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JOB 1:GZ,On November 12th, we need foreign actress,to shoot video of pants,Need someone who can speak American English, About 3-4 hours. If you have time, please send me a model card and an English video And TV commercials and videos, Thank you. JOB 2:On December 15 th, Guangzhou makeup show …
厦门🥚 周六 明天下午相亲角 街坊拼单拍摄 每人1h💰 100 只要女生 新面孔 新人可报 之前选上的不重复 报名发模卡+自我介绍视频 厦门🥚 定人定时间 近期需要中老年男老师 半天4h起💰400 拍摄奶粉咖啡等口播 报名发卡+口播作品
❤️❤️Shanghai Notice, photo shoot, need young foreign male and female models, style requirements, sports, business and leisure if you meet the requirements, please send me information, sign up and tell me the city and price.
Shanghai shooting! Fitting Nov 8 Shoot Nov 10-11 phone TVC - Supporting role Need one boy age about 20 years. FAT FACE but normal body shape and funny character. No beard. If anyone is meets this requirements. Please contact me. All cities Ok. Pay tickets. WeChat: abdurehman007
Beijing (no ticket) Six male and female actors over the age of 35 with good spoken English are required. Preference is given to Americans, British and Canadians. Shooting content: Video introduction delivery Software Duration :4 hours Shooting date (any day in November is fine) Sign up and send me a …
Gz Nov 6.7th two day need a male model shoothing clothes about 6~10hours. If you free pls contact me
Shenzhen shooting maternal and child products need to be within 63cm. I need my mom on camera with me. The mother must be a foreigner
Hi,Everyone! I am a agent in Shanghai, If u have a brand, dance troupe,Models, actors? Pls feel free to send the Model Card、Videos、introductions to me, thank you. -Kim
short video,shooting in hangzhou recently need a actor 18-25years have acting experience pls,add wechat
🎞️In Hangzhou for short Movie shooting need professional Actors and Actress with experience: 1️⃣ 2 white males and 2 white females age 40-60 years old , have lines in English , on November 7th 2️⃣ 5 white males and 5 white females age 18-30 years old , have lines in …
JOB Offer : Evening dress shooting [Location] GZ [Date] Nov [Model] Need a female model with Brazilian nationality and tan skin. If you are interested and free please contact me.
全国通告[红包]深圳拍摄电视剧 现代戏,保密项目, 周期两个半月 需要女主替身,会粤语优先 身高165cm,体重46kg左右 头发过肩,或可以修剪 会演戏,有表演经验, 跟组年轻男女数名35岁以下 形象好,气质佳,条件好, 可安排角色服从管理,听话 资料PPT自我介绍现代戏 影视剧作品 微信18001387157,齐大圣
11.4 GZ mask shoot requires a young female model,preferably blonde with big eyes,best a fuller face.about 2h,600/h.If u free please contact me WeChat:Chamchao188
Casting Call: We are seeking a charismatic, Arabic-looking male lead for an upcoming TK drama. While Arabic language skills are not mandatory, we are looking for candidates who can portray the character authentically. The shooting dates are flexible but are scheduled to commence soon. We are offering a competitive compensation …
上海11.15新年广告平面 需要6-8岁男女童 💰价格私聊,无差旅 模卡➕自我介绍➕作品 (平面最好,视频也可) 宁波12-14号其中一天样片 需要100-130男女童, 配合度好不娇情,室外拍摄, 💰价格私聊,江浙沪报路费 报名发一张模卡➕坐标即可 ⚠️不要笔记,只要模卡
150-160 boys and girls, inside and outside Shenzhen shoot swimsuits Sign up for Wu Yue CM_JL_LY04_10_11 Send information market price @所有人 150-160 男女童,内童和外童 深圳拍泳衣 报名加吴越 CM_JL_LY04_10_11 发资料 市场价 @所有人
Hengdian Zhenjiang notice. Need girls for extra shoot we can provide transportation from Zhenjiang Shanghai and Jiangsu and also provide hotel expected date 11.2 to 11.8 one or two of this date
室内补女舞蹈演员数名 要求:净身高160➕形象好 条件优 舞感好 学习能力强 舞种:中国古典民族优先 待遇:6000~9000有晋升空间 每天三至五场 超场有加场费 室内工作 月休四天 包吃住行 住宿两人间 设施齐全 资料过尽快 🉑短期 可盖实习章 公主鸽子勿扰️[玫瑰][玫瑰]
Work shooting Work location: Nantong City, Jiangsu Province Shooting product: Home textile products Shooting time: Around mid November ① Role: Female (Model) Style: Visual age around 22-28 years old - fair skin (very expressive) (long hair) If you are in Shanghai, let me know. Thank you @
招聘舞蹈演员‼️ 需求:10女 身高要求: 女身高160+ 专业:中国舞,民族舞专业优先 待遇:7000,包吃住行 进场时间:随时进场(资料定人) 实习生可盖实习章
Shooting in Thailand on 23 November Need model American English accent White model only Work : As a translator
Fuzhou (capital of Fujian Province) video shooting November 5th needs young white male model can drive,You can come from Fujian Province price:600/h, minimum 4h Note nationality and city
📍山西大型街区室内剧场 11月3号进(可短期一个月) 招舞蹈女生165+ ,要求古典,民族,爵士,拉丁 薪资:9000-12000 (具体的看面试定薪资)条件比较好会有上涨的空间! 工资十天一发,准时可靠有保障 形象为主!线上视频面试 包住行500以内, 住宿酒店或公寓两人间 (资料作假劝退不包路费) 📍山东济南周边(一小时车程) 最少一个月起步 舞蹈演员10个,163➕ 无责底薪8000-9000按专业角色分 包住酒店或公寓两人一间 📍徐州方特 缺舞蹈演员 男生五名175以上 女生一名165以上 半年起 服从管理,听从安排,公子哥公主病的勿扰鸽子勿扰报名 换群➕我
Hangzhou sports shooting in November Male foreign model self-quotation sports ,white skin ,send card
Chocolate brand shooting (model's own shooting) : We need 10 male models and 10 female models, The customer will send the product to the model, and the model will shoot the promotional video material of about 1 minute by itself, which is simple to shoot and has few requirements (the …