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The WeChatJobs API will be turned off this weekend (11th/12th January 2025) due to high server maintenance costs.
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Xiamen shooting, the need for foreign male models, young, within 30 years old, good-looking hands, long and straight hands, pat hand cream, indoor, shooting often 3 to 4 hours, the cost of 400h, excellent can talk about the price. Sign up ➕ and send a video of your hand. Models …
河南景区招聘 招聘男女舞蹈演员 女163以上 男175以上 包食宿住宿4-6人间青年旅舍 包路程 过年不放假。 档期半年或一年 进场时间1.6日 地点:河南洛阳 长期演员 短期寒假工 可以做 40天的也可以 山东淄博景区招聘短期 舞蹈10女~165➕ 舞蹈10男~178➕ 档期1月15号~2.4号 工资:180一天 档期21天短期 包吃住吃行 -住宿双人间酒店 重庆短期项目 1.23—1.29排练 1.30-2.12演出 12女165➕古典民族中国舞 8男175➕打包3500💰 需要线上面试,本地优先 上班时间下午1点到晚上10点 阶段性演出一天4-6场 管吃住,报销单程路费300以 厦门景区招聘 舞蹈8女165➕8男178➕ 戏剧4女162➕4男175➕ 声乐1女162➕1男175➕ 包吃住吃行 住宿2-4人间 演出轻松 工资准时 报名发模卡舞蹈视频 1.7号定人2月15统一进 河南商丘景区(寒假) 招19男13女170➕160➕ 1月5号~2月底(可三个月) 4500🈷️包吃包住车补300 项目靠谱 古装汉服演出 中国舞 简单面试定人 三个月优先 …
Guangzhou job Need a female model, video shooting, simple no lines, 600 / hour, at least 2 hours, need to sign a one-year portrait agreement, registration sent to WeChat 15014208541
1⃣️厦门:服装拍摄,月初&月中需要75-95cm男女生,95-105cm男女生,混血国模外模都可以,出路费,全国找 2⃣️杭州:月初需要66码男生或者长得像男生的宝宝,(身高62-70cm),只要江浙沪
BeiJing Video Shoot When: January 3 Need 20-28 years old, 170+ female, young and energetic, sweet, fluent in native English or American, white (nude nails) Shooting time: 4-6 hours Budget:400-600/h Need to be in Beijing, no additional reimbursement of transportation fees Contact: oh-orange-ne
Hangzhou, recent underwear brand shooting, needs a male and female model, requires good physique, price can be discussed, if you are interested, please give me relevant information, nationwide reimbursement of accommodation and air tickets,
工作1 白人外籍工作 #佛山室内拍摄平面(车费实报实销) 时间:1月13-17号之间的2天,3年肖像权。 价格:2500/8小时。每个模特应该拍摄10-12小时之间,超时均价。 要求: 汇总模特需求:外籍演员模特 1.30岁左右,2位女白人和2位男白人 3.一位30岁女性自然健康小麦色女性,小麦色的女性 4.一位24岁白人女性, 欢迎珠三角地区的演员报名。 White expatriate work # Foshan indoor shooting plane (fare accounting) Time: 2 days between January 13-17, 3 years of portrait rights. Price: 2500/8 hours. Each model should shoot between 10-12 hours, overtime average price. Requirements: Summary model demand: foreign …
小男孩童模外籍工作 #佛山室内拍摄平面(车费实报实销) 时间:1月13-17号之间的2天,3年肖像权。 价格:2500/8小时。每个模特应该拍摄10-12小时之间,超时均价。 要求: 2.需要2位4岁左右小男孩-(白人)小男孩 欢迎珠三角地区的演员报名。 Little boy child model foreign work # Foshan indoor shooting plane (fare accounting) Time: 2 days between January 13-17, 3 years of portrait rights. Price: 2500/8 hours. Each model should shoot between 10-12 hours, overtime average price. Requirements: 2. Need 2 little boys …
台州叙宴高薪直聘 地址:路桥区十里长街景区内 招聘六女五男中国舞演员 身高:166 ➕176➕ 舞蹈月薪:8000RMB 招聘要求:形象颜值好 专业能力优秀 月休四天 每天两场演出 所需资料:现录个人摩卡➕自我介绍视频➕古典民族舞一分钟展示 ✅资料审核 1.5号进场✅ 鸽子 事多公主少爷病 不能马上进场勿扰 公司承接景区运营策划、编创及演艺团队输送、节假日景区线上引流服务 项目合作请联系️下方: ☎️/微信同号:1990305316
[Blessing]山西叙宴会客厅直招(可短期) 待遇优⚠️ 薪资💰 9000-12000 💃舞蹈演员💃 3名👩女 165➕ 1名🙋男 178➕ 包住行 住宿两人间 月休两天 随时入场 鸽子🐦勿扰 事儿多[Sun]的勿扰 [Blessing]安徽合肥室内剧场演出 薪资待遇私,价高 急需女舞蹈演员10名,160➕ 一点点舞蹈基础可培训 (民族古典 中国舞 流行爵士)都可 包吃住行(路费封顶500 ) 资料通过随时入场 诚邀各大领队经纪人合作,介绍费私聊,月入上万轻轻松松[Beckon][Beckon][Beckon]
‼️Don't add me,add my new account. 7⃣️Guangzhou job Date depends on your time,shooting clothes photos and videos,need a golden hair female model like in picture feel.💰Give me your price,at least 4 hours. Send your card+city+price ‼️Copy this post,Send your card to my new account 19270378871
Shenzhen shooting On Jan.8th, we need a male model aged about 25, indoor shooting for electronic cigarette, 3h or more. If you are free, pls send me a model card and a shooting video.
‼Don't add me,add my new account. 5⃣Sz outside job 6th,shooting product video need a 12-17 years old boy,💰500/h,at least 2 hours. Send your card+city ‼Copy this post,Send your card to my new account 19270378871
#佛山室内拍摄平面(车费实报实销) 时间:1月13-17号之间的2天,3年肖像权。 价格:2500/8小时。每个模特应该拍摄10-12小时之间,超时均价。 要求: 汇总模特需求:外籍演员模特 1.30岁左右夫妻2对,两位男黑人和两位女白人。或者两位男白人,两位女黑人,都可以 2.需要2位4岁左右小男孩-(白人)小男孩 3.一位30岁女性自然健康小麦色女性,小麦色的女性 4.一位24岁白人女性, 欢迎珠三角地区的演员报名。 # Foshan indoor shooting plane (fare accounting) Time: 2 days between January 13-17, 3 years of portrait rights. Price: 2500/8 hours. Each model should shoot between 10-12 hours, overtime average price. Requirements: Summary model demand: foreign actor model 1. There …
寒假活动来啦! 1.山西太原、长治舞蹈项目 女舞蹈15名 身高162以上 专业形象好 薪资待遇优300/天 包吃住行 排练三天左右 2.浙江、上海项目 招幕舞蹈演员 古典民族爵士 女163以上 专业形象佳 住宿2人/间公寓 专业老师指导排练 资料通过即可进场 3.江西、甘肃舞蹈活动 女舞蹈8名 身高162以上 近期可进场优先安排 薪资待遇9000/月 不拖欠 包吃住 换群戳头像备注来意[Beckon]
it is for tvc shooting in Shenzhen baoan district on 6th or 7th only one day need a handsome actor looks like a successful businessman, payment 500yuan per hour, minimum 4 hours is there anyone free send me your business model card and self introduce video to WeChat: 15813843167
around Jan 10th, shooting in Hangzhou, chairs. looking for 1, male model ,age 25-30 , no beard, blonde, good looking, gentle, not muscular. height 175-180cm 2, female model, young, blonde, gentle, blonde, 160-165cm, not taller than 170cm, good shape, not muscular. Only accept models from nearby cities. Shooting for a …
Shoot Notification When: January 20 Need Indian model actors, a man and a woman, young fashion, and an Indian child, looks like an Indian is OK, Indian mixed race is OK, sign up and send information, reimbursement for travel expenses
Happy new year [Party][Party][Party][Fireworks] 21th of January, cloth shooting, if u available, let me know thanks
8th Jan, shenzhen, Indoor we need 1. Lead actor, 30-40 years old, Professional actor, At least 4H 2, Second Role: 2 female model + 3 Male model, 20-30 years old, At least 4H 3. Kid model: 2-3 years old, White Skin, At least 4H If you are free, Pls send …
Don't add me, add me on WeChat ADou241109. Changchun needs 1 foreign model. Female. Take photos of shoe products in January. The shooting duration is 2 hours. Set the person and set the shooting time.
Shanghai Job: Male and Female Models Required for Fashion Shoot in Shanghai, iam looking for models for an upcoming fashion shoot scheduled for early to mid January. The exact date is yet to be determined. We are specifically seeking models who are currently based in Shanghai or Hangzhou. This casting …
Shooting in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province on January 5th. 👶🏻Foreign babies with height of 85-90cm👶🏻 Travel expenses are reimbursed in Zhejiang, Zhejiang and Shanghai.