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Shenzhen shooting : Looking for one white or black female model for electric products shooting next week . Age 25-35 yrs old . If u r interested pls send (‼️one model card➕ one introduction video‼️ )to me . ⚠️don’t send too much ⚠️.
上海11月5日品牌服装拍摄,需要国内140身高男童一位,要有经验的,仅限江浙沪出发。 报名发模卡+自报价+所在城市。
Shanghai high-end sales office needs a foreign housekeeper, long-term work, work in Yangpu District, if interested can contact me! Guangxi Beihai needs foreign black mermaids, you can also be in China or abroad, long-term contract, interested in contact me! There are foreign girls who want to find a Chinese man …
i need a model(boy ,girl both ok) for shooting in changsha around 10th in November(shooting date can according model free time),i need wheat color skin and often have gym body,price 600/h,work shoots time over 6 hour.thanks
8th Nov. Gz tvc Coffee machine Looking for male and blond hair female models Business style. 30-45yeats old. Have Business suit and business clothes. Two years image right contract 500-600per hour 4h minimum.
1 bei jing city. line 6. cao fang subway station . a training center needs a female part time teacher after 6 pm to 8pm on monday and thursday. 4 to 5 classes per week. salay 150rmb per hour. we dont care where u are from. but need good accent. …
Qingdao Circular, No. 11.5 Qingdao Photography Electrical Appliances, portrait use right worldwide for one year. I need a Japanese actress, aged 25-30 years old, 600/h 7200/12h@all
Shooting address: Nanjing Shooting date: One of the days from 11th to 15th. Shooting content: Lighting product promotional video Model Requirements: I need an actress, young, height 170+. Budget: 500/hour, starting at 6 hours. We accept reimbursement of fares in Jiangsu, Hangzhou, Shanghai and other nearby areas. If you are …
Notice of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai Filmed in Shanghai on November 12th Shoot Baidu short video I need a foreign man with white skin.Male actor Cost 1500/4 hours Registration information: video + photos
12.20 A foreign band is needed for a parade performance at 2: 00-9: 00 p.m. Three games with one and a half hours.
We need male models, bartenders Beauty activities 11.23 Hangzhou Male models 12:30 to 21:00, welcome the guests to the runway, wearing a suit. We also need a bartender, a fancy show
Shenzhen this Sunday 3rd, female external model, blonde hair, can apply light makeup by herself, with experience in jewelry shooting, cost 600-700/h for shooting for five hours
Shooting in Hangzhou on November 4th Middle-aged foreign woman who speaks English Interested friends send me information
📍Shanghai indoor game video shooting(with lines). Need around 30 years old female. (need to play Mom rule) ‼️Only native speaker. 🔈 ❗️Only white yellow and brown. ❗️Only Shanghai or nearby area. Time: 11.4th or 11.5th 4➕h. If you are interesting, send me ur model card and self introduction [抱拳]
小红书旅行/购物/高端消费/好物分享/生活记录账号招募 1、平台:小红书 2、产品:银行卡 3、账号类型:旅行/购物/高端消费/好物分享/生活记录 4、粉丝要求:1000-10000 5、合作方式:原创图文or视频 6、执行时间:12月-1月 7、合作价格:300内自报价 8、要求:平均数据过百 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/he9qwAL.aspx# 招募标题:小红书北上广深杭 成都 南京好物分享博主招募 1、平台:小红书 2、产品:某团居家检测服务 3、账号类型:好物分享 4、粉丝要求:1000+ 5、合作方式:非报备图文 6、合作费用:非报备千粉+150以内自报最低价 万粉+200以内自报最低价 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/OQdgJlO.aspx# 养号不易,打扰请踢
小红书职场,金融财经,省钱攻略达人招募 1、平台:小红书 2、品牌产品:资金保 3、发布形式:报备 原创 图文/视频 4、粉丝要求:1000+ 5、账号类别:职场,金融财经,省钱攻略 6、单个预算:报备价格4500内,返点要求40+ 7、投放时间:11月15日之前 报名链接:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/tUTPGaa.aspx# 小红书教育类母婴亲子博主走报备招募 1、平台:小红书 2、产品:英语辅导书籍 3、账号类型:教育类母婴亲子类博主 4、粉丝要求:5k-10w 5、合作方式:原创视频走报备下单 6、执行时间:11月-12月 7、合作费用:报备视频费用1w内 报备返点50%+ 8、要求:发布内容保量6个月以上并免费授权品牌账号使用 报名链接:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/YD3NJIH.aspx#
Hangzhou, 11.6 ❶Need a boy around 6 years old, video shooting, and a global portrait for one year. 500/h, at least 4 hours. Note your city. ❷25-year-old actor, one-year global portrait, 500/h, at least 6 hours, remarks about the city.
National need for models: Swedish or Norwegian male model, shooting treadmill, can reimburse travel expenses, must be both countries, speak Swedish or Norwegian language, preferably have muscles
#广州视频拍摄 (室内基地拍摄) 时间:11.6号。3年肖像权。 要求如下: 需要国外白人男女外籍,2男2女。一位女小孩,年龄4-7岁的都可以。女孩子外籍。 1:男外籍演员2位:30-35岁,身高178cm-180+cm,价格:3000/10小时。超时均价。 2:女外籍演员2位:25-27岁,身高170cm以上,价格:3000/10小时。超时均价 3:小演员外籍1位:5-6岁,男孩女孩都可以,价格2000/10小时。超时均价。 要有演技,无台词纯演绎 只要珠三角地区的外籍演员,外地无差旅。 # Guangzhou video shooting (indoor base shooting) Time: 11.6. Three years of portrait rights. The requirements are as follows: We need foreign white men and women. Two men and two women. A female child, ages 4 to 7 years old. …
🎬🎬🎬🎬Shooting In hefei Need 1 young male model For clothes shooting Shooting According to model free time [拥抱] Nearby cities can apply provide tickets Send me your material asap Thankyou
guangdong donguan:tomorrow nov 1st shooting need MOM model,and BABY(2month-1year old around ) 4 hours
抖音浙江周边,衢州,建德,瑞安探店达人招募 品牌:某啤酒 地区:浙江周边,衢州,建德,瑞安 达人类型:美食探店达人 粉丝量:1w+ 合作方式:星图招募一口价 预算:1000内包含餐费(只要求啤酒类型,餐食自选) 数据要求:点赞均三位数 档期:选上立即执行 报名链接:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/e1BcJkE.aspx# 招募标题:小红书大学生职场数码博主招募 2、品牌产品:intel酷睿处理器 3、账号类型:大学生垂类、数码类、职场类、自由职业者 4、粉丝:1w+ 5、合作方式:原创图文不寄品合作(贴图或实拍) 6、档期:11.11之前 7、价格:报备价格5w内返点45% 8、要求:1、给到保底播放和互动(需要确保能达到) 2、贴图需要自己网上找如下机型素材,实拍需要自有机型: 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/wF1vg2L.aspx# 养号不易,打扰请踢
小红书美妆类KOC招募 2.要求:主页干净 3.时间:11月 4.内容:美妆直发 5.粉丝:万粉+ 6.费用:100 报名链接:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/QB2x7Ym.aspx# 小红书萌宠猫咪博主招募 合作内容:某品牌猫咪情绪舒缓剂 账号类型:萌宠猫垂类 账号粉丝:不限 合作形式:原创视频 发布档期:11.17-12.12 合作费用:报备价格1W内 发布链接:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/PQcxQg4.aspx# 小红书生活分享达人招募 产品:某品牌益生菌,铁维C 达人类型:生活分享(不要那种全是广子的号) 粉丝量:100-5000内 费用:80 合作方式:看图写文(二创) 执行时间:11月 报名链接:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/hqjLY9T.aspx#
shenzhen KG jan- 2025 campus 1: Locations in shangtang metro station longhua district,, Shenzhen City in Guangdong Province.Qualifications: need 2, homeroom teacher position. job requitments: a) Native English Speaker from: US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland. b) Major in early childhood education or other related field preferred c) Two …
Guangzhou Notice: December [shooting clothing] Need a male model, 10-16 years old, 150-160cm Price: Self-quoted Send me the information