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#合肥 顶级全新店 15号进人 第一批人捞金 80+卡座+包厢 独家团队 控制人数 补bgo 10名 无底2/8 隔天结 住宿酒店2人一间 路费15天 ●━━━━━━────── #徐州稳定店 60卡+20包厢 补bgo 5人(控制人数) 稳定2000左右 无底薪80% 次日结 住宿酒店2人间 独家团队 控制人员数量 ●━━━━━━─────── #江苏 昆山稳定点舞场 补bgo 模特12-15 野王3000+ 服装不限制 无底薪80% 次日结 住宿酒店2人间 ●━━━━━━─────── 联系微信:18704761995
Casting Call: 3 Older Boys Needed for Short Drama in Beijing (Tomorrow) We are looking for 3 older boys to join as crowd extras for a short drama shoot in Beijing tomorrow. Details: • Roles: Crowd extras (no speaking lines) • Number Needed: 3 boys (a bit older) • Location: …
📍Wuhan new club ‼️opening soon ✅salary 13000 who in china ✅11 000 who at home ‼️young and beautiful white girls dancers. ✅Agogo💃💃💃 ✅work visa ‼️6 month ‼️only girls ✅single room ---------------------------- 📍Guangdong 💃💃2 girls for work in park ASAP❗❗❗❗❗❗ ✅work visa ✅1 year contract ✅9500 RMB ✅4 days off Who …
Shenzhen (Only) Around November 15th, we need three male and one female experienced actor models to shoot a video advertisement for a company in Shenzhen. Duration: 7 days (approximately 6 hours per day) Sign up and send me the materials. I will contact you if the customer is sure.
--High School Teaching for Feb 2025 Guangzhou Haizhu广州海珠区 District School Guangzhou Haizhu广州海珠区 District School Guangzhou Haizhu广州海珠区 District School Type: International school Requirements: 1. English native only 2. Bachelor degree or above 3. At least 2 years teaching experience or above Student Age: 12-18 years old Subject: English (Speaking and Writing) …
all city pay Tickets Fuzhou Kempinski January 9, 12: 00-18: 30 4-piece band with female lead singer ➕ A female DJ (not Ukraine and Russia) free pls add me
American accent girl need job on 14, 15 working in Shangdong province JiNing city Online shop Short videos work DM your model card and introduction video please
Card Game TVC Guangzhou The first week of December 1. Housewife: Middle aged female aged 30-45 2. Couple: Middle-aged couple aged 30-45 3. 2 female customers, middle-aged African American women aged 30-40, with a full figure 4. 25-year-old young mother 5. 1 medical staff, male, black, aged 30-40 6. 1 …
Ningbo shooting: 8-year-old foreign or mixed race male and female children are required for shooting at the end of the month. We have a schedule to send the materials. Thank you. Travel expenses will be reimbursed in the Jiangsu Zhejiang Shanghai region. 宁波拍摄:月底拍摄需要8岁的外籍或者混血男女孩子,有档期发资料,谢谢,江浙沪地区报销路费
Shenzhen (only) Around 11.15, three men and one woman were needed to shoot a video advertisement for a company in Shenzhen. Duration: 7 days (approximately 6 hours per day) Sign up and send me the materials. I will contact you if the customer is sure.
@所有人 上海单,外地没有差旅 互联网品牌视频广告, 暂定11月14日Fitting 11月15日/16日其中一天拍摄(具体时间后续定) 上海拍摄,肖像:中国大陆,线上全媒体,1年 需要7-8岁的小女孩,价1000(价格含定妆) 报名发卡+自我介绍视频+作品视频
[红包][红包][红包][红包][红包] 1、招聘兼职拍摄模特5名 浙江金华 [红包]日结2000-3000 1️⃣要求:女生,身高163以上 2️⃣身材形象好,18-33岁。 3️⃣.地点:金华万达广场. 4️⃣.联系请加微信 vx123456jinhua 5️⃣.工资日结,有无经验均可 需要胆大 放得开 男士勿扰! 报销路费 2、礼仪员4位 身高170以上 身材形象好 金华万达广场活动 一天500 3、舞蹈生1名 舞蹈专业 中国舞 横店剧组拍摄 300一小时 长期提供兼职活动,公主病、巨婴症、鸽子勿扰。
Guangzhou / Shenzhen need both male and female models shooting Amazon normal products videos+photos,only 2 hours,600/h,no travel budget. Date and city depend on model(Only Guangzhou / Shenzhen models can sign up,the shooting can be in your city. One day available between 20-25th this month) Send me cards with this notice. …
Shenzhen sound notice Nov recently need Thailand and Vietnam models ‼️ 🇹🇭ต้องการคนไทย 🇻🇳Chúng ta cần người Việt Nam Speak Thai or Vietnamese Female or Male 💰selfquotation/one day card➕intro➕work‼only pay the transfer for Guangdong Contact me if you are interested-kkris999
Looking for a good guitarist Join liveband. Need good guitar skill. Outside China is ok [愉快],6 months or more Contract. 2 days off a months. Livehouse booking. In sichuan province
shenzhen job: Height: 120-130cm Male and female child models. Please send me the information about clothing photography.
kindergarten vacancy for non-native speaker looking for female English teacher Necessary Documents: 1.bachelor degree (legalized at chinese embassies or apostille) 2.No criminal record(legalized at chinese embassies or apostille) 3.TESOL or TEFL 4.Recommendation letter showing that the applicant has two years of experience in teaching English 5.physical examination *English teaching visa …
llll[爱情] [#浙江·永康] [爱情]llll #永康市区#全场一组#高空 -急补:Bgo💃 #业绩可查 -无底2/8,日结不压 -住酒店🏨,车费30天报 -工资准时,跑步进场的来 -欢迎单飞,空场姐妹滴 联系VX:17587873747
→横店演员← 竖屏短剧 15号开机可能延迟 谢鸢/叶灵(女主):本是民间医家之女,略懂医术,涉世未深天真烂漫,在父母双亡后和姐姐叶婉儿相依为命。却因怀有身孕的阿姐叶婉儿被当朝盛宠的薛贵妃凌辱致死而性情大变,进入皇宫之中步步为营誓要扳倒薛贵妃为阿姐报仇。【分饰】楚云归:淑妃,贤良淑德,眉间一点朱砂痣。一心向佛,皇帝萧宸煜白月光。 萧宸煜(男主):皇上,猜忌多疑,与楚云归青梅竹马,楚云归死后所选嫔妃皆与其神似。 V + banmengahui v+ 15246745690 养号不易 各大群主勿踢 可以互换演员群
Shanghai Men's skin care Product shooting (video + plane) Best height 185+ Fresh, sunny, handsome, high-grade looks, temperament ❗️ overall model needs good skin not to look greasy ❗️ don't send me bad skin Have shot men's skin care related commercials preferred Need to interview +fitting (time to be determined, …
Shenzhen NoticeTwo men and one woman (foreign nationals)Type: Corporate promotional video(Technological innovation, artificial intelligence, green energy)one ️⃣ Male:Two foreign men aged 30-40 (preferably fluent in Chinese)Physically robust, with a business elite temperamenttwo ️⃣ Female: ForeignForeign girls with good image and temperament are sufficientHeight around 170, no tattoos, hair dye, nail …
Job notice 🎥: In the upcoming days , Need a white male ( Russian or European) of age around 40-45 years old can speak Chinese for the movie shooting , have some lines in Chinese. Don’t need professionals as the budget isn’t high. People from all over china can apply. …
This group also has a pimp who basically wants to employ prostitutes. And say they are KTV workers.
Shandong Jining 14-15 We Need A Skinny Girl To Shoot English Videos .🇺🇸American accent Hours: 6-8h Pay: self quote No traffic or hotel Please send me model card + intro video[玫瑰]
Does astrill or the shoe shop need a teaching job or something?? [捂脸][偷笑]