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急急急 11月18号 广州通告 外模护肤tvc拍摄 需要一名年轻女外模, 预算600~700元/小时,皮肤好,白皙,会穿吊带,漏出的地方不要有纹身那些。要有经验的,作品打包,广州拍 Urgent, urgentNovember 18thGuangzhou NoticeExternal skincare tvc shootingWe need a young female external model,Budget of 600-700 yuan/hour, good skin, fair complexion, able to wear suspenders, no tattoos on exposed areas. Experienced individuals are required to package their works and shoot them in Guangzhou
Shooting of skiing products in Hangzhou on November 19th Indoor shooting, I need a female model, both white and black. The price is not high. Newcomers are welcome. I can pay for your ticket.
急急急 11月18号 外模护肤tvc拍摄 需要一名年轻女外模, 预算600~700元/小时,皮肤好,白皙,会穿吊带,漏出的地方不要有纹身那些。要有经验的,作品打包 Urgent, we need a young female foreign model for the November 18th skincare TVB shoot. The budget is 600-700 yuan/hour, with good skin, fair complexion, and the ability to wear suspenders. There should be no tattoos on the exposed areas. Experienced individuals are required to …
Shenzhen Notice: Recently, foreign female models are needed, indoor shooting, massager products, well-proportioned body size, taller, cost 600/hour, from 3 hours, add me to send information, thank you
Guangzhou single Shooting time: December 15, 16Two days Shooting type: Underwear shooting, need wheat skin, dark skin, female plus size model, Customer budget: 1200 per hour, according to the free trouble send me thank you!!
Plus-size models and muscular male models are needed in Guangzhou. For Guangzhou shooting this month, we need one plus-size model (both male and female are acceptable) aged around 20 - 35 and one muscular male model. There are no restrictions on skin color or nationality. The shooting is for body …
广州拍摄:继续收11月26号和29号内景服装拍摄,需要两位身高120的男女童模,中模 混血 外籍都可以,预算500一小时以内报价,广东省内报销差旅,外地无,谢谢~昨天报过的不要重复报名
Dali city on 17th November, shooting travel video. Shooting content: shopping, watch fireworks, drink tea etc. need 20 -25years old white skin girl, who can speak little Chinese. Provide tickets and hotel from Chengdu Kunming Chongqing !
佛山顺德拍摄 明天下午5.30-9点(会提前结束),街头直播采访需要5位漂亮女生,价高轻松,报销来回车费💰现结
🩷❤🧡💛🧡💚🩵💙 ❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️ Short drama 4 films City: Changchun Price: 2000~4000/day(Depends on the role) Date: Late November to December Need a lot of actors Young men and women, middle-aged and old men and women requirements: Native English or fluent American accent Good image The crew provided travel expenses and hotels and …
Need woman and man from Russian speaking country for singing app advertising shoot. If you can sing a little bit, contact me please. 18-30yo.📍Chengdu locals
💃哈尔滨剧场💃 需要男女舞蹈演员 男150-170 女150-165 ⚠️有舞蹈基础,所有舞种均可
杭州:拍摄 需要4-8 个月 婴儿 头围 42-44cm 只要江浙沪的 谢谢.混血/纯外 Hangzhou : need head circumference 42-44 cm baby, about 4-8 months(Close to Hangzhou city)
🇦上海通告 耐某克 全国可报名,报销差旅费 11月23-27号其中一天拍,20或21定妆 拍运动品牌,6个月内要没有拍过运动品牌,要签肖像协议 14岁左右女生 看上去运动感一点的 不用专业演员 ⚠️需要6个月内没拍过运动品牌的 预算2000/天 摩卡,自我介绍视频,运动类型生活照片多发几张,备注坐标 🇧[爱心]补人啦[爱心] 阿某迪 全国报销差旅费,备注坐标 只要你有个性就来 上海拍摄 12月中上海拍某运动品牌,需求: 有个性有态度小女孩: 140~145身高, 不要甜美,要酷酷的或者运动感个性感。 有运动感&肢体协调&有自然表现力/感染力的,生命力照片 [爱心]价格不是问题,优秀才是关键[爱心] 酷酷的摩卡,近期素颜自我介绍,个性张扬的照片5~8张,运动照片和视频(街舞,滑板,篮球,足球,网球)资料发全打包,备注坐标 有下面哪个号发哪个号 qydance2017(🈵加不进) qigege122(🈵加不进) qigege12211(可加)
上海通告 18号拍摄 需要1名美女 视觉年龄20-25 要求形象气质好,能驾驭古风的 工资500 报名发模卡视频+相关资料
City: Shanghai/Beijing/Chengdu/Guangzhou Time: November-December, part-time or long-term Requirements: Female 18-45 years old, no language restrictions, can shoot. Part-time or long-term Salary: 800 USD/hour Please send model card + introduction video WeChat: wxid_se6svu3n7zea22
(1)shenzhen longgang tvc 16th outdoor , studio shooting need male model,two hrs,500/h. (2)24th in guangdong zhuhai drama tv shooting, 8hrs, need kid 8-10years old,1boy and1 girl. around 10 female and male,20-40years old. 1 grandma 1 grandpa,50-80years old.
(1)shenzhen longgang tvc 16th shooting need young male model,two hrs,500/h. (2)24th in guangdong zhuhai drama tv shooting, 8hrs, need kid 8-10years old,1boy and1 girl. around 10 female and male,20-40years old. 1 grandma 1 grandpa,50-80years old.
Hangzhou indoor home textile products shooting, flat + video, 4hours+,need female model, pay for tickets, need living around cities.
Jinjiang, Fujian Province, recently needs foreign male models to shoot the flat ➕ video of sports brand. The shooting time is one day and 8 hours. If there is a suitable male model, please send me your information, thank you very much. Price sent to me in private.
#横店通告🌸竖屏短剧 11月18日-11月23日(6天) 拍4-5天,小男主,13岁男孩,帅、戏好 ppt➕自我介绍➕作品视频 #横店💗精品短剧 11月18 7天 1⃣小男主,8岁左右男孩,戏好,配合度高 ppt+自我介绍+作品视频 #广州大型网剧🌞 11.19 特约 1.125cm左右男孩,可爱,配合度高 2. 130-138cm左右男孩女孩各1 活泼可爱 配合度高 自我介绍➕PPT➕试戏视频 #横店 竖屏短剧 拍摄日期:11月18.19.20日,拍3天 6岁左右,男孩,可爱,配合度高 资料: 自我介绍视频➕ppt #福建 电影 16号,20号 3个12-15岁男孩,身高不超过175 3个12-15岁女孩,身高不超过165 照片➕身高
11.17或18 在昆明 广告拍摄,需要一个会跳芭蕾舞的女演员 会一些简单的动作 25-30岁优雅大方。 💰1500元/半天临近优先,外地有差旅 ,报名发资料及广告作品,特写看看五官 中景自我介绍 全景跳一段舞蹈 (芭蕾舞的经典动作就行)
Sichuan West I need a black model with basic physical fitness and certain running experience to shoot sneakers. 500/h shooting for two days National reimbursement of travel expenses. If you are interested, please contact me.
Hangzhou shooting need about 20 years old female shoot about clothes worktime 7-8hours 800/per
[Hangzhou Notice] No Travel Expenses 11.26 + 28 / 12.2 Foundation Short Video Shoot ❤️Filming schedule 11.26 Shooting Male Outer Model 11.28 Shooting Female Outer Model 12.2 shooting female outer model 12.4 Shooting Male Outer Model 1️⃣Foreign female model face the best spots, a little more mature, oily skin, mixed …