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Shenzhen (only) Around 11.15, three men and one woman were needed to shoot a video advertisement for a company in Shenzhen. Duration: 7 days (approximately 6 hours per day) Sign up and send me the materials. I will contact you if the customer is sure.
@所有人 上海单,外地没有差旅 互联网品牌视频广告, 暂定11月14日Fitting 11月15日/16日其中一天拍摄(具体时间后续定) 上海拍摄,肖像:中国大陆,线上全媒体,1年 需要7-8岁的小女孩,价1000(价格含定妆) 报名发卡+自我介绍视频+作品视频
[红包][红包][红包][红包][红包] 1、招聘兼职拍摄模特5名 浙江金华 [红包]日结2000-3000 1️⃣要求:女生,身高163以上 2️⃣身材形象好,18-33岁。 3️⃣.地点:金华万达广场. 4️⃣.联系请加微信 vx123456jinhua 5️⃣.工资日结,有无经验均可 需要胆大 放得开 男士勿扰! 报销路费 2、礼仪员4位 身高170以上 身材形象好 金华万达广场活动 一天500 3、舞蹈生1名 舞蹈专业 中国舞 横店剧组拍摄 300一小时 长期提供兼职活动,公主病、巨婴症、鸽子勿扰。
Guangzhou / Shenzhen need both male and female models shooting Amazon normal products videos+photos,only 2 hours,600/h,no travel budget. Date and city depend on model(Only Guangzhou / Shenzhen models can sign up,the shooting can be in your city. One day available between 20-25th this month) Send me cards with this notice. …
→横店演员← 竖屏短剧 15号开机可能延迟 谢鸢/叶灵(女主):本是民间医家之女,略懂医术,涉世未深天真烂漫,在父母双亡后和姐姐叶婉儿相依为命。却因怀有身孕的阿姐叶婉儿被当朝盛宠的薛贵妃凌辱致死而性情大变,进入皇宫之中步步为营誓要扳倒薛贵妃为阿姐报仇。【分饰】楚云归:淑妃,贤良淑德,眉间一点朱砂痣。一心向佛,皇帝萧宸煜白月光。 萧宸煜(男主):皇上,猜忌多疑,与楚云归青梅竹马,楚云归死后所选嫔妃皆与其神似。 V + banmengahui v+ 15246745690 养号不易 各大群主勿踢 可以互换演员群
Shanghai Men's skin care Product shooting (video + plane) Best height 185+ Fresh, sunny, handsome, high-grade looks, temperament ❗️ overall model needs good skin not to look greasy ❗️ don't send me bad skin Have shot men's skin care related commercials preferred Need to interview +fitting (time to be determined, …
Shenzhen NoticeTwo men and one woman (foreign nationals)Type: Corporate promotional video(Technological innovation, artificial intelligence, green energy)one ️⃣ Male:Two foreign men aged 30-40 (preferably fluent in Chinese)Physically robust, with a business elite temperamenttwo ️⃣ Female: ForeignForeign girls with good image and temperament are sufficientHeight around 170, no tattoos, hair dye, nail …
Job notice 🎥: In the upcoming days , Need a white male ( Russian or European) of age around 40-45 years old can speak Chinese for the movie shooting , have some lines in Chinese. Don’t need professionals as the budget isn’t high. People from all over china can apply. …
Shandong Jining 14-15 We Need A Skinny Girl To Shoot English Videos .🇺🇸American accent Hours: 6-8h Pay: self quote No traffic or hotel Please send me model card + intro video[玫瑰]
Suzhou, November 14-16, one of the days Shoot the floor plan of the robotic vacuum cleaner External model girl, pretty and cute Experienced in photography Height 105cm~110cm Jiangsu Zhejiang Shanghai region If you are interested, please contact me
Notice of Quanzhou, Fujian: Shooting outdoor fashion clothes in the middle of the month requires a male foreign model within 182CM and experience in shooting outdoor jackets. If you are suitable, please contact me!
Guangzhou shooting: urgent need ‼️ Demand for Southeast Asian models: 2 actors, male or female, aged 18-30, with one speaking English and the other speaking Malay, preferably in Guangdong. Salary of 2400 per day, 8 hours. Overtime pay will be provided, including meal expenses. Mainly shooting massage equipment, pure oral …
Shenzhen products shooting need one female model and male model Date:19th if u r free pls contact me thx!
北京海淀附近,这两天需要拍个说车视频,采访外国人,需要会中文的男生,预算2500左右,时间8小时左右,报名加微信Lyyla212 Near Haidian, Beijing, I need to shoot a video about cars and interview foreigners in these two days. I need boys who can speak Chinese. The budget is about 2,500, and the time is about 8 hours. Sign up and add WeChat Lyyla212.
Shenzhen shooting needs, grandma type of external model, need older, white hair, suitable hair my model card
Shangdong 11.14 and 11.15 needs a female model who can speaking good American English and have acting experience, 400-600/h, 6-8h, please send me your model card and English videos to sign up ⬆️ have reimbursement for nearby city
Shanghai Notice 21st clothing flat shooting, required External model, one muscular male, aged 30-40, with a net height of 178+, 💰 700/H Data determination
浙江项目补招 男武术演员:2人(身高175➕) 男文戏演员: 2人(身高形象佳) 包吃住行随时🉑进场,可了解详情速度联系[勾引][勾引][勾引]
1⃣山西晋城沉浸演出招聘 招聘专业:💃补女生15人!民族舞,古典舞专业5名165➕ 拉丁舞10名 165➕ 工资8000-9000 资料定人15号后进场 2⃣ 河南 平顶山❕❕ 招女舞蹈演员数名 女孩163➕ 任何舞蹈 有舞蹈基础即可,会舞蹈也可以[勾引] 福利待遇:6000+ 面试 通过随时入场 包吃住行 路费入职当月报销 两个月以上优先 3⃣️厦门景区 舞蹈 8男 净身高 :178+ 舞蹈 8女 净身高 :165+ 薪资5500-6000 月休4天 场次6-8场 包吃住行 (民宿) 11月进场,有意向尽快联系我 4⃣️通告 地点:徐州方特大风歌 需要补长期演员5男1女 吃住行全包 每天4-6场 工资:4400 5⃣️广州融创项目招聘男女舞蹈数名 男舞蹈175➕女舞蹈163➕ 薪资5000 包吃住行,长期项目,半年起步,每天4-6场,旺季8场左右,住宿标准4人间,每周一休息,明后天能面试的优先,资料过统一进 合作➕ 换群➕ 合作➕ 换群➕
专业摄影设计承接手机端PC端 店铺首页装修,商品详情页制作,视频拍摄,亚马逊,企业宣传片,创意主图,图案设计,LOGO设计,画册。 微信: 19175256257
补人 涨预算,报过不要再报 全国找,备注坐标 上海通告 11月22-26号拍摄学习机,要定妆 男孩和女孩:5~6岁 配合度高的,可爱的 预算1500/天 摩卡,自我介绍视频,作品视频,生活照片多发几张,近期可爱视频,资料打包 有下面哪个号发哪个号 qydance2017(🈵加不进) qigege122(🈵加不进) qigege12211(可加)
哈尔滨拍摄🎬(全国可以报名) 需要一名俄罗斯女模特,年龄28~35岁,扮演妈妈。 费用自己报价,有兴趣的联系我。 Shooting in Harbin 🎬 (registration available nationwide) A Russian female model, aged between 28 and 35, is needed to play the role of mother. Fee quote yourself, interested contact me.
Urgent: filming in Shenzhen, we need one man and one woman from the United States. The girl is 165-170cm tall and the boy is 175-178cm tall. She can be an ordinary person or from other countries. If you meet the height requirements, please contact me as soon as possible and …
Shanghai Announcement American accent English speakers (voice over job) 4 hours shooting per day For 3 days 7000+💰 For more info contact me
notice From December 3rd to 5th. Shanghai and Jiangxi needs 5 European and American white female extras. About 8 hours a day. No dialogue. Young foreign white female group acting 💰2000/day,three days【Remark nationality and City】