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#杭州•桐庐 #全场一组#人均1500➕ 💃急聘:Bgo 💃 💴待遇;2/8 日结不压 🚅车费30天500内全报 #住宿宾馆免1个月 👗服装:性感为主 ●━━━━━━ 🌍 #浙江•金华 #全场一组#全新捞金场 💃底:2—7 压五日结 💴无底;2/8 日结不压 🚅车费5天500内全报 #资料定价#照片勿扰 ●━━━━━━ 🌍 #广西•桂林 #不🈲18 #旅游县城(生意爆满) #全场一组#人均业绩1500➕ 💃急补:3名Bgo 💃 💴待遇;2/8日结不压 🚅车费1个月天500内全报 👗服装:性感为主 ●━━━━━━ ☎️17587873747(微信同步) 换群买群软件直接添加 (备注来意)
Beijing (no ticket) Six male and female actors over the age of 35 with good spoken English are required. Shooting content: Recording a promotional video for a delivery company. Shooting date (any day in November is fine) Price :600h Sign up and send me a model card and a video
【Party】 🎉 「AURORA」Night 之 “和弦本垒”|11.09 周六 @ 3X3 Bar 当音符跳跃在空气中,你会感受到内心的共鸣,仿佛整个世界都在为你跳舞!🪩 忘却烦恼,释放压力,让音乐成为我们的疗愈良方。🌿
Gz job:Looking for a female models around 172 cm height next week.Sports wear shootig.S size.No tattoos.Let me know if you are free thx.700+
Phnom Penh, Cambodia needs foreign female singers, sing 5 songs every night, need to accompany clients to drink, work 6 hours, live in villas, interested in contact me! Shanghai: Time: One of the days of 13.14.15, starting from 4 hours, requires 3-4 actors and actresses, Requirements: English pronunciation must be …
Foreign female model Time: November 9, 16:00-21:00 PM Address: Huangpu, Guangzhou Requirements: Display products, wine events Price: 1000💰
河南演绎 底薪8k➕ 需160➕舞蹈演员
Pay ticket from Sh nearby city Sh tvc need young style female and male models 14-17 one day, send me card and tvc video ,WeChat 445221870
#广州海珠琶醍bgo 有底500-700 无底日结不压 本人驻场 每天爆满 月入10万 上班自由,全场120个营销,点跳不维护 点舞300起,人少无竞争 [Beckon]yan77-owo #广州天河棠下bgo 15号开业,无底日结不压 服装自由-生意火爆 [Beckon]yan77-owo
Sh tvc need young style female and male models 14-17 one day, send me card and tvc video ,WeChat 445221870
北京通告[Packet]拍摄快手 数字人,明天7月6号拍摄 需要年轻男女,确定能签授权的不能签勿扰,费用500 预计半天结束 提交资料只需带货作品 或者口播作品即可 加一个模考一个自我介绍 打包资料不接收分开发 微信qq1800138157福
天津: 后天7号在津南区室内+室外拍金融类信息流,需 1⃣️视觉年龄感20-30岁男演员,阳光帅气 2⃣️视觉年龄感20-30岁女演员,身材好 ♨️以上演员要求普通话标准,无明显纹身,有信息流作品 💰500/8小时(北京报销差旅费) 请发摩卡+介绍视频+信息流作品 微信:18910121242
On December 24th, Beijing, a foreign male actor with a beard and older age is needed to dress up as Santa Claus and distribute gifts in a shopping mall. The working hours are from 17:00 to 21:00, and the cost is 2000 yuan per person. If you have time, please …
拍摄单 拍摄地点:杭州 拍摄日期:11月23日 模特要求:外籍或混血小模特,男女不限,身高:90cm - 100cm 拍摄时长:4小时及以上 价格:请模特方自报 Shooting Order. Location: Hangzhou. On November 23rd, a foreign - nationality or mixed - race little model is required. Either gender is acceptable. Height: between 90 cm and 100 cm. The shooting duration is at least 4 hours! Please quote your price.
重庆地区 需要2名外籍男模特 需要4名内地男模特 12月中旬下午-晚上(具体时间未定)活动走秀 展示美妆套盒产品+合照 ,报名加微信Lyyla212重庆地区 需要2名外籍男模特 需要4名内地男模特 12月中旬下午-晚上(具体时间未定)活动走秀 展示美妆套盒产品+合照 ,报名加微信Lyyla212 "Chongqing area needs 2 foreign male models and 4 domestic male models for a fashion show event in the afternoon to evening of mid-December (specific time TBD). The event will showcase beauty product sets and include a group photo. …
小红书广州 深圳 佛山 东莞线下颜值达人招募 1.产品:某医美店 2.达人类型:颜值(美女) 3.合作要求:报备图文 4.粉丝要求:无 5.价格:平台价500左右(送黑金超光子嫩肤、牛奶酸、舒敏之星、超皮秒) 6.返点:35+ 7.地址:广州 深圳 佛山 东莞 8.要求:只要颜值高的美女,如果不能去线下的话,要求数据好点的,价格一样,定了勿鸽 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/mHNHWy8.aspx# 抖音快手koc达人招募 1.产品:某聊天软件 2.达人类型:娱乐、软件分享 3.合作要求:原创视频 4.粉丝要求:无 5.价格:300 6.要求:感兴趣的细聊 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/Y7J0n2v.aspx# 养号不易,打扰请踢
抖音,小红书苏州颜值类达人招募项目 2.账号类型:颜值 3.粉丝量:1w+ 4.合作形式:原创视频/原创图文 5.费用:抖音原创视频1000内 小红书原创图文800内 6.博主要求:要求苏州地区颜值达人 男女皆可 7.档期:11月10号晚上 https://www.wjx.top/vm/w9Ph7LR.aspx# 小红书素人招募 1.产品:某软件 2.达人要求:颜值类 3.粉丝要求:100+ 4.合作要求:原创图文(就发几张自拍就可以) 5.价格:50 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/mNHWgm6.aspx# 抖音母婴、奶爸类博主走星图招募 产品:婴儿奶瓶 合作方式:原创视频走星图 费用:星图费用10w内 返点要求50%+ 要求:需要挂车,发布视频授权品牌免费使用3个月 报名链接:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/e9dBR0I.aspx#
Macau job : need 6 sexy female model can dance and 2 muscles male model, date: 2024.12.30-31日 working time :21:30-01:00 (Rehearsal on December 30, 2024 and official event on December 31, 2024.) price:2 days Total 4000 BRM per person Hotel and transportation reimbursement. if you are available, contact me and …
本公司团队承接:亚马逊 沃尔玛 乐天 temu otto manomano wayfair chewy TK抖音多平台各类型测评单、美国[Rose][Rose][Rose]、加拿大[Rose][Rose][Rose]、英国[Heart][Heart][Heart]、德国[Heart][Heart][Heart]、法国[Rose][Rose][Rose]、意大利[Hug][Hug][Hug],日本[ThumbsUp][ThumbsUp][ThumbsUp]优先推送高权重买家。 1.真实买家搜索关键词下单,货比三家,严谨审查买家账号,安全系数高,速度快 2.留评率稳定90%以上 ,货比三家,熟悉规则 3.承诺100%真人测评,拒绝一切自养号和机刷 4.接单留评,免评,店评feedback,rating单,红人视频,站外推广。 5.支持PP自返 可提供到货图 抽查与买家聊天记录 6.新品没流量-测评! 商品来差评-测评! 商品没好评-测评! 商品来差评-测评! 提高转化率-测评! 总之就是测评 ! 诚信合作欢迎各位商家 +我VX咨询:
$3,000 to $30,000 a month Pay daily weekly Monthly Ktv,Karaoke,Club,Bar #Asian Girls #White Girls who can drink and dance Work in #China and Asia entertainment industry 8:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. Telegram: https://t.me/boost/girlsjobsinchinasia Gmail:dylanmeng1989@gmail.com WhatsApp:+86 180 2304 3539 Telegram:+86 180 2304 3539 X:meng_dylan Instagram /Threads :dylanmeng1989
Nanjing city :Need 2 male models welcome guests for event,Maybe we need to open the car door for the guest, I'm not sure yet. . need speak Chinese. Work place in Hotel. ❗️SH HZ model can provide tickets❗️. Date on 25th this month. Available let me know
北京男女主演通告:院线电影🎥男女主未定,主演定了本月初即可北京开机 拍摄地:北京 周期20~25天 女主:金闪闪、1.68-1.72左右,北京女生、海龟、富二代 ,27岁左右、 标准的白富美、过着有钱有闲的生活、因为爱上男主决定一起创业。女主演有高圆圆感觉的最好 男主: 林宇昂、30岁左右,英俊帅气、失业、但决定留在北京希望能闯出一番事业。另外男女主演费用3000元+每人每天,本月8号开机到12号杀青竖屏古装短剧急需年龄20多岁男皇帝主演和皇帝漂亮有气质妃子女主演, 欢迎各大经纪人和演员加我微信15540511907发无电话PPT资料+最近清楚自我介绍视频+横屏作品视频或者其他戏试戏视频,
Shenzhen work: November 7th afternoon needs a business temperament male model, 30-35 years old, the cost 500 / h, sign up to send information to me! WeChat 17820645197
Opening List of Nov. 2024 Haidian, Beijing School Type: Primary School (3 off days per week) Salary: 23,000RMB AFTER TAX as total package including housing allowance Housing or Housing Allowance: N/A Holiday: Paid winter and summer holidays Chaoyang, Beijing School Type:Primary School Salary: 30,000-32,000RMB (total package including housing allowance) Housing: …