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‼Don't add me,add my new account. 3⃣️Gz job(accept model from any city) Date depends on your time,clothes photos and videos shooting,need ①a female model ②a male model accept any skin color.💰700-1000/h. Send your card+city+price ‼Copy this post,Send your card to my new account 19270378871
[爱心][爱心][爱心][爱心][爱心] 浙江金华通告 招聘丝袜、内一写真模特 500-1000一小时 ❤要求:女生,身高163以上 身材形象好,18-33岁。 不拘束,放得开 ❤地点:金华市区 ❤要做请加微信 vx123456jinhua ❤工资拍完结清,有无经验均可 不拍脸,每周都有拍摄,长期短期合作均可,保证安全和隐私。不做不要加 [爱心]只招女生 非诚勿扰! 报销路费
上海通告 11月25.26拍两天,中外童模都要,高质量的,江浙沪地区,太远的不要 中模外模:运动类型的 1.各一男一女:身高130, 2.各一男一女: 2-3岁,要质量好的。 预算: 中模:500/小时,4小时起 外模:700/小时,4小时起 摩卡,视频,作品视频,运动类型生活照片多发几张,运动视频,发全资料,可以打包(坐标一起打包) 有下面哪个号发哪个号 qydance2017(🈵加不进) qigege122(🈵加不进) qigege12211(可加)
South of Chengdu part time teacher wanted native speakers near Dayuan Park.Sihao Square,Tianfu erjie. 5-10 minutes walking distance from Dayuan Station Line 5 English language teaching Monday~Friday 6:30~8:30 p.m Saturday ~Sunday 10-12 a.m 1-5:00 p.m 4-6kids in a group 7-12 years old 300-350yuan/hour please contact me wechat:jennyzheng2013
上海本地拍摄(器材产品) 需要3个男生模特,4个女生模特 要求:女生身高160cm以上 男生身高170cm以上 需要长相类型:混血,新疆异域风情的少数民族骨架感比较强也可以,肤色都可,上镜感不能胖, 模特视觉年龄20-35岁之间都可以 拍摄工作内容简单轻松,有无经验均可。 拍摄时间:需要长期合作的。每个月都有拍摄 拍摄时间可协商。每次拍摄3h 费用:1000 报销路费 (更优质的价格可再议) 有意向的报名发资料
📍山东济南周边(一小时车程) 最少一个月起步 舞蹈演员10个,163➕ 无责底薪8000-9000按专业角色分 包住酒店或公寓两人一间 📍山西长治 招聘女舞蹈演员 要求:女生163➕,拉丁爵士民族古典均可 室内演出,工作轻松,环境待遇佳,加我发摩卡 (资料作假劝退不包路费) 换群➕我
北非突尼斯市法语/阿语/中文口译项目(信实翻译公司) 招募人数:1人 项目语言:法语/阿语/中文 项目时间:2024年11月4日-15日(每天8小时) 项目地点:北非突尼斯市 工作内容:协助国内审计机构与客户的口头沟通(中阿互译),以及审计资料过程翻译(中法互译) 应聘要求:精通三语;有审计相关翻译经验优先考虑;在突尼斯或附近优先考虑,国内出发如签证赶得上也可以(客户承担交通住宿)。 [嘿哈]麻烦微信直接投递下您的:简历➕11月4日-15日突尼斯口译项目+报价xx元每天+兼职信息来源+现居地 【微信联系】①如已加HR1-Alice可直接咨询,不要重复添加; ②18102756561(HR2-Mary)
#广州视频拍摄 (室内基地拍摄) 时间:11.6号。3年肖像权。 要求如下: 需要国外白人外籍, 一家三口角色,爸爸妈妈,小孩子男女不限。 一堆情侣外籍演员。 1:男外籍演员2位:30-35岁,身高178cm-180+cm,价格:3000/10小时。超时均价。 2:女外籍演员2位:25-27岁,身高170cm,价格:3000/10小时。超时均价 3:小演员外籍1位:5-6岁,男孩女孩都可以,价格2000/10小时。超时均价。 要有演技,无台词纯演绎 只要珠三角地区的外籍演员,外地无差旅。 # Guangzhou video shooting (indoor base shooting) Time: 11.6. Three years of portrait rights. The requirements are as follows: We need white foreign nationals, A family of three roles, mom and dad, children of both sexes. A bunch …
shanghai--can from shanghai or nearby 1 day from november 15.16.17 The filming of appliance brands has a storyline. ①black/dark skin 👨🏿male 30-35yo.dad role ②mom role. Like Middle Eastern women 30-35yo ③mom role. white or tan skin. from Western Europe or the United States 4h or more. maybe indoor+outdoor. 500per h
🔔ASAP VACANCIES🔔 1.Chengdu kindergarten English teacher Location :QIngyang District Salary:20K-24K before tax Housing:1500RMB Paid holiday: winter and summer fully paid 2.Chengdu kindergarten English teacher Location :Jinniu district Salary:20K -25K Housing:1500RMB Paid holiday :Holiday Half salary 3.Chengdu kindergarten English teacher Location :Gaoxin District Salary:20K-25K before tax Housing:2000RMB Paid holiday: Holiday Half …
1. Luzhou Kindergarten 2. Native speaker 3. Visas: teaching Visas 4. Gender: Not limited (25 - 40 years old) 5. Professor intake: 2-6 years old 6. Availability: Dec. 10 7. Salary range and accommodation: 22k ~ 27k after tax + 1500 / month 8. Working hours: no more than 40 …
1. Name: Simone Ray Woods 2. Gender: female 3. Nationality: South African 4. Age: 57 5. Degree/major: BA Communications/English/Anthropology 6. TEFL/TESOL: yes TESOL 7. Teaching years: 6 8. Current city: open to all 9. City preferred: Chengdu 10. School type preferred: Kindergarten or other 11. Student age preferred: no preference …
In early November, a short video was shot in Shanghai, and young white actresses and native English speakers were needed. 600 yuan/hour, 4 hours to shoot, send model cards and English oral video.
Hangzhou needs one female foreign model, European and American white, to collect portraits for AI digital live streaming, pet related, requires a portrait authorization, female, under 30 years old, young and energetic. Building 1, Yunteng Silk Road Center, Xihu District, Hangzhou, will arrive at 14:00 on November 1st, and it …
[愉快] 1. Native Foreign English teacher Location:Wuhu Anhui province Salary:18-23k School type:Training center Student age:2-18 years old Provide visa Arrive date:Asap ------------------------------ 2. Female preferred (who can say some basic Chinese) Assistant and English teacher to Chairman Location:Chengdu Salary:15-23k Trading company Provide visa Arrive date:Asap 3. Native Location:Qingdao Salary:17k-23k School …
Hi recruiters [玫瑰]I am a music teacher and I need a job in Shanghai [害羞] thank you
@所有人 深圳地区 需要1位外籍演员 男 年龄40+ 欧美 会中文 配合度高 配合电商直播卖货和拍摄短视频,预算600/h,4小时。 Shenzhen needs a foreign actor, male, aged 40+ European and American, with a high degree of Chinese cooperation, to sell goods and shoot short videos live with e-commerce, with a budget of 600/h and 4 hours.
In Shenzhen, I need a person aged 50-60 to shoot TikTok videos, regardless of gender. If there is a suitable one, please send me the information. Welcome to recommend your friend to me. I will reimburse the high-speed rail expenses in Guangdong Province 💰 400/h 5h+
Wenzhou region 2 foreign models Black and white male models can be tall and not too thin, interactive, muscle is the best, will take off clothes and wear aprons, 2 pm - 5: 30 pm. Budget1000
Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province. Recruitment of female teachers, regardless of color, tutoring 9-month-old twins (a boy and a girl) English enlightenment education, about 12,000 yuan, one day off a week, can provide accommodation and visas
Notice of the Heilongjiang Desert National travel reimbursement Type: Product video advertisement Time: I will write after the actors request Address: Mohe, Heilongjiang Province A three-year authorization for portrait rights is required. 1、a 30-year-old female, gentle and intellectual, with a sense of designer, Russian preferred (600/h, 11.3 day shooting) 3, …
🎁今日上新爆品❗ 💰26.9 单人设计师洗剪吹 ✅藤野造型烫染接发 http://dpurl.cn/NmuLBA4z 💰59.2 白场3小时欢唱 ✅星聚会KTV http://dpurl.cn/JhIOiPnz 💰59.5 喜汤·生活馆【门票】 ✅赠送「HiBar」特饮1杯 http://dpurl.cn/2OMNgmKz 💰69 60分钟全身按.摩 ✅好享来按.摩推拿 http://dpurl.cn/16k15Jfz
‼️#苏州吴中区全新场30号开 -点跳200起,锁1280起 -招聘:点跳女BGO数名 -苏州市场好,业绩好出 -不卡年,服装性感为主 -无底2/8,日结不押 -住宿酒店标间免费一个月 -路费出勤15天,500内 ——————————————— ‼️#苏州常熟百万捞金点舞场 -点跳300起,业绩好做 -招聘点跳GOGO 3名 -可比基尼,可贴身 -市场稳定,管理轻松 -业绩3000—4000市场好 -无底2/8,日结不押 -住宿酒店免费一个月 -出勤满30报天地500 ——————————————— ‼️#云南香格里拉全新场29号 -独家组,控制人数,业绩好出 -点跳200起,大哥多多多多 -市场稳定,管理轻松 -招聘:💃点跳女GO数名💃 -无底1/9,日结不押工资准时 -住宿酒店标间,路费15天 ———————————————— 以上均是长期合作店 经济公司,鸽子女勿扰 联系工作号VX:15881021237
🌟🌟🌟 **Working Location: Wuhan!!!** 🌟🌟🌟 **Products:** Paddle boards, chainsaws, fence trimmers, high-pressure washers, etc. 🎬 We are looking for a female model from Central Asia, West Asia, the Middle East, Europe, or North America who is currently living in Wuhan.🎬 **Rate**: 50-100 yuan/hour (long-term cooperation, with potential for rate increase …
📷Qingdao Video shoot [爱心]Time: November 1 - November 5(One of those days) [爱心] Location: Qingdao(Beijing Shanghai Travel Reimbursement) 💰Price: 500/h(Shoot for about 8 hours) [爱心] Need:Need an actor, 25-40 years old, handsome ,have beard, must be able to speak Chinese, have lines. [爱心] Material:Model card + self-introduction video + work …