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杭州拍摄找59/66码新生儿、73/80码混血男孩 定人定时间
@所有人 上海单,外地没有差旅,以下是两个通告, 1、8号或者9号定妆,10号拍摄,需要一个5-6岁的女孩,表演经历丰富,长相可爱,价700,一定要配合度高的,可控的, 报名发卡+自我介绍视频+作品视频, 2、新人可,13号短视频拍摄,需要一个视觉15-16的女孩(实际11-16),摩卡视频,生活照,需要录试戏,价300 报名发卡+自我介绍视频+生活照
🎞️ Beijing On October 5th and 6th for 2 days for movie shooting need extra people 1️⃣10 black skin males 2️⃣10 black skin females Need only Beijing local people , don’t provide from other cities, For more information send me your model card and video introduction, thank you 🤝
Notice from Hangzhou Mother and baby brand shooting requires young foreign female models, mature and stable mothers, and prices are self-reported Interested models, please send a model card+self introduction video+residential area Residence in China from October to January or note the months of residence in China Notice from Hangzhou Baby …
Guangshen shooting maternal and child supplies require 3-7 months of foreign babies to register in the Guangshen area
looking for a young girl around 18 to 25 years old, who can play professional teniss for tvc shooting in Shenzhen on 11th, is there anyone please send me your model card + self introduce video+ play tennis videos to WeChat: 15813843167
Guanzhou job.We are looking around 100-104cm and 138-142cm heights boys for clothes shooting of at 11-12th October. ASAP if your kids available( Need Guanzhou kids)!Thx!Wechat lisazhang8180[玫瑰][玫瑰][玫瑰]
院线电影,11月开机,需要16-7岁女演员 会动作的。主要角色,合适联系 文艺电影,参奖作品,11月下旬开机,11岁女孩,13岁女孩, 主演小时候,戏好形象好,合适联系 短剧,9号横店开机,16-18岁男孩,10岁左右女孩,拍两天,女孩要会劈叉,合适联系 央6电影,10号横店开机,8岁女孩,14岁女孩,主演小时候,戏好合适联系
Hangzhou needs a professional female model in late October to shoot clothing. She should be more advanced and mature, with experience in shooting flat clothing. The price is 1000 yuan/h, the shooting time is 6-8 hours, and the travel expenses will be reimbursed from other places
大曾文化 西贝广告(上海优先,江浙沪请备注) 时间:10月18日 地点:上海 要求: 1️⃣6岁左右女孩 2️⃣2-3岁男孩子 要求甜美可爱,性格活泼,有拍摄经验的 报名发我全套资料+作品视频
Guangzhou job One day between the end of October to the beginning of November ,need a female model with big ass, good figure to shoot thong (T-back) , shooting in the hotel, no tattoos, need to sign a 2-year portrait agreement, 1000 / hour, sign up to send me information
Contact me only in Beijing shooting address: Beijing shooting type: MV shooting date: October 6-9, please quote your price on one day. Female, white skin, requirements: you must be able to dance Latin dance. Please send mocha and self-introduction videos and dance videos to WeChat for forwarding. Please contact Kerry …
Fujian clothing shoot, this month 7.8 Need a female outer model, girl sense, youth and vitality Shoot two days, 6-8 hours a day, 600-800 / h, reimburse the airfare and hotel expenses, if you are interested please send your card to me ··
Beijing Notice! Time: October 10th. Money: 2500rmb, 5hurs. Request: white man around 30 to 40yrs old. ROLE TYPE:main roles with 5 or 6 English lines. Brand: car commercial. Wechat:A17310408029 send me ur card+self video+acting videos plz.
Notice of Yunnan: The following actors are needed to shoot the cinema movie at the end of October. 1️⃣Indian men, around 50-60 years old. 2️⃣Middle Eastern boy, age 20-40. 3️⃣Southeast Asian boy, age 20-30 years old. Please send me an information card photo + video to introduce yourself. Reimbursement of …
Guangzhou set up a film set in October, and a foreign child model girl was needed to take the main picture of the dress. ➕ Video, about 2 years old, 4h from the offer, to cooperate with the shooting, send information
Hangzhou Second Round Casting Notice L'Oréal Paris Shooting Time: October 8th, arrive for rehearsal by 7:00 PM, shooting starts at 8:00 PM and ends at 11:00 PM. Please arrive half an hour early, by 6:30 PM. The shooting time will start at 7:00 PM. Payment Details: Payment will be calculated …
各类百科创建,最低300元/个,不成功全额退款!!! 企业,人物,教师,律师,护士,书法家,画家,演员,歌手,导演,网红主播,品牌,产品,酒店,网站,医生,医院等都可以,需要的来!
Shanghai Today from 14:00 needs a white male 180cm+ , do fitting for the actors . Only local .
12-13岁男孩大剧找,戏份重找我要拼图,条件特别好的有片酬 多部大剧筹备角色,特约,新人可带
Shooting video job in Wuhan. Need a man who can speak Indonesian language , and need some foreigners who can speak Portuguese language Payment 700y. ⚠️If you interested please send me you model card or picture.
The 7th and 8th of this month, Fujian clothing plane shooting two days, indoor, to a female model, youth fashion brand fashion sense, reimbursement of air tickets and hotels, 600-800 / h, 8 hours a day, a model card, your price, residence
Notice of Yunnan: The following actors are needed to shoot the cinema movie at the end of October. 1️⃣India, Pakistan, boy, age 50-60. 2️⃣Boys from Middle Eastern countries, aged around 30-40. 3️⃣Boys from Southeast Asian countries, about 20-30 years old. Please send me an information card photo + video to …
全球最大电影拍戏平台,包含剧组导演,制片人,经纪人,全国的剧组,演员筹备 和对接我全部资源,需要的加我
Need a foreign male ordinary person with good Chinese, White, no need for professional models or actors, around 30-40 years old. Be sure to speak Chinese and be able to take Chinese interview shots. Ideally in Shanghai (also in Hangzhou). Please contact me within 4 hours if you are interested …