WeChat API fully operational
The WeChatJobs API will be turned off this weekend (11th/12th January 2025) due to high server maintenance costs.
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Help a friend forward 17600192217 (don't add me) Beijing shooting, salary 2000 a day, European male about 40 years old, black male about 35 years old, sign up to send a model card video nationality WeChat: 17600192217.(Do not disturb if you are not in Beijing.)
12外籍演员6男6女要求,要去舞蹈功底强,一男一女两主演要求会唱歌,舞种:康康,弗朗明戈等,女身高170-175面容姣好 男180-190 肌肉肌肉线条感强 国籍不限白种人,可招募一男一女黑人。要求同上。
work-1: need men models shooting casual men's clothing, A mature, stronger model、golf action will be a priority, 💰( indoor + outdoor shooting 8h+(photos and videos)800h, if you are free, please send me a model card, thank you
Guangzhou menswear underwear needs black skin or white skin male model height 178or above exercise fitness body type muscle line strong sign up please model card + underwear picture Wechat thank you!
Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Looking for a black-skinned model with this figure. price:600-1000/h date:11.1-11.15 If you are interested, please send me your model card or add“kakaxin2333”
I need a female model on November 1st to shoot home products, which will take about a day. Ningbo.
广州全职通告 我们公司需要一位长的像外国人的男模,最好是新疆人!年龄在30岁左右,净身高180以上 笑容甜美,气质出众,看起来绅士一点,身材好肌肉发达,帅气英俊潇洒,会讲中文懂普通话,要懂表演有拍摄经验的! 工作内容:拍摄短视频➕网络直播,每天工作4-6小时,中间有休息时间,月工资待遇是3w,月休2天,每隔10天支付一次工资💰 提供膳食和住宿,出门有豪车接送,住在别墅里,高端大气上档次的生活! 如果您有兴趣,请与我联系[Rose],名额有限仅需一位!合适的请发资料!欢迎转发推荐谢谢[Rose]
Qingdao Notice Video shooting on November 4th and 5th Brown skinned curly haired male and female foreign young models in need of sports type Budget 800/h, expected to be 12 hours/day (Excellent quote price) Registration meets the requirements of materials, introduction video, and advertising works (in cities marked nationwide)
需要一个阿拉伯国家的国家的演员,男女都要,20-40宿舍左右的,演员可以是北京,上海,合肥等地的。 有合适的发下模卡,视频,作品,备注所在地和国籍 微信1406651060 Need an Arab country actors, both men and women, 20-40 dormitories or so, actors can be Beijing, Shanghai, Hefei and other places. Have the appropriate send down card, video, artwork, note location and nationality Wechat 1406651060
Qingdao this Thursday or Friday need one white female(20-30 years old) shooting for scooter, contact me if u have time
Shanghai: 1. School location/city nature: Shanghai Baoshan District Kindergarten 2. Native/non-native language and skin color: Native white 3. Visa: Cultural and educational visa 4. Gender: Female 5. Teaching student level: 4-5 years old (no more than 20 students per class) 6. Expected start date: Early November 7. Salary range and …
‼️Don't add me,add my new account. 6⃣️Guangzhou job(no pay transport) Tomorrow 23th,sex health care products Company promotional photos and video shooting,need a female model as doctor role.Need have business suits.💰600/h,shooting 1 hour. Send your card+city ‼️Copy this post,Send your card to my new account 19270378871
招 14 个舞蹈演员 6 个男的 6 个女的 2 名黑人 身高女生 168 以上 身高男的 178 以上 会唱歌优先 剧院演出 管吃管住路费报销 工作签证 工资 10000+ We need 14 dancers 6 men 6 women 2 blacks The height of the girl is 168 or above Height male above 178 Ability to sing is preferred Theatre …
✔Cuban/Filipino female singer Casting ✔ Location:Chongqing ✔Requirement: Female singer sings along with the accompaniment of the song✔Conditions: free room ,free food,free ticket,free visa ✔Start:2024.12.18 ✔Long-term contract 📲Please open the OPH to view the details of the offer, build your own home page, you can see more information about the offer
Shooting in Hangzhou🎬 Product: glowing fishing line, one day of shooting RMB: 2000 You need to be a male model, you don't need to be very handsome, we just need you to be a foreigner. You can contact me if you are interested. It's a very interesting job.
job hangzhou city end of October movie need 5arabia actors 5extra pls add wechat
1. School location/city nature: Qingdao Jiaozhou City Training Institution 2. Native/non-native language and skin color: Non-native with good white pronunciation, experienced in training 3. Visa: Visa can be arranged or self-managed 4. Gender: Female 5. Teaching student age group: 3-12 years old 6. Start date: As soon as possible 7. …
小红书广州赛车电音节传播招募 平台:小红书 要求:小红书图文供稿直发/原创图文(营销号通稿信息分发传播)给到报备和非报备的价格 账号类型:赛车、音乐、生活号、资讯号(广州地区优先) 预计发布时间:10月25日 反馈时间:10月23日12点前 费用:非报备费用1000-2500 报备费用3000-6000 返点50% 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/Qw01QX7.aspx# 抖音广州赛车电音节传播招募 1.平台:抖音 2.合作要求:抖音视频需要剪辑二创给 到走星图和不走星图的报价 3.账号类型:赛车、音乐、生活号、资讯号(广州地区优先) 4.预计发布时间:10月25日 5.反馈时间:10月23日10点前 6.费用:非报备费用1000-2500 报备费用3000-6000 返点50% 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/PAYatcG.aspx# 养号不易,打扰请踢
招募标题:小红书江苏徐州美食探店博主招募 2、产品:烧烤店探店 3、账号类型:美食探店(徐州本地或附近城市) 4、粉丝要求:1k+ 5、合作方式:非报备图文/视频探店 7、合作费用:200(提供吃喝) 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/tpxPMZH.aspx# 招募标题:小红书江苏美食看图写文博主招募 2、产品:烧烤店探店 3、账号类型:美食探店类 4、粉丝要求:1k+ 5、合作方式:看图写文 7、合作费用:50 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/YMvHJNJ.aspx# 抖音地区颜值探店类达人招募 2、产品:医美团购 3、账号类型:北京、上海、广州、深圳、杭州、长沙、武汉、重庆、成都探店颜值达人 4、粉丝要求:50W+ 5、合作方式:报备21-60S 6、执行时间:选中即执行 7、合作费用:星图自报价,返点60%优先合作 8、要求:需挂团购链接,车马自费,素材授权含电商不少于6个月 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/OUI0gtD.aspx#
B【浦东幼儿大班数字】学员信息1. 学生年级:幼儿园大班2.辅导科目:数字3.一周几次,具体时间:一次 周一/周二16:00之后4.对老师要求:有幼儿启蒙数字经验 最好会蒙氏数学,价格400到500一小时.小区地址:锦绣东路云间绿大地 A【闵行四年级数学】四年级,数学,一对二,一周一次,周日下午12:30-14:30,兼顾应试也可以培养思维学习习惯的,一对二600/2h 地点在闵行程家桥路附近,老师提供地点 B【浦东六年级英语】六年级英语,家长拼班,小班课浦东繁锦路附近,价格500一次,一次2小时,周日下午4:30-6:30,家长们还是需要找有上国外教材经验的,想着老师讲讲语法,然后追加课外阅读,类似国家地理教材,男女老师都可以,一周一次,优秀的老师,价格可以协商
1. School location/city nature : Guangxi Yulin Language Training 2. Native/non-native language and skin color: Non-native (not too dark) 3. Visa: Self-responsible 4. Gender: Unspecified 5. Teaching age group: 3-12 years old 6. Start date: As soon as possible 7. Salary after tax and accommodation: Around 12K (accommodation negotiable based …
✔Chinese/Foreign Female DJ Casting ✔ Location:Lanzhou five star hotel ✔Date: 2024.12.31 ✔Time: 21:00-01:00 ✔Conditions: Out of town can provide Free airfare, free accommodation, free food 📲Please open the OPH to view the details of the offer, build your own home page, you can see more information about the offer
🏠Shandong Zibo English Institute(AD) Native speaker Visas: Work visa Gender: Male Students: 6-18 Arrive time: asap Salary Range and Accommodation: 20 K-26K (Accommodation provided) Working Hours: Wednesday - Friday 2: 30-8: 30 (Weekends), Weekend 6 H two days off Benefits: statutory holidays Other: English major is preferred, have language training …
🏠 Shenzhen Longgang International Kindergarten (AD) Native speaker teaching visa Gender: unlimited Students: 3-6 years old Arrival time: mid-November Salary range and accommodation: 23-25 K after tax Working hours: 7: 40-12: 40; 2: 30-5: 30 Benefits: 5K living allowance in summer vacation after a contract year, and half salary in …
🏠International School in Changping district, Beijing(CI) NATIVE speaker Visa: work permit Gender: Unlimited Students: 12~18 years old Arrival time: As soon as possible Salary range and accommodation: 20k~30k before tax + free accommodation + free meal Working hours: Monday to Friday, two days off Welfare: Statutory holiday benefits, insurance, paid …