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15th movie shooting. Gz Shooting at Foshan Extra actor 3male around 40years old One male who have English sentences Plz contact me ,if you’re free
‼️Don't add me,add my new account. 🔟Sz job Date depends on your time,inside nutrition English speech video shooting,need a female model who can speak English fluently.💰500-600/h,at least 4 hous Send your card+city+Price ‼️Copy this post,Send your card to my new account 19270378871
[Rose]武汉 only: This month 17/18/19th need Actor and actress (20--38 years old,no no russia and no Ukraine) E-cigarette shooting about 5/6 hours fit it send me data [Rose]2----often need shanghai /gaungzhou /beijing, from USA /cannda/England man and women actors ,game video shooting,welcome singn up [Rose]3---北京 only: often need American English …
📸Notice❗️❗️❗️ (Urgent need) 📍Address:Guangzhou (Costume shoot) 1️⃣👱🏻♀️👱🏾♀️Girls:135~145cm ,Euro-american appearance and black skin. 2️⃣👧🏽👧🏼Girls:100~110cm,Euro-american appearance and black skin. 3️⃣👶🏻Baby boys:78~85cm,Blond hair and blue eyes. Please contact me and send your model card. Thank you!
Two Recruitment Notices 1⃣Sanya Notice (preferably in Sanya local, or in the vicinity) November 29th, a foreign actor, need to play a foreign research expert, can French is best, about 1 hour, interested please contact me 2⃣Shanghai Anchor Notice (as long as local,You need an online interview today or tomorrow) …
K.Kids|📷官方通告 大品牌拍摄 地点:杭州 时间:11月日15(本周五) 要求:一岁半以下宝宝,长相可爱,肉嘟嘟,不爱哭,配合度高。 男女都🉑 报名发模卡
Xiamen shooting: We need 80-85cm black color skin kids. For shooting 2 days between 25-30th. You can come from any city.
Shenzhen , on 16th video shooting , Looking for 2 models , male n female support role , ( will shooting face ) price 1500/4 hours . Who are interested?
Work shooting Work location: Beijing Shooting product: mobile phone Shooting time: November 22nd ① Role: Male and Female (Model) Style: Dance/Fashion/Sports ——Visual age around 22-28 years old If you are in the Jiangsu Zhejiang Shanghai region, let me know. Thank you @
Shenzhen shooting, business men's clothing, old money wind, want a male model, skin color is not limited, send a card and your price to me
[Fireworks][Fireworks][Fireworks]热招 [Fireworks][Fireworks][Fireworks] #浙江 #江苏 #河南 #山西 #湖南 #安徽 #湖北 #广东 等全国各地招聘女舞蹈演员 长短期均可 身高160以上 基本功扎实 舞种不限 资料通过随时进~ 每天三~五场 超场有加场费 薪资待遇7000~15000 每月排练两个舞蹈 有晋升空间 过年集中放假 3️⃣倍工资🧧 室内演出 无外场 月休四天 包吃住行 住宿2~3人间(设施齐全)盖实习章和实习证明 报销路费 有意者发模卡 ‼️🕊勿扰 🕊勿扰 ‼️
Working in Shanghai (requires base in Shanghai, no travel expense reimbursement) Video+flat filming from November 18th to November 19th,Each person will only shooting for one day Two men: visual age of 30-35 years old, height of around 180-183, tough guy image Two ladies: visual age 25-30 years old, height around …
This week or next week, I need a baby no more than 3 months old to shoot for 1 hour in Shenzhen. The item to be shot is a baby outfit, and the budget is 1,000 yuan. If you have a baby, please contact me.
Guangzhou shooting, need to find this type of actor, do not need to be too good-looking
Shooting Notice in Shenzhen We are looking for a Middle Eastern male actor with age under 40 for a short video shoot in Shenzhen next week. Height requirement is 175cm or above. Actor's fee: RMB 700/day, including meals. If you are interested, please send your complete actor profile.
hangzhou shooting, looking for teenager male model, height 167-172cm, if you happen to know anyone ,please kindly recommend.
On the 17th, young male and female models are needed (boys may have a little location, seaside or park) indoor shooting, 2-year portrait rights fee 4000/8h
Need white Beard Models In Hangzhou for tomorrow shoot Dm me with you Model card need to remove their beard in front of camera
Beijing next week I need a girl with standard English pronunciation to record an English course, white-skinned, about 25-35 years old. 600/h, shooting for 4-6 hours, Both Beijing and Tianjin can sign up. Please send me a self-introduction video in English and your model card.
🎞️In Beijing one of the days from On November 15th to 18th for AI face portrait shooting need : 1️⃣2 males business feeling age about 30-40 years old, Can be have portrait usage 1 year Provide transportation nearby cities For more information send me your model card and video introduction, …
There are foreign girls who want to find a Chinese man to marry contact me, I can help you find a Chinese man! commutation Shanghai work, 20 or 21 shoot Tiktok video, need German girls + Italian girls + Indonesian girls + Vietnamese girls + Malaysian girls, free to give …
1⃣️短期活动 自贡景区 需要男舞蹈15人 要求身高173以上 民舞专业 12月13到1月3号 22天 排练6天演出16天(每天演出1小时) 基本费用3000 演出超出时间一小时50加法递增 200封顶 如每天工作4小时就是基本工资+50+100+150 (此为单天费用) 吃住行全包 只限川渝地区报名 2⃣️广东江门景区招聘长期演员 男舞蹈:175➕ 薪资:5500 进场时间:最近进场 报名:摩卡➕自我介绍视频 及个人舞蹈视频 资料过立马定人 包吃住行 3⃣️山西晋城沉浸演出招聘 招聘专业:💃补女生15人!民族舞,古典舞专业5名165➕ 拉丁舞10名 165➕ 工资8000-9000 资料定人15号后进场 4⃣️项目:西双版纳白象沙滩 需求专业:中国舞 人数:14女 身高要求:女生165 实习地点:西双版纳 薪资范围:4500~5500 合同时间:半年起 5⃣️江西景区(江西附近) 补4个女生 165➕ 一天两场 工资6000 路费来回报销400 咨询先请先发摩卡,舞蹈视频,不发资料不回复公主病,大爷病的勿扰.黑中介勿扰。欢迎优秀舞者各大领队带资源合作,有资源的欢迎合作浅谈 ️换群 代发备注➕➕➕
@所有人 报过的不用重复报名 上海单,外地无差,预计19日左右拍摄 不定妆,直接拍摄,需要1个小男孩(7岁左右小学形象) 价500 报名发卡+自我介绍视频+作品视频(没有也行)听话配合度高就行
@所有人 江浙沪报销差旅,手机平面,14/16/17有时间的 今天报过的,不用再重复报名 预计拍摄半天,小朋友5-8岁的吧,男女都可,700/6H 小孩 年轻 可爱 有活力的 要有点颜值的 报名发一张卡,有意向再补资料