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GuangZhou 14/15 video shooting 1️⃣ Actress South / South Asian Around 20 Sweet, Good Performance 💰 800-1000/h 2️⃣ Young people Europe and the United States / Southeast Asia / black / white 5 young dynamic 💰 700/h Interested in sending me information. wx:Z-510-Q Welcome to recommend [爱心][爱心][爱心]
Movie Beijing 9.29-9.30 Around 16:00-24:00 at night Need an actor who looks like a picture 2500/8h
Shooting at Shenzhen Airport One of the days from October 11th to 12th outdoor 1. A male actor, aged 20-35, with very few English lines 2. A black actress, aged 20-35, with a few English linesNeed to sign a one-year global portrait rights agreement Price: 500/h, 4h Send me a …
Recently(in mid- October),Hangzhou job We need boy and girl,2-3 years old,foreign or mixed race(Or good-looking Chinese) Please contact me 近期(国庆后),杭州拍摄,2-3周岁的男女宝宝,外籍或混血(好看的中模也可),要求配合度高 请私信发模卡+近期视频+所在地
Shanghai shoots skincare videos Slightly neutral/one man and one woman Interior 600 * 4h+ Just send the model card first/register in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai
演员需求:拍摄内容:东南亚司机一名 拍摄时间: 明天和10月5号,拍摄地点:北京 具体要求:身高年龄不限,有一点东南亚气质 联系方式:微信同步18611296622
29th afternoon Guangzhou shooting video need female model, 3h-4h. speak english. send card,english video.
[庆祝][庆祝][庆祝]现江苏景区需 ①钢花舞龙一组11人 ②火焰刀,火魔方,水火流星1位演员 一专多能的优先[庆祝]吃住行都包,給价高、出粮准、一手项目带资料来谈、资料通过✅可马上进场、欢迎推荐(茶水奉上🍵) 👉🏻海南乐园招募男女舞蹈演员
Foshan Shunde. On the 11th, small household appliances shooting, we need a female baby about 1 year old. and a female model with the feeling of a fashion style mom.Accept the model in Pearl River Delta region.
Shooting in Guangzhou, looking for a female teenager with a height of 156CM-166CM (do not post if height does not match!!!!) 1. Black skin or wheat color are both acceptable, accepting explosive heads and dirty braids, preferably with personality and coolness; 2. Middle Eastern white skinned (can be Indian or …
Shooting recently in Shanghai (The Bund) Shoot a video of restaurant Need foreigner model Sent materials and a quotation
安徽巢湖银河大舞台 招聘女舞蹈15名,要求身高163+ 擅长古典民族舞 ,形象好,开朗,懂点直播更好 5.5k /6.5k月 +提成 (下午排练拍摄宣传,晚上演出直播卖货 非常轻松) 要求进场时间 ❗️越快越好随时❗️ /合同到2月起步 车费报单500以内 周休一天 管吃管住,工作轻松! 💕项目《敦煌艺术中心》 地址:湖北 进场时间:10.15号之前 岗位补录: 男舞蹈8k 杂技2人10k 古筝,琵琶,阮,长笛,二胡,8k~1k 女舞蹈12名,8k~1k 女歌手1名8k~10k 要求: a、男舞蹈1名180以上(主看颜值) b、杂技2名,性别不设限,两人能合作完成一个节目就可,柔术,力量型的都可 c、乐器类多人,性别女,可组组合 d、女歌手各一名,身高163 住宿:民宿酒店标间/三室一厅 准备资料:摩卡,自我介绍视频,专业视频,资料定人,定人速度,随时进场! 咨询先请先发摩卡,舞蹈视频,不发资料不回复,公主病,大爷病的勿扰.黑中介勿扰,欢迎优秀舞者各大领队带资源合作,有资源的欢迎合作浅谈! ️以上带资料咨询
Need 1 professional FEMALE MODEL for winter coats OUTSIDE shooting. 4+ hours. MODEL CAN CHOOSE THE DATE. PM ⚠️
广州单 需求:30-40岁女中模 找有生娃经验的女中模,口条清晰,有感染力的,拍摄亲子以及备孕日常,口播 每个月长期需要 800一天,根据演员档期而定 欢迎合作
【9. 30 Shenzhen🎬 work🎬 Shooting】 9. 30. Need high-profile foreign couple models actors approx. 11: 00 - 17: 00 6 hours. Require a male model and a female model or actor 1300 💰 / person : high degree of cooperation, high value of face, full time professional Sign up and …
Sz , on 29th , TikTok video Looking for 2 male acting bodyguard, price 2000/day.(have 2-3 short line ) Who are interested send : card + introduction video + your works
Chongqing City: Foreign Actors Wanted! 1. Foreigners/Asian Americans with exotic customs 2. Currently residing in Chongqing and having time to participate in filming (may require 2-3 hours on weekdays) If you have time, please send me your recent photos and personal information via email: 1547223703@qq.com Or add me on WeChat: …
Movie shooting in Beijing on October 2nd or 3rd need: -1 White little boy about 10~13 years old with blonde hair -1 Black little boy about 10~13 years old Interested dm me asap for more details. ‼️Based in Beijing only
JOB 1️⃣ Gz male model shooting for skin products, around 10-15th October ne day ,3-8h , requires can Speak Chinese, every month 4-6 times , pls text me if u can WeChat 445221870 JOB 2️⃣ 18-19th October Foshan Ceramic exhibition need 2 male looks around 30-50 years old , as …
①杭州通告: 包差旅全国可报 10月08日-14日网红短剧开机拍摄5天需要2位主角男女主(包差旅) 要求:年龄18-30岁形象好气质佳,演技好,有爆款请备注 1.5k💰/天(包饭) (一口价无超时费) 报名发资料(笔记🉑)带坐标 ②杭州通告: 包差旅全国可报 10月05日-9日网红短剧开机拍摄5天需要2位主角(包差旅) 需求:男女主,年龄25-35岁 形象好,气质佳,演技佳,有爆款备注 3k💰/天(包饭) (一口价无超时费) 报名发笔记作品+带坐标 报名带通告备注1还是2还是都报
📸Notice❗️❗️❗️ 📍Address:Guangzhou (Costume shoot) 🗓Date:October 1⃣️ 👶🏻Baby boys and girls:80cm ,Euro-american face & Middle eastern face & Black or Latin wheat skin tone 2⃣️👧🏽Girls:100~110cm & 135~145cm,Black or Latin wheat skin tone 3⃣️🧒👧🏼Boys and girls:100~110cm & 135~145cm,Middle eastern face
广州tvc拍摄14/15 其中一天 1️⃣男演员 1 名 26-28岁 年轻爸爸 时尚 演技好 2️⃣女演员 1名 25-27岁 年轻妈妈 有气质 演技好 💰1000/8h (优秀🉑小幅度提价,提前备注!) 3️⃣小男孩 1名 6岁左右 乖巧听话!!!不闹腾! 💰600/6h 报名发卡➕自我介绍➕3-4tvc作品 wx:Z-510-Q 欢迎各位老师转发推荐[爱心][爱心][爱心] gz 14/15 video shooting 1️⃣ Actress South / South Asian Around 20 Sweet, Good Performance 💰 800-1000/h 2️⃣ Young people Europe and the United States …
Guangzhou29th shooting health product,female and male actor, speak spanish and litter chinese. 3h. pls send card ,spanish videos.
Foshan shunde ronggui 11th October Indoor Shooting Baby pram product Looking for a baby less than 2years old. Can sit alone. A female model fashionable mami style. About 20-30years old. 2years image right contract. Without manicure
Shooting in Shanghai I need a non-Russian female model. If you meet the requirements, please contact me.