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小红书北京上海穿搭,颜值博主招募 1、平台:小红书 2、产品:线下活动 3、账号类型:颜值,时尚,穿搭 4、粉丝要求:1000+ 5、合作方式:原创图文 6、合作费用:500内自报价 7、要求:需要线下参加活动,不要全探店达人,可以有点户外拍摄属性 8、档期:11-12月 报名链接:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/YDJuCNr.aspx# 抖音家居类千粉万粉博主直发视频招募 1、平台:抖音 2、产品:家装公司视频直发 3、账号类型:家居 4、粉丝要求:1k+ 5、合作方式:直发视频 7、合作费用: 千粉:200 万粉:300 8、要求:发布内容保留3个月 报名链接:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/tyKo4Hp.aspx# 养号不易,打扰请踢
‼️Don't add me,add my new account. 1⃣️Gz job Date depends on your time,stomatological hospital photos and videos shooting(For Ai),need business feel male and a female model.💰Give me your price,Sign one years Portrait right agreement. Send your card+city+price ‼️Copy this post,Send your card to my new account 19270378871
Shooting in Shanghai on November 13, needs high-quality blonde female models, price 10,000 RMB per day, 8 hours per day, high-quality female models, price can be negotiated
Casting Call:Girls and Boys Needed for Short Drama in Beijing (Tomorrow) We are looking for boys and girls to join as crowd extras for a short drama shoot in Beijing tomorrow. Details: • Roles: Crowd extras (no speaking lines) • Number Needed:new boys and girls (new) • Location: Beijing • …
The specific shooting schedule is available for booking from November 15th to 25th. We need models for Christmas-themed girl portrait shoots. The pay is 2000 yuan per session, with a shooting duration of 4 hours. The payment will be settled on the spot, and we will cover the travel expenses …
Guangzhou, next week software tvc shooting white or black ,Office lady ,about 30-50 years, 600/h,at least 4h, offer ticket Portrait permanent wechat:agent181818
Guangzhou recently mobile phone shell video shooting, need a foreign female model, 500/ hour, shoot 8 hours. There is a time to register with mocha works.
🎞️In Mudanjiang( 牡丹江) November 13th for TV series shooting need : extra people 1️⃣ 2 females 2 males age about 35- 55 years old 2️⃣4 males height 188cm+ Provide transportation from Heilongjiang ‼️ For more information send me your model card and video introduction, thank you
杭州拍摄鞋子。需要女生鞋子内长13-13.5。 男生鞋子内长14-14.5。在杭州模特报名。 符合要求的报名
Shooting in Harbin 1. Estimated shooting time: November 25 to November 30, of which 4-5 days, 4-8 hours per day 2. Location: Harbin 3. Number of foreign models: one male and one female 4. Model requirements: Height: about 185 for boys and 170 for girls Appearance: Russian or white appearance, …
Beijing Shooting: November 20-23, short drama shooting, during the shooting of three days, need a white actress.19-25 years old, play an international student in China. Chinese is required. 1500-2000 yuan/day
Guangzhou shooting notice: need Japanese style women's clothing shooting, need small girls, white skin, Japanese style, register please send model card, quote price
Date changed in 15th,November (Friday) 2 hours quick shoot in Shenzhen and shoot electric fan products. Male model already confirmed local female model contact ,no tickets 🎫
JOB Offer: mobile phone tvc shooting [Location] beijing [Date] about Nov 22th (8-10h) [Model] Need a young male model who can dance, preferably western European international,client pay travel. If you are interested and free please contact me.
Date not confirmed Photos Shooting Gz Vacuum product Looking for a female European style model or any skin colour Without manicures work with a dog Two years image right contract.
This month(date negotiable).Ningbo for e-cigarette photos shooting. Need a black and a white female model. 500/h. 4hrs Offer tickets from Zhejiang or Shanghai. Card first
Ningbo or Hangzhou Shoot a toy video next week Five white children aged 3-4 (male or female) Can sign permanent portrait rights If interested, please provide your information and price
Recently Anhui (close to Shanghai) video shooting for skin care products needs a white female model . Only accept local or nearby .
Xiamen shooting, need a tattoo artist role, the body must have a lot of tattoos 600-700/h, around 6h Travel expenses can be reimbursed
20 Beijing shooting mobile advertising, black men20-30 years old, white women 20-30 years old, ( cost 800 a day) WeChat 35056786
SZ:Shooting on the 16th, requires 4 children, 2 boys and 2 girls, about 5-6 years old, European and American, white and black skin color, 4H shooting,, please send information if you are interested, thank you
全国通告青岛[Packet]拍摄 短剧,价位可谈,合适为主 女主替身,身高 167 体重 44-46kg 中长发,也可以到肩! 需要会演戏。 13 或 14 号进组 拍摄 15 号-21 号 7 天 现代戏影视剧作品没作品 勿扰,费用私聊,定人聊价 —————————————— 全国通告[Packet]深圳拍摄 现代电视剧寻找 青年女文替(要会演戏) 要会说粤语: 长发,身高173,体重,52 艺人不便透露,周期70天 资料模卡加PPT自我介绍 现代戏影视剧作品没作品 勿扰 费用私聊,定人聊价 微信18001387157,齐大圣
SZ:time is not decided,shooting for mattress,indoor+outdoor,need a female model,age 30,price is 500/h,⚠️Models need to be from European and American countries,at least 6h,if u can,plz contact me 13725353457
广州单,20号 广告拍摄,需要舞蹈演员两名,男女各一。 有档期的舞蹈演员请发资料到微信:BuilproCrew