WeChat API fully operational
The WeChatJobs API will be turned off this weekend (11th/12th January 2025) due to high server maintenance costs.
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1.涨预算,上海通告,外地无差 内衣品牌找无头风模特,定人定档,合适长期合作,发过的不报,要求75B,三围要求见以下 胸85-88/腰62-66/臀88-92 💰800/天内自报价 报名打包内衣资料(没有可以发能看清身材的照片) 2.找长期合作演员,缺女,拍摄社交网站引流平面+视频,无需口播,价符合群规。 报名单独发送生活照10张。
Hangzhou Foreign female models When: January 4 It takes five hours to shoot, pure fun, very relaxed, white actress, beautiful, can speak Chinese, only white actress living in Hangzhou 400/h
4-7 th of Jan Shanghai beer TVC shooting needs male and female dancers ( 4 5 7 must be free ) . Pay tickets. Any skin color ok . Send profile firstly pls . Price can be discussed.
Guangzhou Clothing shot Date: 6th We are looking for women height 170-172cm, shooting 2 hours, if you can, please send me a model card
Shooting in Wenzhou before 15th🎬 I need a little fat and gentle-looking white female model, shooting for at least 4 hours. You can come from Jiangsu, Shanghai or Zhejiang. I will pay for your ticket.
安徽场/山西场 寒假补女领舞舞蹈30名 净身高:领舞女165➕,普通演员163 薪资:9000/月 场次:3场/天 6支舞/场 酒店住宿/三室一厅 🛩️行程所有费用一概全包 点,平时单休 年假探亲假 社保 优秀者🉑晋升领舞主跳,享受领舞待遇 进场时间:11月初 🙋住宿环境:酒店/三室一厅(均配备独立卫浴) ⭐实习福利:实习生可免费盖实习章薪资待遇与正常社招演员一样 浙江场艺术中心 补女舞舞蹈10名 净身高:领舞女163➕ 待遇:9000~18000/月 住宿:四星级酒店 路费:800以内单程路费 进场时间:12.30号之前 🛩️行程所有费用一概全包 点,平时单休 年假探亲假 社保 优秀者🉑晋升领舞主跳,享受领舞待遇 ️鸽子事多 公主少爷病勿扰 ➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢ 应聘请先发摩卡,舞蹈视频,自我介绍视频一份,公主病,大爷病,鸽子女的勿扰.黑中介勿扰 欢迎各团队合作浅谈! +微注明来意
4-7 th of Jan Shanghai beer TVC shooting needs male and female dancers ( 4 5 7 must be free ) . Pay tickets. Any skin color ok
On January 14th or 15th, Nantong, Jiangsu Province, we need a temperamental actress to shoot costumes. She needs a professional and free person to raise her hand. Shanxi Changzhi bar needs 3 foreign girls BGO, if you are interested, you can contact me换群
HANGZHOU looking for a German national actor ,aged Around 40 -70yo .to play as a designer .for shoot of a bicycle helmet indoor,in early January .If anyone available please send me ur profiles.
Shoot in Beijing! Bank promotional video time: September 9th demand: 2 men and 1 woman, Latinx or European white skinned actors. Visual age around 27 years old Price: 500/h (starting from 4 hours)
On the 6th, there will be a costume shoot in Hengdian. We need two young girls, one white and one with a Middle Eastern/Persian look, with an exotic feel. The fee is not high. Private message me.
景区招聘 长短期皆可(过年) 招聘 女舞蹈演员5名 女净身高:166+ 古典-民族-专业 薪资:5500-6500月 景区演出 地点:广东江门古镇 月休四天/ 包吃住行/ 住宿4人间/ 资料通过这两天进场 报名发送:摩卡+舞蹈视频资料+自我介绍视频 联系方式:19815163948(微信同步) 安徽景区招聘 短期---二月底 舞蹈男演员:2名 身高175+ 舞蹈女演员:3名 身高165+ 工资:5000月 包吃住行 单程500额度 古典民族舞专业 场次:1-2场 演出类型:实景剧+散点 报名发送:摩卡+舞蹈视频+自我介绍视频 资料通过这两天进。 联系方式:19815163948(微信同步)
Hengdian shooting A female guest actress from the Middle East (Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Azores, Sudan, etc.) is needed to shoot costume drama in Hengdian. Actor requirements: young and beautiful, good-looking, Filming time: January 6 …
————急聘短期舞蹈演员———— 长期短期/寒假工报名 1、山西融合音乐会客厅 2、上海市中心室内剧场 3、浙江室内剧场 💒净身高165及以上,舞蹈包含;拉丁舞,现代舞,古典舞,中国舞,民族舞,爵士舞,街舞,流行舞等 💒场次安排:一天4-6场 无责底薪9000-12000/月(可按天计算 ❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️
Hengdian shooting We need a white foreign female cast member and a Middle Eastern female cast member for a costume scene Actor requirements: young and beautiful, good-looking, Filming time: January 6 Duration: 12 hours Filming fee: 2500 yuan /12 hours Foreign female special actors who are interested in participating in …
On January 14th or 15th, Nantong, Jiangsu Province, we need a temperamental actress to shoot costumes. She needs a professional and free person to raise her hand.
A GZ:tvc soon shooting tvc need boy 130cm,4h+. B shenzhen shooting indoor printer,need girl are 5 to 7 years old. 4h+. C. Guangzhou 2th live job need 2 old men,50-80years old, speak little chinese. D. Guangzhou shooting clothes,young female model,white skin or tanned skin,177cm+,4h+.
A GZ:tvc soon shooting tvc need KID boy 130cm,4h+. B shenzhen shooting indoor printer,need KID girl are 5 to 7 years old. 4h+. C. Guangzhou 2th live job need 2 old MEN,50-80years old, speak little chinese. D. Guangzhou shooting clothes,young FEMALE model,white skin or tanned skin,177cm+,4h+. send card, video,price. date …
Hangzhou Shooting! Fitting Jan 1 Shooting Jan 3 Need one white male role as student young age 18-25 years old. Should show smiley face 🙂 with photos. Send me model card + intro video + some photos of smiley face + height. Thanks! Only Hangzhou or nearby cities. Thanks! WeChat: …
山东淄博景区招聘短期 舞蹈10女~165➕ 舞蹈10男~178➕ 档期1月15号~2.4号 工资:180一天 档期21天短期 包吃住吃行 -住宿双人间酒店 重庆短期项目 1.23—1.29排练 1.30-2.12演出 12女165➕古典民族中国舞 8男175➕打包3500💰 需要线上面试,本地优先 上班时间下午1点到晚上10点 阶段性演出一天4-6场 管吃住,报销单程路费300以 厦门景区招聘 舞蹈8女165➕8男178➕ 戏剧4女162➕4男175➕ 声乐1女162➕1男175➕ 包吃住吃行 住宿2-4人间 演出轻松 工资准时 报名发模卡舞蹈视频 1.7号定人2月15统一进 河南商丘景区(寒假) 招19男13女170➕160➕ 1月5号~2月底(可三个月) 4500🈷️包吃包住车补300 项目靠谱 古装汉服演出 中国舞 简单面试定人 三个月优先 郑州方特 档期(1.15-2.16)月休四天 补4男👨175(流行舞)打包💰4300 包吃住行往返(机票)高铁二等座 提前三天入场排练(12号入,13,14排练) 长期项目 广东省河源市舞蹈景区景区 招聘五名女舞蹈演员 女生:身高160就可以 场次:一天3-5场补贴 车费:单程500以内 进场时间:一月十三号
上海通告 平面拍摄 需要一个40-50左右妈妈感觉的女演员,形象气质好一点的,棚拍。 拍摄时间1月9号 预算800 拍摄8小时左右 肖像权两年 报名发casting+自我介绍视频即可 一卡一视频不要合并不要多发 外地无差旅谢谢
@Good evening all dear friends:we are looking for kids around 126cm-132cm height for clothes shooting on the 8-10th of January indoor ,pls contact me ASAP if your kids is available!only need Guangdong kids!thank you so much!Wechat:lisazhang8180[Rose][Rose][Rose] 备注:只需要纯外模特
🚨Casting For Indian 2 females and 1 male who speaks hindi with good acting skills in (Beijing) only • Date: 14th January • Duration: 4-6 hours
Xiamen 6th shoothing sports clothes need like young type male model , don’t have beard , work 6~8hours. Other city pay ticket,price 600~800 h. If you free pls contact me.
i seek a publisher to be quite honest but acting can also be fun and enjoyable