WeChat API fully operational
The WeChatJobs API will be turned off this weekend (11th/12th January 2025) due to high server maintenance costs. If you would like to continue using the service or would like to contribute then please contact us directly here.
Shenzhen is currently in need of an American male model to shoot an oral video and play the role of a sports expert. The shooting time is 8H per day and the price is 4000. If you are interested, please contact me
@所有人 汽车Tvc,江浙沪报销差旅,可能提前定妆,拍摄时间预计10.9-10.11其中一天 分别需要一个视觉15岁左右的男孩和女孩,情窦初开的羞涩感,拍摄时无任何身体接触 价1000,优秀可聊 报名发卡+自我介绍视频+作品视频+10张近期生活照 备注文字 姓名: 出生年月: 最新身高: 体重: 鞋码: 所在地:
Shenzhen is currently in need of a female model for shooting belt and knee pads, with a duration of 3-4 hours and a price of 500/H, both indoors and outdoors. If you are interested, please contact me
Shenzhen needs black female models to shoot for two hours in mid-October, and the price is 700 an hour
Guangzhou, shooting furniture, between October 15 and 18, any day, I need an actress who can speak English and is young and beautiful. Please contact me.
September 30 – October 8, Guangzhou Expatriate white female model/actress 25-30 years old, required to speak Mandarin Short video shooting for 5-10 days, 3000rmb per day As long as the Guangdong area Please contact me if you meet the requirements
October 5 Shunde Lecong Furniture Shooting Need a young female model 2000.6h including transportation Please contact me
On October 11th, I need a female model with golden hair and a male model with a slight beard. Shoot home products. Ningbo。
SHENZHEN/GUANGZHOU 🎥New movie (not big one) will need 3 guys in this step later will use extras and feature extras, - one African guy tall and headsome, some lines in Chinese and English - 2 white guys as featured extras Shenzhen job, shooting schedule should be mid of October
[炸弹]Notice:: JOB 1: Date::October 15th Location:Shooting in Guangzhou Requirement: 1. Black male models 2. don't be too thin, body shape is as the picture show below: JOB 2: Date::October 9th Location:Shooting in Shanghai Requirement: 1. Female actor / model 2. Speak Italian, better Italian If you're interested and meet the …
杭州通告,亚马逊家具拍摄需要欧美男女外模各一位2k/天Hangzhou notice, outdoor furniture type shooting ,European and American male models and female models each, no travel ,2k/day
Zong Bao Pictures Announcement: National Announcement Secret big movie shooting, about December to January to start training 2-3 months, and then shooting 3-4 months, "Title Being Kept Secret" is very big and needs a lot of Thai actors and Cambodians. It will be shot in Hainan and Malaysia, Malaysia to …
job1 全国范围找白人混血宝宝和中国宝宝头发一定要好,眼睛大有灵气,身高65-95之间。固定找好看的孩子不限城市。 job2 全国范围找75-83和97-104混血或者中国偏混血感的,10月15日广东拍摄。 job3 广东省内或者周边找95-103混血女孩和男孩,可以接受没有经验的,一定要漂亮有灵气,乖巧听话,外地如果接受无机票的也可以报名,拍摄量大。 job4 需要身高125-140之间女孩,要甜酷类型洋气配合度高要有拍摄经验,只要广东省内和周边。 如果有我微信可以直接报名,如果没有我微信可以加S17727930450 通告号。
Shooting in Guangzhou, middle-aged actors and models over 30 years old, Indian nationality is the best, Brazil, Indonesia can also look, both men and women need, shooting social software advertising, do not need to be beautiful, inexperienced can also sign up, if you are interested, you can send me your …
TV series shooting in Hangzhou in November (continuous shooting for about 10 days). 1. Male actors aged 20 to 25 (to play the male lead's brother) are required. 2. A male actor aged 25 to 35 (to play the main male lead) is required. Actors need to speak Chinese. Transportation …
❌替身❌替身❌ 差旅报销 佛山项目 10月底-11月初开机 身高 178cm 体重 64kg 替身中年男的35-45岁 会演戏 有作品 ➕ 前后 正面照片➕港澳通行证照片 真实身高不得相差 1cm 真实体重不得相差 2kg 预计跟组3个月,如有有想了解的联系我,18001387157小薇
[炸弹]Notice: Date: October 17th Location: Filming in Guangzhou Requirement: A handsome man with a big beard who speaks Spanish, the image is as the picture show. If you're interested and meet the requirements, can send your model card, price and Spanish video.
@REMITTANCE AliPay remittance 💰💴 WeChatPay remittance 💰💶 Chinese bank remittance 🏦💶 MoMo remittance 💰💵 OverSeas Swift Transfer 💵💴💶💷 We pay :- YUAN , CEDIS , USD * Companies * Factories * Suppliers * E-Commerce Payment 🛒 🛍. ( Alibaba , AliExpress , Pinduoduo , 1688 , Taobao ) * Students …
山西太原城市会客厅🛋️ 一、招聘要求:补8名长期女舞蹈演员(只要8名) 二、招聘条件:热爱演艺事业,形象好,气质佳,品行端正,服从管理;舞蹈专业,中专以上学历,18-26岁,身高164cm以上,专业优秀者可放宽要求。 三、薪资福利: 1、国庆期间排练7天(10月1号开始)排练费150 2、正式开始转正底薪300-400/天+加场费,旺季一天不超两场,淡季一天不超一场,享受五险➕年终奖和节日礼物等福利。 3、优越的生活工作环境;演员拥有专业排练厅,免费入住双人间高端影视房标间,免费提供演出服和排练服等。 四、公司直聘,中介勿扰,有意者4️⃣ 诚信合作,鸽子勿扰
October Guangzhou client budget 500-600/h Normal clothes Shooting Need shein style female model Please contact me
shenzhen October 12-14one date outdoor tennis video shooting need 1⃣️ can play tennis 🎾woman 18-40age 1⃣️can play tennis🎾 man 18-40age
JOB Offer: Jeans shooting [Shootiing Location] GZ [Date] October [Model] base in GZ or nearby cities . Tan or white skin foreign female model If you are interested and free please contact me.
JOB Offer: Male muscle artor [Shootiing Location] city 2-3 hours far from guangzhou city [Date] October [Model] base in GZ or nearby cities . Tan or white skin foreign female model If you are interested and free please contact me.