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上海拍,先定演员再协商日期, 拍摄4天,每天4小时左右 第一篇;故事解说 1:中国演员2男2女,青年到中年年龄感,有故事感觉,讲解历史故事那样或文旅景点讲解感觉 第二篇纪录片; 2男2女,中年,中国演员,亲切成熟,娓娓道来的讲解纪录片内容 第三篇;中老年讲解 2男2女,深沉稳健感觉,有亲和力,中年和老年都可以,中国演员 1男1女,中年或老年,激昂,情绪饱满,富有感染力,中国演员 微信18616594350李相赫
‼️Don't add me,add my new account. 8⃣️Gz job(accept model from any city) Date depends on your time,street fashion clothes inside photos and video shooting,need a 95-110cm boy(混血儿也可)。 Send your card+city+price 🔟Gz job(accept any skin color ) Date depends on your time ,Logistics company photos and videos shooting ,need a 30-50 …
#Anhui Bozhou安徽亳州南湖公园Needs a enneagram spiritual English teacher to a 20 years old girl every evening two hours each lesson 深圳 #Shenzhen needs an english or Spanish teacher house tutoring to a five years old kid at qiaocheng North station subway line2, 8 on Monday Tuesday friday 2:30-4:30pm #Shanghai 双语中教//dongchangrd line2, …
Shanghai job shooting toys need children of 0-5 years old(boys/girls), any skin color.around Shanghai ,in the middle and late December. Please let me know if you are still in China at this time.
Shooting in Guangzhou or Shenzhen, shooting plane from 27th to 29th, need a foreign female about 28 years old who can dive, requirements, good image, diving video, and diving license, preferably in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Sanya, 💰700 to 800/h, at least 4 hours
28号横店开机短剧,12岁男孩女孩,会武术会吊威亚的,拍6天,合适联系 腾讯网剧,男主女儿, 15岁左右女孩 青春 懂事 却又带一点邪气, 12月1号后有档期的 发一下资料给我 短剧20号开机,7.8岁男孩,23.-27号其中一天拍,3场戏,合适联系,北京本地, 需要儿童演员 7-9岁女孩 听话会演戏 ,22号浙江衢州开机,拍两天,合适联系, 短剧,月底横店开机,10岁男孩女孩,主演孩子,戏好合适联系, 12/6号郑州拍短剧,7岁左右男孩女孩,萌宝系列,拍6天孩子,合适联系, 筹备院线电影2月份开机,120-150身高男孩,重要角色,戏好合适联系,资料通过拿试戏
Shenzhen clothing shooting: The following types of foreign female models contact me, 700/h, more than four hours, set the file!
Filming City: Guangzhou Shooting date: 11.27-28-29, three days time, to be determined Shooting Hours: 8 hours Product Type: Printer Gender / Age / Skin Color / Spoken English: Gender: (male), looks like a white collar, not too much beard, not Russian Age: 25-35 Skin Color: White Spoken English: Indoor / …
📸Notice❗❗❗ 📍Address:Guangzhou (Costume shoot) 🧒👧🏼Boys and girls:100~110cm & 135~145cm,Middle eastern face. Please contact me and send your model card. Thank you! Please contact me and send me the model information; Contact WeChat: asd740649256/asd2538458611 (please add a second WeChat message for new friends), thank you!
The tennis shooting venue in Shenzhen requires a white male or female model from Europe and America, with a shooting time of about 10 hours. Experienced tennis players are required, and beginners are welcome to send model cards and videos of playing tennis in daily life at a speed of …
Shooting in Shenzhen: This week,Glasses shot, Need a white male and female model, strong European and American features, such as high nose, blue eyes and so on, a little photogenic, a better figure Price 700-800/H for 2-3h Send card to WeChat :d080703
24th,need a wheat girl (around 20-30years old)do clothes shooting(pic+a little video)job in Hangzhou(inside)need really height 170cm-173cm!wheat skin、6h-8h shooting、if u free and interest,tell me!not big budget!better hangzhou or nearby models!
Guangzhou 11.26-28th,one of the day Tvc shooting Need a balck man can play basketball.Must can do dunking act! 4-5h,outside If you are interested. Plz tell me ur price and send me your location +model card + self introduce video + tvc video asap. Thxs!
[Job Posting] Recruitment of part-time foreign teacher for on-site enrollment activities.[Party][Party] Location: Wenjiang (温江) in Chengdu (成都) [Sun]Responsibilities: Join in our festive promotional activities to interact and play games with children, educational experience is preferred. [Sun]Requirements: 1) Native English speaker with excellent English communication skills 2) Passionate about festive cultures, …
‼️Don't add me,add my new account. 8⃣️Gz job(accept model from any city) Date depends on your time,street fashion clothes inside photos and video shooting,need a 95-110cm boy(混血儿也可)。 Send your card+city+price ‼️Copy this post,Send your card to my new account 19270378871
November 26 to 29 Choose one of these days Hangzhou Indoor Shooting White or wheat-skinned male Looks 30. Business type. Better have a little beard. Videos + Photos Can accept models from all countries Train / Plane tickets available and hotel If you are free please let me know
Xiamen singles November 21-22 One of the days to shoot a promotional film, young foreign female model requirements: short hair, white-collar sense, sense of workplace, sense of lens, sense of advanced shooting, reasonable expenses within 4 hours, self-quotation, local newspaper to the Pearl River Delta region, travel registration, please send …
22th HeFei video shooting for 🍼 needs a white female looks around 25-30 years old act as young mother. Budget not high. Only accept local or nearby. 500/h, 6h minimum + tickets.
Any city can, Guangzhou swimming suit shooting, need a FEMALE, young sweet 16-26 y.o. price 1000/h, pls send a card. date not sure
Location: 苏州 Date of shooting: 30th Product: Sports trampoline Duration: 3-4 hours Model demand: sporty female model If you have time, please contact me and send related materials of similar works!
(1)A total of two days of shooting in Nanjing on December 10 and 11, 500-700 per hour for at least 4 hours a day, 20-35-year-old white-skinned female model (mother role), white-skinned boy 5-8 years old (child), white-skinned girl 4-7 years old (child), note your city (2)Guangdong film shooting, youthful actress, …
Beijing Notice Watching movies + interviews tomorrow requires a middle-aged or elderly foreign actor, a man and a woman, preferably from Europe and America. After watching movies, talk about feelings, which is easy and simple. Budget 500/3 hours
Beijing Notice To watch movies + interviews tomorrow, you need a foreign actor who looks like a man and a woman of the age of having children, and the best one in Europe and America will ask him: What would you do if you were a parent after watching movies, …
北京通告: 拍摄斑马的教育相关产品需要一位外籍女演员,30岁以下,表现力强,英语为母语,会一些中文,有相关的拍摄经验,档期目前还没定 报名发资料,价格自报 Beijing Notice: Shooting Zebra education related products need a foreign actress, under 30 years old, strong performance, native English, can speak some Chinese, have relevant shooting experience Please send me your information and price to sign up