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pajams shooting, need a female. 173+, 800/h, pay accommodation, pls send card or pajamas photos.
Beijing Notice: The 15th shooting, TV series, need 50-60 years old extras, 5 people, 1500-2000 yuan /8h, a scene, about 2-3 hours of shooting.
At the end of November, in Harbin, 4 days, 300/h don't have travel fee out of Harbin shooting automobile brand, need white skin foreign models.(young handsome and beauty) The specific requirements are as follows: 1. Shooting time: from November 25 to November 30, choose 4 days, 8 hours/day (300/h) 2. …
中央门户套餐1500元,送100家全国地方站,送10家自媒体,百度收录好。 中国发展网、人民日报、中国经济新闻、中国改革网、中国财富网(新华社旗下)、中国产业发展研究网、界面新闻、消费日报、新华报业、中华网。 赠送自媒体名单:今日头条、一点资讯、腾讯新闻、网易新闻、搜狐新闻、UC大鱼号、微博、百度、知乎、豆瓣、东方财富等 长期换群 ,影视 演员,导演,制片人群,换群的备注,不要模特谢谢 养号不易!如有打扰请踢群!!!万分感谢
Nanshan, Shenzhen, this afternoon Shoot promotional video (Gold Investment) A steady man who can speak English, without a beard Play as a businessman (aged 30-50) 3-4 hours If you are interested, please contact me
Shanghai November 14 shoot requires a white male model with youthful temperament and picture style similar Please send me information card photo + video self-introduction + work video. Contact me after registration and tell me your price Actors can come from surrounding city
广州单,单1:12月初需要身高140cm-145cm的混血女童拍摄家居服和内衣,全国可报,请混血女童家长抓紧私发模特卡给我, 单2:需要身高130cm-140cm的混血男童拍摄服装,请混血男童家长抓紧私发模特卡给我,谢谢大家[玫瑰][玫瑰]微信号:lisazhang8180
央6电影26号江苏盐城开机,9岁男孩,15天戏份,16-17岁女孩,4-5天,14-16岁男孩,3天戏份,合适联系, 大制作11月底开机,超一线演员阵容,13岁胖胖的男孩,角色,戏好的,最好是东北的,合适联系,欢迎推荐, 横屏网剧,11/17号横店开机,16-18岁女孩,女孩有6天戏份,戏好的合适联系 横店古装短剧,清宫戏 6岁左右小女孩儿,瓜子脸丹凤眼,演技好, 16号开机,女孩拍5-6天,合适联系 短剧,22号开机,6岁双胞胎男孩,全程戏份,戏好合适联系,横店周边, 横店拍短剧,13号17号有时间的,7.8岁男孩,男主小时候,合适联系,
Beijing game short video shooting Male and female models, 400-700/h, starting from 6 hours, both indoor and outdoor, need American English, have travel fee, models can apply with card and information
Beijing game short video shooting Male and female models, 400-700/h, starting from 6 hours, both indoor and outdoor, need American English, national models can apply.
#大IP一线网剧 #77亿播放的IP 身高80-95女孩 饰一线明星,主演女儿,照片视频来 长春拍摄 #一线广告 拍摄时间:11月底(全国包差旅) 演员要求: 5-7岁女孩,好看,会演戏,配合度高 需要资料:自我介绍+PPT 北京通告 #广告 拍摄时间:11月19-20号其中一天 演员要求:有方言要求 四川话演员:5-7岁女孩,4-5岁男孩 东北话演员:5-6岁大胖子,男孩 河南话:6-7岁女孩 广东话:3-5岁,男孩女孩都可以 需要资料:casting+自我介绍+广告作品视频
抖音医疗好物测评类博主招募 可挂车 1.产品:止鼾睡眠呼吸机 2.账号类型:测评类 3.粉丝要求:15w+ 4.合作形式:报备视频 5.合作费用:60s+报备视频2w内,返点30% 6..档期:11月-12月 7.要求:内容垂直,数据好点,不要美妆、个护类,需要拍摄使用过程及反馈,最好男博主,可挂车 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/ewgE7vB.aspx# 小红书夫妻/家庭/中式养生/医学生/35+职场人/瑜伽账号招募 1、平台:小红书 2、产品:气血康口服液 3、账号类型:夫妻/家庭/中式养生/医学生/35+职场人/瑜伽 4、粉丝要求:5w+ 5、合作方式:原创报备图文 6、执行时间:11.11-11.20 7、合作价格:报备价格5000-10000 返点要求50+ 8、要求:平均数据过百 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/PW5wp5c.aspx#
深圳地区 需要1名男外籍演员 棕色皮肤,拍摄迪拜王子短视频,无台词,站在旁边就行,拍摄时长每次2-3小时 长期需要,报名加微信Lyyla212 We are looking for a male foreign actor in the Shenzhen area with brown skin to participate in a short video shoot featuring a Dubai prince. No lines are required; you just need to stand by. Each shooting session will last 2-3 hours. This is a …
厦门拍摄:收厦门本地身高110的外籍和混血女童,谢谢~ Xiamen shooting: Collecting foreign girls with a height of 110 in Xiamen. Thank you~
This week, Hangzhou indoor shooting, home blanket products, flat + video, need younger female models, living in cities near Hangzhou, customers pay for tickets.
today job Shenzhen Nanshan District, Shenzhen meet in 5:30pm,start 6pm, Need one male actor for shooting video, fluent English have lines, 1500 for 4h if over will pay 400 per hour Need sign Portrait right if u can send me info 281377067
长沙地区 需要1位女外籍演员 俄罗斯人,需要会几句中文 拍摄俄罗斯进口零食店加盟的信息流视频 11月17日拍摄 拍摄时长半天,报名加微信Lyyla213 Changsha needs a female foreign actress, a Russian, who needs to know a few words of Chinese to shoot the information flow video of Russian imported snack shops. On November 17, the shooting lasted for half a day, and the registration was added to …
14 th I need black skin female shooting for sport clothes in foshan ,who available ,find me
Job notice 🎥: On November 12 , Need a white male ( Russian ) of age around 40-45 years old can speak dong bei hua for the movie shooting. People from all over china can apply. Tickets and hotels will be provided.Kindly dm me if interested.
Commercial Shooting Announcement Requirement: Foreign Female Model, 1 Position, Sophisticated and Elegant Product: Dehumidifier Shooting Content: Both Flat Photography and Video Shooting Time: 11.19-11.21 (Two of the Three Days or All Three Days, Specific Details Will Be Confirmed in Advance) Shooting Location: Foshan, Guangdong Shooting Budget: RMB 600 per hour …
Beijing Note Photography studios within the Fifth Ring Road in Beijing require female models to shoot about artificial intelligence , with low requirements. Time:The shooting is tentatively scheduled for December, with 4 hours of shooting in the afternoon for half a day. 500/h💰 Extra time will be charged for exceeding …
Guangzhou Huadu District Need one male actor around 50-60 years old Tomorrow, 12th Tell me price Become an Expert and Shoot a Douyin Video Send your model card, two videos, and a current photo if you're available.
26th,tvc shooting need black skin male performer, look mature like business man or worker. Send me pics and introduction video, thanks[玫瑰]
#佛山室内基地拍摄 时间:11月13号 价格:2500/8小时 要求: 一位女外籍,白人,女性,偏年轻22-28左右无明显外露纹身,身高168CM左右,有活力感,自然健康,身材较好长相无明显瑕疵、偏自然素人感不要过于拍时装类那种感觉 只要广州佛山的外籍。 # Foshan indoor base shooting Date: November 13 Price: 2500/8 hours Requirements: A female foreign, white, female, younger 22-28 or so without obvious tattoos, about 168CM tall, with a sense of vitality, natural health, a good body, no obvious flaws in appearance, a natural …
ShenZhen job Needs 2 female models shooting for jewellery. A white and a black (Dark skin color is also can). At least 4hs. Plz send ur materials to me. WeChat:2563911779