come from any country. Anyone who knows, please contact me.
🌏 河北 石家庄 ⬇️ ●━━━━━━───── #新店开业国庆开业# 💃招聘:BGo ✅可长期 可过度 日结 💰无底 2/8开 不押 🐮400万营销团队 💰业绩平均每日2000+ 🏠住宿 酒店2人一间 🚅路费 15天报销 🥇本人驻场,个人经济可合作,事儿b 公主病 经济勿扰 ☎️发财热线:15263139391 vx同号
[庆祝][庆祝][庆祝]现江苏景区需 ①钢花舞龙一组11人 ②火焰刀,火魔方,水火流星1位演员 一专多能的优先[庆祝]吃住行都包,給价高、出粮准、一手项目带资料来谈、资料通过✅可马上进场、欢迎推荐(茶水奉上🍵) 👉🏻海南乐园招募男女舞蹈演员
Foshan Shunde. On the 11th, small household appliances shooting, we need a female baby about 1 year old. and a female model with the feeling of a fashion style mom.Accept the model in Pearl River Delta region.
Shooting in Guangzhou, looking for a female teenager with a height of 156CM-166CM (do not post if height does not match!!!!) 1. Black skin or wheat color are both acceptable, accepting explosive heads and dirty braids, preferably with personality and coolness; 2. Middle Eastern white skinned (can be Indian or …
📍江西新余市区 #(不卡年龄) ➠招聘: BGO 💃🏻5名 ➠薪资:无底薪80% ➠工资结算:日结不压 ➠宿舍:酒店标间2人一间 🛰️m18656627007 ☎️15212985672 #服装自由 。#全场一组人
最火🔥兼职来了,各位小仙女们来报名, 1、要求18-28岁的女生,身高学历不限,礼仪模特,舞蹈艺术生优先 2、时间10天可赚💰3w~10w 3、全程包来回路费,不影响红工作学习 4、介绍人代理返5k~1w+,纯绿色项目,无色请! 5、报过名的女生也可以来评估一下价,一手直招价💰高! 报名参加滴滴我💁🏻♀️:ivf66680
广东东莞百万点舞场🆘 直招:Bgo 多名)无任务指标 无底薪2/8提 日结 住宿:公寓(一人一间) 💰工作轻松,专心搞钱 👗服装自由,风格不限 人均2000+业绩可查 本人同场 Vx:19124262725
Shooting recently in Shanghai (The Bund) Shoot a video of restaurant Need foreigner model Sent materials and a quotation
安徽巢湖银河大舞台 招聘女舞蹈15名,要求身高163+ 擅长古典民族舞 ,形象好,开朗,懂点直播更好 5.5k /6.5k月 +提成 (下午排练拍摄宣传,晚上演出直播卖货 非常轻松) 要求进场时间 ❗️越快越好随时❗️ /合同到2月起步 车费报单500以内 周休一天 管吃管住,工作轻松! 💕项目《敦煌艺术中心》 地址:湖北 进场时间:10.15号之前 岗位补录: 男舞蹈8k 杂技2人10k 古筝,琵琶,阮,长笛,二胡,8k~1k 女舞蹈12名,8k~1k 女歌手1名8k~10k 要求: a、男舞蹈1名180以上(主看颜值) b、杂技2名,性别不设限,两人能合作完成一个节目就可,柔术,力量型的都可 c、乐器类多人,性别女,可组组合 d、女歌手各一名,身高163 住宿:民宿酒店标间/三室一厅 准备资料:摩卡,自我介绍视频,专业视频,资料定人,定人速度,随时进场! 咨询先请先发摩卡,舞蹈视频,不发资料不回复,公主病,大爷病的勿扰.黑中介勿扰,欢迎优秀舞者各大领队带资源合作,有资源的欢迎合作浅谈! ️以上带资料咨询
Need 1 professional FEMALE MODEL for winter coats OUTSIDE shooting. 4+ hours. MODEL CAN CHOOSE THE DATE. PM ⚠️
广州单 需求:30-40岁女中模 找有生娃经验的女中模,口条清晰,有感染力的,拍摄亲子以及备孕日常,口播 每个月长期需要 800一天,根据演员档期而定 欢迎合作
【9. 30 Shenzhen🎬 work🎬 Shooting】 9. 30. Need high-profile foreign couple models actors approx. 11: 00 - 17: 00 6 hours. Require a male model and a female model or actor 1300 💰 / person : high degree of cooperation, high value of face, full time professional Sign up and …
Sz , on 29th , TikTok video Looking for 2 male acting bodyguard, price 2000/day.(have 2-3 short line ) Who are interested send : card + introduction video + your works
#跳不完根本跳不停 #潮州高空业绩店#平均2000起步 急缺bgo 坐等bgo捞钱 #人性化管理 百万营销团队 #独家一组人不内卷 #日结不压 住宿高档公寓 招聘:Bgo 2/8(纯,不抹不压) 肉多狼??少 #再补五个停招 服装自由性感为主#不卡人 比基尼 欢迎各路野王 能玩能燥颜值选手(本人驻场) 欢迎姐妹组团 经济甩人 联系wx:13687487973#跳不完根本跳不停 #潮州高空业绩店#平均2000起步 急缺bgo 坐等bgo捞钱 #人性化管理 百万营销团队 #独家一组人不内卷 #日结不压 住宿高档公寓 招聘:Bgo 2/8(纯,不抹不压) 肉多狼??少 #再补五个停招 服装自由性感为主#不卡人 比基尼 欢迎各路野王 能玩能燥颜值选手(本人驻场) 欢迎姐妹组团 经济甩人 联系wx:13687487973
Sanya city park job Near the sea. Need a 5 people dancers team. 3girls + 2 boys Need have 4-5 show and costumes. Every day maximum is 5 show Each show 5min 1 day off / week Work time: now is after 2-6pm. If holiday need puls night 7-9pm And …
Chongqing City: Foreign Actors Wanted! 1. Foreigners/Asian Americans with exotic customs 2. Currently residing in Chongqing and having time to participate in filming (may require 2-3 hours on weekdays) If you have time, please send me your recent photos and personal information via email: 1547223703@qq.com Or add me on WeChat: …
Notice from Shenzhen: The promotional video for October 2nd requires a female model with a full figure and needs to speak a few lines. Please provide a quote and send it to Mocha ➕ video ➕ works
Do you want English Teaching Job in China, you must need TEFL and TESOL certificate for that. We can provide you the application Services of TEFL and TESOL certificate. TEFL/TESOL Certification application process is authentic and genuine. ✅ Fast processing within 3-4days only ✅ Accepted by all ESL companies ✅ …
Urgent recruitment of full-time foreign teachers Job Position: Training Center, Kindergarten, Primary School, Junior High School, High School Working hours: 5 days per week Class time: 16-22 hours Salary provided: 18-43k for native language foreign teachers, 12-28k for non native language foreign teachers Start job time : September October (or …
Movie shooting in Beijing on October 2nd or 3rd need: -1 White little boy about 10~13 years old with blonde hair -1 Black little boy about 10~13 years old Interested dm me asap for more details. ‼️Based in Beijing only