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Shenzhen. Recently Live streaming need 2 male students as background. Around 6hrs Only need students or no professional model thx.
Shanghai shooting: Toy shooting on November 4th, looking for mixed race or foreign male and female babies aged 4-8 months. If there is a schedule to send materials, only those from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai regions are available. Thank you
Shenzhen Kindergarten Part-Time 1- Bao'an District Kindergarten Nov 11th - 15th, 5 days Experience Required 2- Nanshan district Kindergarten Nov 11th - 15th, 5 days Experience Required WeChat: Agent_Katrina
European professional music band looking for job. Now in China. Singer and guitarist female duo. [Beckon]🎸🎙️💃🎶
@所有人Beijing announcement: One girl was needed to shoot the glasses advertisement on November 14. They are about 20-28 years old. Beautiful and elegant. Please send me the information card photo + video self-introduction + work video. Travel reimbursement in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai Price 700/yuan/hour
北京 11 月 7 号,拍摄数字人采集,需要男40岁左右像乔布斯感觉的, 预计拍 8 小时
Nanjing school need bilingual Teachers: 20-38k per monthSONAL SPECIFICATIONS ▪ Considerable and demonstrable experience of teaching iGCSE English (A Level preferred). ▪ Flexible with a willingness to teach across Key Stages. ▪ Open to feedback and actively willing to participate in professional development on a regular basis. ▪ Consistent professional …
Nanjing school need Math teachers( prefer from UK 20-38k per monthTERNALCOMMUNITY Promotes excellence, equality, collaboration, and high expectations for students Represents the school’s values in every interaction with students, parents, and colleagues Acts as an advocate for the school in the wider community Parent Survey / …
Nanjing High school: Roles and Responsibilities - Teaching and Learning •To plan, prepare and deliver an academic English Literature programme which facilitates an active learning experience for all students, in line with the mission and objectives of HTNIA •To assess, track and evaluate levels of progress and provide feedback to …
Filming in Guangzhou from November 14th to 18th Shoot for two and a half days Photo+Video Black boy, 6-10 years old Price 600h If you are interested, please contact me
🆕Dalian Intl. Preschool 🍁 📍Dalian, Liaoning province 👤 ESL Teacher Needed Now 🗣 Age Group: 4 - 8 years old 👫 Working Days: Weekdays Only Hours: Under 40 hrs a wk 🤷🏼 Class Size: 18 kids max w/ 2 TA Benefits: Paid Holidays 🌴 Health: Medical Insurance 🏥 Salary: 16k …
@All Free Booths Available if you want to sell something(Jewelry, Crafts, paintings, secondhand, fortune tellers, food and drinks). We have a big market next weekend, including Raffles city mall, Testbed, The Ovel, Incity Mall. This market is sponsored by Alibaba so it’s totally free, tables,stools and light are offered too. …
📣Xuzhou(in Jiangsu province) need 2 female models and 2 male models to join a high-class custom-made furniture store’s opening ceremony 🫶🏻need to shooting pictures in the store and do 2 times catwalk. Only works 1-2h, and other time can rest in the store. The date is 11.16, and💰1500/day Only Nanjing …
Band work On the 8th, a 4-piece band is required to perform English songs at the hotel. Time :6:30-8:00 Venue: Shangri-La Hotel, Wuhan Sign up to send photos and videos
Guangdong(OUTside Need: A female model Shoot wedding dress Requirements: Around(bigger than this is better) Bust 85-86 Waist 62-64 Hips 94-95 Price: 700/h (8-10h)
(Nationwide registration and reimbursement of travel expenses) Working in Beijing on November 5th Technology glasses/sunglasses will arrive at Beijing Fitting on the 4th Job Description: Video ➕ Picture Photography A young, handsome, and cool model or actor with white skin 500/h for at least 8 hours (requires signing of portrait …
llll[InLove] [#湖北·宜都] [InLove]llll #全场一组#本人驻场#业绩可查 -急补:Bgo💃 #业绩2000➕ -无底2/8,日结不压 -住宿酒店,车费30天报 -工资准时,跑步进场的来 -欢迎单飞,空场姐妹滴 联系VX:17587873747
🇧.上海通告 全国报销,备注坐标 11月23-24拍,20或21定妆 拍运动品牌,6个月内要没有拍过运动品牌,要签肖像协议 角色1,女篮球运动员15-20岁 角色2,女篮球运动员14-22岁 角色3,资深篮球运动员16-22岁 角色4,女足球运动员11-14岁 角色5,网球运动员男女16-25岁 Cny演员 1,两个孩子7-13岁,运动类型或者正常演员都可以 2,女中锋篮球运动员16-18岁 3,男足球队11-15岁(12人) ⚠️需要6个月内没拍过运动品牌的 摩卡或者简历,自我介绍视频,原相机生活照片8~10张,比赛视频和运动视频(运动员要),资料打包一起发全和坐标,备注角色 素人运动员提供下面资料: 名字 身高 体重 鞋码 出生年月日个人简介: 坐标 照片5~10张 篮球或者足球视频 比赛视频 自我介绍说下个人简介:最好说一下关于运动的内容,比如:什么时候参加球队的,有没有参加过什么比赛学校的比赛也行,要大概录一下 有下面哪个号发哪个号 qydance2017(🈵加不进) qigege122(🈵加不进) qigege12211(可加)
Gz: Looking for plus-size female models to shoot clothes, if you are, please contact me, thank you! (only Guangzhou, Shenzhen )[抱拳][愉快]
大项目,13-18岁女孩,会芭蕾舞的,戏好的形象好的,主要角色,联系我呗,欢迎推荐, 大制作月底开机,超一线演员,8岁女孩,戏好合适联系,
公告代发2500群,高质量通告群主转让200个。 出VX;模特类好友6800位
坐标 广西 南宁 招B组gogo 数名 无底 28日结 不压 服装自由搭配 新手小白可带 不卡年龄 团队和谐 待遇准过姨妈 下班结 可过渡-可长期 点头像
‼️#湖南邵阳(全新场) 【THIRTEENWOLF十三狼】旗舰店筹备招募中……11月5号 重金投资90卡全新双厅+包厢招聘:点跳女Bgo💃数名 定位:点舞场 ,服装自由搭配 产品:点舞300起 🔒1280起 待遇:无底2/8日结不押 有底:500-850提成45% (捞完最后一波回家过好年) ———————————————— ‼️#江西宜春(全新店)50卡 -点跳:300起,独家组11月8 -招聘:点跳Bgo数名,控人数 -待遇:有底500—800双日结 -待遇:无底2/8,日结不押 -住宿:酒店标间,环境优美 -报销:路费报销,天半地500 ———————————————— ‼️#湖南郴州全新高端商务场 -点跳300起,🔒1280起 -招聘:颜值GOGO数名 -待遇:无底2/8,日结不押 -服装自由搭配,禁比基尼 -住宿酒店,可单可双(优) -路费国际惯例,该有都有 -住宿酒店,可单可双 ———————————————— 联系方式:15881021237 ↑↑↑加上面微信↑↑↑ 🔜欢迎空场姐妹预约进场🔚
需要招聘工人的老板领导联系我 [握手]求职:后八轮维修工,小车钣金工,英语翻译,仓管,收银员,服务员,碎石机维修工,焊工,出纳,文员,统计,精装修木工,水电工,模板木工,安保(退伍军人),钢筋工,电工,瓦工,吊车司机,牵引车半挂车司机,挖机操作手、推土机司机等 厨师求职目前有厨师数名,面点师,川湘菜,家常菜,东北菜,西北菜,海鲜,烧烤、员工餐,招待餐,火锅师傅等, 有招工需求的老板领导联系☎️13949850031微信同号 换群~换群…