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湖北孝感繁花盛宴舞台演艺 宫庭盛宴 敬请期待 人员需求:30女名舞蹈演员165➕ 形象优先 要求:民族古典 现代 流行 女民乐:琵琶 古筝 二胡等 薪资:8000-9000 档期:三个月起 场次:3-5场 住宿:标间 进场时间:11.10之前 随时入场 专业院校毕业,民族舞、中国舞、形象好、气质佳,有一定基本功及舞台表现力,技巧好,基本功扎实,软开度好! 可盖实习章 吃住行全包,每周一天休息! 资料面试 ,立马进场
shanghai november 7 picture shooting need 1⃣️black or tanskin man 20-35age 1⃣️black or tanskin woman 20-35age
Two days of filming in Hangzhou Outdoor sports clothing Male Black Female White or Female Black Male White Personality, special 16-18 hours If interested, please provide your information and price Around the end of the month in Shanghai Outdoor clothing shooting Photo+Video Mature male model, about 8 hours If appropriate, …
Expatriates in Beijing Time: Around October 10th, continuous shooting for a week, need a female number two, white foreign, the price is not high, hope to be a student to participate
Brown skin European hot girl style girl needed for shooting, better shorter than 168 or around 168, contact me with model card
Shooting Details🎬 • Dates: November 15 - November 16 (1-day shoot) • Location: Shanghai (tentative) • Usage: One-year, global, all media Casting Requirements 1. Male, visual age 18-23 • University student look • Youthful and energetic 2. Male, visual age 20-25 • Young professional look • Able to play basketball …
Xian notice Xi'an needs a white female model on November 6th, time: 12:00-17:00, 5 hours. Shoot promotional advertisements without dialogue. Nearby cities can also apply provide tickets Send your material asap thankyou
Shenzhen A young boy with muscles who has photographed erotic lingerie, 900/h shooting for 2-3 hours, A woman aged 20-28 takes pictures of sexy underwear. It's better to have experience in shooting. Send me a model card of your underwear. 900/h Shooting for 4-5 hours You can contact me if …
Xian notice Xi'an needs a white female model on November 6th, time: 12:00-17:00, 5 hours. Shoot promotional advertisements without dialogue. 💰600/h, empty private
⭕️Job 1: Hangzhou photoshoot: On Nov.18th, a total of three models are needed, a man and a woman, two adult models to play the role of parents, and a child aged 7-10 (boy or girl both ok) are needed to shoot home products. Each person shoot 4 hours the least, …
🇦.[Heart]补[Heart] 阿某迪 耐某克都要 全国报销差旅费,备注坐标 上海拍摄 12月中上海拍某运动品牌,需求: 1⃣️有个性有态度小女孩小男孩:140~145身高,不要纯好看。不要甜美,要酷酷的或者运动感个性感。 有运动感&肢体协调&有自然表现力/感染力的,太刻意的那种不太行 [Heart]价格不是问题,优秀才是关键[Heart] 酷酷的摩卡,近期素颜自我介绍,个性张扬的照片5~8张,运动照片和视频(街舞,滑板,篮球,足球,网球)资料发全打包 🇧.[Fireworks]补[Fireworks] 上海单:上海拍 江浙沪报销,备注坐标 预计11月15~16号拍某服饰平面(鞋子)+侧拍花絮视频,需求: 145cm左右的男童女童:听话配合度高,擅长拍电商类作品,鞋码:35-36码 发平面类模卡 ➕ 自我介绍视频,平面展示视频花絮,备注鞋码,资料打包 备注坐标,不备注没有差旅费 🇨.[Heart]补[Heart] 上海通告 江浙沪报销,备注坐标 11月22-26号拍摄学习机, 要4组小孩 3-6岁的,4男+4女 配合度高的,可爱的 预算1000/天 摩卡,自我介绍视频,作品视频,生活照片多发几张,不要打包,备注坐标 🇩.上海通告(新单) 27-28其中一天提前定妆,汽车广告 小朋友10岁左右,男女不限 2.整体需要有点质感, 预算800/12h 含定妆(不报销差旅费) 摩卡,自我介绍视频,作品,生活照片多发几张 有下面哪个号发哪个号 qydance2017(🈵加不进) qigege122(🈵加不进) qigege12211(可加)
Jinan(shandong province) need a white female model 30-40 years old shoot skin care products, at least 4h, 💰500-600/h, can cover transportation costs from Beijing and Nanjing
Recruitment foreigner live broadcast assistant(ASAP) business trip to France and Australia ,🇦🇺 🇫🇷about one month Live channel:WeChat 视频号 Job details: -beautiful female model and actor prefer,Better be French,and have visa to France🇫🇷 and Australia 🇦🇺 -November &December -onlie sales assistant & show products. 👟 - within 6 hours per day …
Product: Temporary Hair Dye Spray / Dry Shampoo Spray Time: 3 days of shooting start 12 or 13 of November Model Requirements: Short hair FEMALE model Shooting Duration: Minimum of 4 hours each shooting day. Price 600/h Hair should be above the shoulders Requirements: • Model should bring light makeup …
Mid-november, Shanghai tvc shooting.30-40 years old, male model, image can refer to the picture, French, chef experience is better, all over the country, reimbursement of travel
ShenZhen job Needs a male model shooting clothes for Amazon style. Plz send ur model materials to me. WeChat:2563911779
🇦.[爱心]补[爱心] 阿某迪 耐某克都要 全国报销差旅费,备注坐标 上海拍摄 12月中上海拍某运动品牌,需求: 1⃣️有个性有态度小女孩小男孩:140~145身高,不要纯好看。不要甜美,要酷酷的或者运动感个性感。 有运动感&肢体协调&有自然表现力/感染力的,太刻意的那种不太行 [爱心]价格不是问题,优秀才是关键[爱心] 酷酷的摩卡,近期素颜自我介绍,个性张扬的照片5~8张,运动照片和视频(街舞,滑板,篮球,足球,网球)资料发全打包 🇧.[烟花]补[烟花] 上海单:上海拍 江浙沪报销,备注坐标 预计11月15~16号拍某服饰平面(鞋子)+侧拍花絮视频,需求: 145cm左右的男童女童:听话配合度高,擅长拍电商类作品,鞋码:35-36码 发平面类模卡 ➕ 自我介绍视频,平面展示视频花絮,备注鞋码,资料打包 备注坐标,不备注没有差旅费 🇨.[爱心]补[爱心] 上海通告 江浙沪报销,备注坐标 11月22-26号拍摄学习机, 要4组小孩 3-6岁的,4男+4女 配合度高的,可爱的 预算1000/天 摩卡,自我介绍视频,作品视频,生活照片多发几张,不要打包,备注坐标 有下面哪个号发哪个号 qydance2017(🈵加不进) qigege122(🈵加不进) qigege12211(可加)
SHENZHEN notice Nov 11-17th one day ①Need a female,can speak Spanish🇪🇸 fluently, born in US shoot introduce production spoken, no limit skin 20-30 aged, 💰selfquotation/4h+ card➕intro➕spoken videos‼ Contact me if you are interested-kkris999
Around 21th Shanghai TVC shooting for projector needs a white male looks around 40-50 years old . Pay tickets. Card + video + city
henzhen needs a male model recently to shoot a cat litter tray video, which will take about 4-5 hours and cost 500/H. If you are interested, please send me a message
‼Don't add me,add my new account. 4⃣️Sz job(no pay transport) December,glasses Photos and videos inside shooting,need a male model.💰600/h,at least 4 hours Send your card+city 5⃣️Gz job 5th(tomorrow)and 9th(need do 2 days),need a male can speak French Or Chinese,5th shooting outside speech videos,9th work in living streaming room. Accept no …
Shanghai On November 7th, we need a white female model for shooting .🙋♂️with hardware tools
Shanghai On November 7th, we need a white female model for shooting .🙋♂️
any Latino looking young man . No matter about nationality just appearance approach to Latino 7-9th oneday shoot tvc in Thailand . Available? No need visa to go Thai ?
[炸弹]Notice: Date: November 12 Location: Guangzhou Shooting Price: 500-600/H Requirements: 1. White skin male actor or model 2. American accent 3. Can oral broadcasting and perform well If you are interested and meet the requirements, can send model cards, recent photos and videos!