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(Shanghai Only) French skincare products. We will need to shoot a video for a product advertisement that lasts 1 minute & poster shooting. One female model is required to be between 30-35 years old. Beautiful and tall. The shooting will be in mid-October. 800 / hour.
(1)Guangzhou Oct 17th shooting normal clothes indoor ,white skin #female models,176cm++. 8h-10hrs. 600-1000/h. send card ,posing videos.(but tomorrow 11th must need CASTING.) (2)Guangzhou 12th shooting skin care product #female model,4-8h.400/h. no car no ticket. (3)GZ :tomorrow 11th black skin #man speak Chinese, take photos and broadcast400/h
小红书母婴达人招募 1、平台:小红书 2、产品:奶粉 3、账号类型:母婴/亲子 4、粉丝要求:10w+ 5、合作方式:报备视频/图文1w 返点40+ 6、档期:10月15-10月25 7.备注:寄送,孩子三岁以下 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/tpP8Njx.aspx# 小红书上海IP淘宝双十一预热活动KOC达人招募 1、平台:小红书 2、品牌产品:上海IP淘宝双十一预热活动 3、发布形式:线下打卡图文/视频 4、粉丝要求:K粉+ 5、账号类别:类型不限,近十篇有小爆文的都OK 6、单个预算:报备2500内,返点45+ 非报备400内 7、执行时间:10月中旬拍摄,十月底发布 打卡地点在城市地铁口附近,有多个打卡地 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/mBPvXHT.aspx# 养号不易,打扰请踢
All profiles received already checked,any more sign up? ----------------- October 12th available,Foshan Shunde need mom role(look like 30-40 years old)shooting Household Appliances,at least 4 hours Only need actors in Guangdong,other provinces no travel budget. Send me cards with this notice.
Beijing filmed TVC on October 18, and it is expected that the makeup will be fixed on October 17. 1️⃣Actor requirements:Can dance hip hop dancehiphopWhite men and women, high sense of modeling 💰💰Reward 6000/12h (including makeup fixing) —————————— I will also take some photos of the actors for publicity, and …
Working in Guangzhou 【Indoor】 【Skincare Products】 Date: 12th We need a young female model around 18-35 years old, 【product needs to be painted on the face】without dialogue, video+graphic works! Shoot for 4-8 hours. Price 400 yuan/hour, 【travel expenses not reimbursed】 ⚠️ Portrait right for 1 year ⚠️ If you have …
BJshoot job.need female actors who Speak fluent English,shoot AI digital humans.2000/no more than 5hour.The date depends on the actor.wechat:xixi941337
Guangzhou shoots car planes A person around 45 years of age is required Recently in Guangzhou A foreign male model or foreign actor with a temperament similar to George Croney Set people and files Send information and quotes to me 500-700/h indoors and 100/h outdoors ➕ Shoot for a day …
Suzhou Need a female model to shoot evening dresses.Only models currently in Jiangsu province, ,Shanghai and Zhejiang province are accepted. More 4 hours. Price:800/h
adjustment direction At the end of October QingdaoTVC advertising Shooting days 2-3 days nationwide casting 1Foreign women; Visual age around 20-25, need wire。 , please note nationality, self-introduction video + work video and departure place. Actor image reference video and screenshots(straight hair/short hair is OK)
17th message chair shooting in Xiamen ,need one female model,age like 45-60,if you are available,plz contact me asap,have a nice evening[咖啡][咖啡][咖啡]
#广州视频拍摄 时间:11号,明天下午, 价格:1500/5小时左右。提前拍完也是给这个价格。 要求: 一位男外籍,广州拍摄口播,需要一个外籍男演员做背景,做背景,无需做什么。 只要广州本地的男外籍,外地无差旅。 # Guangzhou video shooting Time: 11th, tomorrow afternoon, Price: Around 1500/5 hours. That's the price if we finish the auction in advance. Requirements: A male foreign, Guangzhou shooting mouth broadcast, need a foreign actor to do the background, do the background, do not need …
18th massage chair shooting in Xiamen,need one younger female model who can play tennis,if you are available,plz contact me asap,have a nice evening[咖啡][咖啡][咖啡]
Single 1: Guangzhou needs an elderly female model aged 50 and above of the type shown in Figure 1, with a designated person and schedule, who can accept skincare products on her face with a similar appearance to the picture! It's okay, Mom. Can cooperate with the shooting, budget 600/1 …
Shanghai 15 October we need one Young and handsome male singer sing together with one Chinese opera(jingju 京剧)actress together, one song from Rumors(jake miller version) or Treasure (Bruno Mars version), which male singer available please pm me, we need one young look better English native speaker singer,Offer tickets🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫
@所有人Hangzhou Announcement: One man and one woman, aged about 20-25 years old, are needed to shoot short videos of clothing around October 15. Boys are more than 180 cm tall and girls are about 163-168 cm tall.Boys are handsome, girls are beautiful. Please send me information card photo + video …
Beijing In early November 1⃣️we need 2 children aged 6-14 who can speak English fluently for oral broadcasting. 💰at least 6 hours 2⃣️We need an elderly actor to play Santa Claus, preferably with experience in shooting short video games! 💰at least 6 hours 3⃣️We need 1 male and 1 female …
Foshan:25-26th 2 days need a male model shooting. Pics and videos all need. Available send me your model card and video please.
Oct.20th,need a white female(around 40-50years old style)do clothes shooting in shanghai、need as pic style:look high class,if u free and interest,tell me!can from any city of china、give ✈️+hotel
only gz,Oct need a male model do the shooting job,need light- business style,8hrs shooting,800/h,if u r free,send me yourc card and videos,thx a lot
甜禾通告:江浙沪拍摄,需要150-155身高男童 纯外混血都可以,需要14-15号两天有空
招聘女舞蹈偶服戏剧演员!! 路费实报实销单程高铁二等 工作稳定 资料过就进场 住宿:2-4 需求:女舞蹈演员必须150以下 戏剧演员 偶服演员 演出场次:2-4工作轻松休息时间多
ShenZhen job Shooting sport clothes needs a female model. Inside and at least 4hs. Plz send model materials to me. WeChat:2563911779
Announcement for Foreign Female Models in Hangzhou: We are looking for a model to collaborate with a Douyin influencer for video shooting. No lines required; preferably blonde with blue eyes. Applicants must be available for both time slots, as both days will involve shooting: October 14th, from 12:00 PM to …
Shenzhen tvc shooting 24th: Need an actress: Visual age around 20-30 years old: Need an actress who can dance: The best modern dance: Please give me the appropriate information thank you