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Shenzhen job Needs Amazon Type model swimsuits shooting in November, both men and women ,Be sure to have a good figure price 600-700/h for 4-6h send me swimsuit card to wechat:d080703
深圳单:明天,11月5日,充电宝广告拍摄需要一名男模特,成熟商务风格,拍摄4小时,600/小时,在室内。广州可以报销车费,如果你有档期,请可以联系我 Shenzhen Assignment: Tomorrow, November 5th, we require a male model for a power bank advertisement shoot. The style needed is mature and business-like. The shoot will last for 4 hours, with a pay rate of 600 yuan per hour, and will be conducted indoors. Travel expenses can be reimbursed …
@上海通告: 只要人在上海的外籍模特。报名慎重、预算500/h、 11月7号(本周日)工具🛠️视频使用拍摄: 需要: 年轻女外模:白人、金发碧眼/金色头发 身材好一点(健美一点 ) 有工具类拍摄经验 ⚠️报名直接发摩卡和自我介绍和工具类作品视频和坐标
Shenzhen will need a white model (both men and women) to shoot in outdoor public places and shopping malls tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. It is better to be able to speak Chinese and communicate. The cost is 600/h. It takes a whole day to shoot.
Recently, Shenzhen needs a real family consisting of three parents and their children to shoot an electronic calendar. The shooting time is 3-4 hours and the price is 500/H. If you have time, please send me a message
@所有人JOB 1:宝子们中午好,11月17日 广州室内普通衣服拍摄!需要身高127-133㎝男女童混血模特和身高96-105㎝混血女童! JOB2:全国收9岁的混血女童 档期:12月初 拍摄地:深圳! 全国收卡!感谢🙏[Heart]微信号:lisazhang8180 欢迎转发到其他模特群![Packet]
Time: Mid-November City: Hangzhou Shooting content: Flat 1. White models, both male and female, 50-60 years old, kind. 2. White kid, about five years old. Price: 500/h Hair card
In Shenzhen, on Thursday, I need a white female to shoot a TikTok video. You must speak standard English. If there is a suitable one, please send me the information and I will be reimbursed 150 yuan for travel expenses outside the city, 💰 400/h 4h+ In Shenzhen, next week, …
🎞️In Hangzhou on November 6th for short drama shooting need extra people : 1️⃣ 10 white males age 18-35 years old, Don’t provide transportation need only Hangzhou people ,‼️ For more information send me your model card and video introduction, thank you 🤝
📍Shanghai indoor virtual human avatar indoor shooting. Virtual for streaming and short video, commercial usage only. ⚜️Image authorization required 3 years of online and offline portrait rights ⚜️Time: This week or next week. ⚜️Requirement: A total of 5 models needed, including: Black/White/Latino Male/Female ⚜️lives nearby Shanghai(Nanjing, Hangzhou etc) ⚜️Application ▪️model …
1️⃣Guangzhou huadu:today 5th 18:30-24:00,2MEN for live job as background standing behind,1k/ppl. 2️⃣shenzhen local, black-skin FEMALE model, nov 12th shooting,1k/ two hrs(no car, no ticket),for hair straight product. 3️⃣shenzhen7th shooting tvcneed female speak english,card+introduce video+some english videos.
广州花都区 需要2名外籍模特 1位男模特 1位女模特 长得好看 11月5日或6日拍摄短视频 扮演男女朋友拍摄时长半天(按四小时计算)预算1500,报名加微信Lyyla212 Huadu District, Guangzhou is looking for 2 foreign models: 1 male and 1 female. Applicants must be attractive and available on either November 5th or 6th for a half-day (4 hours) short video shoot portraying a boyfriend and girlfriend. The budget is 1500 …
⚠️ 急急急. 今天杭州拍摄 需要7-9 个月左右 爱啃牙胶的宝宝 有时间联系我~
🎥TK DRAMA November 6th arrive Beijing from November 7 to November 13, including 6 working days. A handsome temperamental man(maybe kinda gay feelings) 2000/12 • Fitting in nov 6th from November 7 to November 13, with 3 days of shooting, requiring local young and beautiful female in Beijing 2000/12; • …
Guangzhou or surrounding areas INS video. Time 6-8 Hour. Price 1500/8h outdoor. Foreigners who like outdoor activities, female, 25-35 years old. Love sports. Professional models are not required. Shooting mainly focuses on leisure activities, including mountain climbing If you are interested, please contact me. Thank you. Only for models from …
@所有人 全国差旅,认识的请推荐 1、全国报销差旅 大品牌新年CNY,12定妆,14-19其中一天在新疆拍摄,需要两名18-25岁左右的男孩,会蒙古摔跤,价1000,优秀可聊 2、全国单,拍摄地多城市拍摄(不同角色不同城市), 大品牌新年CNY,15/16定妆,19-24号其中一天拍摄,价1000 1⃣5-10岁儿子 2⃣6-8岁左右男孩女孩,(暂定恒温泳池拍摄)只要能下水就行,可以不会游,使用救生圈就行 3⃣5-10岁的男双胞胎 4⃣一家四口(初中女生,小学男生) 报销发卡+生活视频+作品视频+9张以上高像素清楚正面生活照,不要艺术照+以下文字信息 姓名: 出生年月: 最新身高: 体重: 鞋码: 所在地:
平顶山景区补女舞蹈演员6名 要求:净身高163➕形象好 条件优 舞感好 学习能力强 舞种:中国古典民族优先 待遇:9000-11000有晋升空间 每天三至五场 超场有加场费 室内工作 月休四天 包吃住行 住宿两人间 设施齐全 资料过尽快 🉑短期 可盖实习章 公主鸽子勿扰️[Rose][Rose] 📝换裙加备注
1️⃣Guangzhou huadu:today 5th 18:30-24:00,2MEN for live job as background standing behind,1k/ppl. 2️⃣shenzhen local, black-skin FEMALE model, nov 12th shooting,1k/ two hrs(no car, no ticket),for hair straight product.
@所有人 江浙沪报销差旅,手机平面,定人后安排时间 预计拍摄半天,小朋友5-8岁的吧,男女都可,700/6H 小孩 年轻 可爱 有活力的 要有点颜值的 报名发一张卡,有意向再补资料
西安 招聘女舞蹈演员 30名 身高160+ 住宿2—3人间 演出时间4个小时左右 不限舞种 薪资7000 包吃住行11月底入场 长期项目 鸽子勿扰 换裙+++
Shanghai notice 🎬🎬 Need 3 people (Wednesday), shoot a promotional video (the company does sports rehabilitation, solving adult chronic pain, children's posture correction, and other issues). 1. A mother-child pair is needed, with the child being around 5-8 years old. The mother is around 40 years old, and the shooting …
上海11.10 宣传片拍摄 永久肖像 (外地路费自理) 差1名40岁以上的外籍白人男性饰演爸爸拍摄半天1k-1.5k 和1名20岁左右的外籍女生 要求长相偏意大利的 拍摄4-5小时 价800-1k /半天 不需要专业演员模特 群演也可以。没有台词 报名发资料到我微信 资料定人
Recently Shanghai Taobao shooting needs a sporty male model . White . Only accept local or nearby.
Job1 明天!在深圳,拍摄卫浴产品,需要身高63-70cm的混血/外国宝宝,有空请与我联系 Tomorrow! In Shenzhen, shooting bathroom products requires babies with a height of 63-70cm. Please contact me when you have time Job2 11月17日在杭州拍童鞋 需要31码混血男孩 活泼可爱的 预算不高,江浙沪报销差旅 Job3 最近在广州拍泳装 120-130cm中国男女 最好是有泳装作品的 只要广深的模特
Shanghai: Time: One of the days of 13.14.15, starting from 4 hours, requires 3-4 actors and actresses, Requirements: English pronunciation must be standard Available: Mock-card photos and video of American pronunciation Guangzhou Auto Show needs a boy, look Beckham type, can start across the country, work 10 days need to …