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Shenzhen Notice On one day between November 20th and 30th, for pet product shooting, we need two female models,If you are interesting and you can send your model cards to WeChat:yky2888
11.11,杭州产品拍摄,需要60-70cm的宝宝,愿意躺、爱笑的,外籍、混血或好看的中国宝宝,人在江浙沪 请私信发模卡或照片+生活视频+所在地 Hangzhou job Time:11.11 We need a baby,60-70cm Please send me model card+video+location
#杭州 补10女舞蹈演员 要求:身高163➕ 有舞蹈基础 薪资:1.3w~1.5w 随时进~短期一个🈷️ 月休四天 住宿:酒店公寓 福利待遇好 报销路费 ———————————————— #河南 招女舞蹈演员5名 要求:身高163➕ (中国民族古典)舞种不限形象好 薪资6500➕餐补 月休四天 住宿2人间 短期一个月 🉑盖实习章 资料定人 报销路费 ———————————————— #江苏 需6名女舞蹈演员身高160以上 舞感好 薪资:8000 加场另算 看能力底薪会上升 月休四天 包吃住行 住宿:酒店标间 ———————————————— #安徽 补8名女舞蹈演员身高160以上 舞感好 薪资:9000➕ 加场另算 月休四天 包吃住行 有餐厅 住宿:酒店双人间 有意者尽快联系,名额有限🙋 ———————————鸽子勿扰
Guangzhou 12th to 20th one day of TVC shooting, need 2 foreign male actors, need 1 foreign actress, 500 per hour, required to be able to point Chinese, free to send information
Beijing:💰500/h(As long as it's local, there's no travel) Date: 15th Shoot a video The following foreign nationals are required 1⃣️A white male around 40 years old, preferably with a big beard and a muscular physique 2⃣️A white male around 40 years old, who should not be bulky but can be …
上海11月13号广告拍摄 需要一位40岁左右的欧洲女人 一位30-40岁的欧洲男人 费用1000元,拍摄10h 只要人在上海本地的。 Shanghai advertising shooting on November 13 A European woman in her 40s is needed. A 30-40 year old European man The cost is 1000 yuan, shooting for 10 hours. As long as people are in Shanghai.
S.H kids=官方通告 某品牌服装要以下模特 1)110码,120码女童,国模/混血 2)130码男童,国模/混血 拍摄地址:上海 模特范围:全国 时间:24/25 要求:女生可爱,男生帅,好看,专业,报名发一张模卡,服装笔记 号满可添加:13750830600
1️⃣guangdong donguan 9th pr 11th 1pm-3PM,need 3 oldMAN,35-60years old . shooting company video,wear suit. speak english good 2️⃣Guangzhou outdoor shooting bike ,KID boy 135-155cm,ride bike good. 3️⃣Guangzhou 15-16-17th 3days,car live job,need FEMALE and MALE,speak native ENGLISH good. 4️⃣Shanghai: Nov 29th,or december 2th, shooting skin care product,MALE model,185cm+, 6h+,send card ,video,price. …
Dongguan notice (Guangzhou can register) 🎬🎬 Shoot the information stream of cosmetics and gel scar stickers First, we need two foreign white female models, aged 25-30, with a high sense of temperament, preferably in Chinese and recognizable. 2: 🎬🎬 Second, the need for a foreign child model, male or female, …
洗护模特广州拍摄通告🎬 11.19号拍洗发水和个护产品 拍平面和视频,肖像1年,东南亚全渠道使用 中国女模,偏韩系精致风长相, 预计8小时内拍摄完毕 报名发 模卡视频作品,资料分开发,最好在广州。备注在哪 费用合理报价 乱报不提 经纪公司的也可以 此号人满请加18321047652柚子
横店地区 需要2名黑人男模室内拍摄开箱视频展示衣服(不需要穿),拍摄时长20~30分钟,第一次合作工作时长2个小时 合作愉快会长期合作 具体看模特质量,报名加微信Lyyla212 Hengdian area needs two black male models to shoot out-of-box videos to show clothes indoors (no need to wear them). The shooting time is 20~30 minutes, and the first cooperation time is 2 hours. Long-term cooperation will depend on the quality of the models. Sign up …
GuangZhou notice On November 13-14, we need a young and handsome male model , height of 180-185cm,no more than 185cm,shooting a balance car ,outdoor ,price 700an hour,please send me your pictures and videos
Beijing Note‼️ Beijing Studio needs 3 female foreign nationals who can speak Chinese and shoot digital AI mini streams! Time:The shooting is tentatively scheduled for December, with 2-4 hours of shooting in the afternoon for half a day. Note: It may also be moved up! Long term needs! Welcome to …
Guangzhou needs a black female model who can speak good American English, better has her own social media account, video shoot, 6-8h, price self quote, please send me your model card and English video to sign up, no reimbursement
🇦江浙沪单: 预计13上海定妆,15-18号江浙沪拍摄某广告,需求: 1⃣️小女孩:3-5岁,听话配合度高,老演员!新人勿报名! 2⃣️小男孩:3-5岁,听话配合度高,老演员!新人勿报名! 3⃣️婴儿:6个月-12个月 ⚠️肖像两年, 预算700/天 ⚠️资料发 模卡➕自我介绍视频➕若干张活力阳光的照片➕一个体现听话的作品(作品不要发多,就要一个,没作品也可以报名) 🇧上海通告 外地没有车旅 18~19号其中一天拍摄需要以下人员,套拍平面 3⃣一位10岁的小男孩看上去比较有活力调皮一点,价格1000 7⃣婴儿5~6个月大小的男女皆可,价格1000 1⃣1⃣狗狗一条要求乖一点最好是大型的,价格500 报名发摩卡,视频,作品视频 报名那个备注清楚一点 可以合并不要发笔记,笔记不看谢谢配合 🇨上海单:上海拍 江浙沪报销,备注坐标 预计11月15~16号拍某服饰平面(鞋子)+侧拍花絮视频,需求: 145男 鞋码35-36码 报名发 平面类模卡 ➕ 自我介绍视频,平面展示视频花絮,备注鞋码 备注坐标,不备注没有差旅 有下面哪个号发哪个号 qydance2017(🈵加不进) qigege122(🈵加不进) qigege12211(可加)
Single 1-year-old Filmed in Shenzhen Shoot the underwear plane Requirements: female, 35 years old +, medium plump / fat wheat skin / brown leather (outer mold) Shooting date: mid-December (8 hours) Daily payroll: 600 per hour Shooting address: Longhua District or Longang District, Shenzhen Single 2-year old Shooting in Wenzhou …
There are foreign girls who want to find a Chinese man to marry contact me, I can help you find a Chinese man! commutation Shanghai: Date: November 7 and 8, Required: Portuguese ( 🇧🇷 Brazilian), 🇩🇪 Germany, 🇫🇷 France, 🇮🇹 Italy, 🇪🇸 Spanish (Spanish) Long time need short video shoot, …
Hangzhou job: Nov 16 clothes shooting need kid around 108-134cm, both boys and girls . Pls send me card, only local Pls
Upcoming movie start about end of November, we will have 7 roles open, production will shoot totally 50 days in Hangzhou, hengdian and Guangzhou - guy for 30 years old, soldier role - guy for 40 years old, master roles - guys for 50-60 years old, as leader or general …
🌟Beijing circular🌟 🕰️Time: Next Monday 🎬Shooting: Game information flow 💫Requirement: Under 35 years old, one male and one female, Singapore.Or look alike, you must be able to speak English. 💰Pay: 1200/8 hours ⚠️Sign up for casting➕Self introduction video➕Video of the work Thank you❤️❤️❤️
❗Model card production, PDF, follow-up shooting, Dj mc performance shooting, Photo modification WeChat :FUNS987654
Recently shot in Hangzhou The exact time is still being confirmed, can be based on the model time White female, looks 30 to 40. Temperamental type Shooting Lipstick Indoor shooting Videos + Photos Only accept models from Hangzhou or nearby cities Train tickets available If you are interested, please send …
19th Nov Guangzhou foreigner female model Video and photo shoot. 800/hour gold color hair and brown color hair If you are interested in it please contact wechat:13524293959
On November 11, Shenzhen will shoot home pictures, requiring 3 actors: male and female models aged 25-35, foreign child models aged 4-7, both male and female, no need for a real family of three, preferably with photo shooting experience, cooperate with shooting, send model cards, shoot for 4-6 hours, 400-500/h.
🎬On December 2nd, photos will be taken for DESCENTE's sports brand 。Shoot in the surrounding cities of Shanghai. [Rose]We need some foreign male and female models, with a visual age of 25-28 years old and has beautiful muscle lines 。 [Smart]( Has rich shooting experience and case studies of works …