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通告1⃣️: 全国通告,服装🎬 ❤️80码(73cm-86cm)男童,长的好看、大眼睛 ❤️拍摄8H,吃饭休息停钟头,定人定价 ❤️拍摄12月中上旬,高价勿报,预算不高 ❤️国模混血也可以报名 收一波模卡,只要模卡其他不要,不要打包占内存!谢谢
#杭州下沙视频拍摄 时间:12月3号 价格:500一小时。5小时起 要求: 模特需求:杭州下沙 1⃣️35岁左右女模特,非消瘦平面模特,亲和力强 2⃣️6-8岁左右小女孩,(长相美式,不考虑斯拉夫人) 国籍:西欧,北欧,美国,巴西等区域内 欢迎行走本地的外籍报名报名。 # Hangzhou Xiasha video shooting Date: December 3rd Price: 500 per hour. From 5 hours Requirements: Model demand: Hangzhou Xiasha 1⃣️ About 35 years old female model, non-emaciated plane model, strong affinity 2⃣️6-8 years old girl, (American looking, not considering Slavs) …
[Bomb]Notice: Date: November 27 Location:Guangzhou Shooting Price:500-600/H Requirements: 1. White skin male model 2. Young while look mature 3. Must have modeling experience 4. The style is like the picture show If you're interested and meet the requirement, can send your model card and video!
#全国小演员招募 #3-16岁男孩女孩加我 #才艺、双胞胎、小胖加我 大量特约角色新人锻炼单 新人可带,优秀孩子片酬可谈 拉全国通告群,换群 寒假筹备电影: 铁血担心,侠骨柔情《风起㊙》招募重要角色 艺术传承,两岸情怀《同心㊙》招募重要角色
餐厅招聘🫐 浙江 河南 湖北 1️⃣乐器女演员8人 女163+【编钟、竽、琵琶、古筝、笛子、箫、二胡,小提琴,大提琴等】 2️⃣女舞蹈演员12人 女163+ 基本功扎实、技巧好优先;民族古典舞专业优先 薪资:7000💰 待遇:包吃住 双人间 月休四天 可开实习证明 📝换👗➕备注 鸽子🐦 公主病👸勿扰
招募标题:小红书亲子母婴宝妈颜值时尚探店博主招募 1、平台:小红书 2、品牌产品:黄油小熊联名款薯片 3、账号类型:亲子类、宝妈类、母婴类、时尚、颜值、探店 4、粉丝:1000+ 5、合作方式:去最近的盒马拍摄并发布原创图文 6、档期:11月 7、价格:报价150内+送价值百元零食礼包 8、要求:需要拿着产品最近的去盒马拍摄(假装购物了此薯片) 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/huY49vz.aspx# 大众点评泉州吃喝玩乐探店博主招募 1.项目:餐饮店探店 2.达人类型:吃喝玩乐 4.粉丝要求:1k+ 5.价格:200(送吃喝) 7.档期:选中执行 地址:泉州市晋江市 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/YdlvJi0.aspx#
Shanghai cosmetic products shooting indoor, 3~4days, need a white Female, 500/h, pls send a card. Date not sure now.
全国通告🌹拍摄电视剧 现代戏,地点,深圳, 香港,演员,阵容保密 会讲粤语的,中途不能离组 差旅报销,需要跟组, 年轻男,数名年龄30岁以下 资料通过,今天或者明天今组跟在女主身边,会讲粤语优先 周期50天左右 资料PPT自我介绍 ➕影视剧作品 费用私聊定人聊价 报名,说清楚所在地什么地方 微信18001387157,齐大圣
🌟北京通告🌟 🕰时间:明天 🎬拍摄:纪检反腐相关视频 💫需求:30岁左右 男演员 形象好 戏好 配合度高 事儿少 💰片酬:800-1500 ⚠报名发摩卡➕自介视频➕作品视频 谢谢❤❤❤
Shenzhen shooting : On 30th November looking for two male models from South America or Southeast Asia for electronic product shooting .25-35yrs old. More than 6hrs . If u r interested pls send (‼️one model card➕ one introduction video‼️ )to me . ⚠️don’t send too much ⚠️.
Beijing shooting Take photos of airplane posters recently. 1️⃣Demand 1: white face, mom and dad feel, aged 25-35 years old. 2️⃣Demand 2: 4-7 years old, white face, little boy and little girl will do. Remuneration 2000/8h💰💰 If you are in Beijing, you can send me your actor information. If you …
Shenzhen single Rehabilitation training products for elderly foreign female models, Launch Amazon's cross-border e-commerce platform. Duration: 6 hours, clients budget $400-500 per hour If you are free, please send me the model card. Thank you!! Reference standard! Work in Shenzhen 12.21, 22,24,25 four days 1 Accordion (male or female) Reference …
全国通告[Packet]古装 广东地区拍摄 大制作,保密项目 需要,35到50岁男女 短期,跟组数名,周期15天 不要纹眉染发不要纹身 要求:黑瘦会演戏 会表演 报名发:模卡➕自我介绍(视频版) 最好有作品 有作品发作品或者PPT,10到15天周期,费用每天150,差旅报销
2️⃣全国通告🌹拍摄电视剧 现代戏,地点,深圳, 香港,演员,阵容保密 会讲粤语的,优先 资料通过随时进组 中途不能离组 差旅报销,需要跟组, 年轻男女,数名年龄30岁以下 资料通过随时进组 会讲粤语优先, 周期50天左右 资料PPT自我介绍 ➕影视剧作品 费用私聊定人聊价 报名,说清楚所在地什么地方 微信18001387157,齐大圣
后天下午天津广告片需要外籍女孩拍摄,差不多半天,报名加微信Lyyla212 In the afternoon of the day after tomorrow, Tianjin commercials need foreign girls to shoot, which will take almost half a day. Sign up and add WeChat Lyyla212.
青岛英文短剧拍摄,需要外籍演员,英语好的,没有口音,俄罗斯乌克兰人不需要,其他都可以,报名需要给我发英语视频,包车票,加Lyyla212 Qingdao English short drama shooting needs foreign actors, good English, no accent, Russian Ukrainians don't need it, anything else is ok. You need to send me an English video, book a ticket and add Lyyla212 to register.
Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Morocco (with works) People from these countries are needed from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai on 27-28 Nov for Introduction video of shooting software, 3 hours There are lines, and the language is the native language of each country. Interested can DM.
Guangzhou announcement short video shooting Address: Shiling, Huadu, Guangzhou Shooting content: Simple and easy to do, no need to know Chinese to cooperate with shooting some short video materials. Newcomers can register Requirement: Middle Eastern or European ethnicity Price: 250/h to be paid based on the duration of on-site filming …
Shanghai Notice (Remarks for Non local Areas) Filming in December, requiring models with good hand skills (print+video behind the scenes), including 1 domestic male model and 2 domestic female models, with an estimated filming time of about 8 hours. cost 💰 one thousand Mocha Hair ➕ video ➕ Front and …
Guangzhou girls' underwear shooting requires 2 Chinese and 2 foreign children with a height of about 140,12-16 years old and good looks on camera, please model card + underwear works video Wechat thank you!
Shenzhen shooting : On 30th November looking for two tan-skinned male model for electronic product shooting .25-35yrs old. More than 6hrs . If u r interested pls send (‼️one model card➕ one introduction video‼️ )to me . ⚠️don’t send too much ⚠️.
Changsha: looking for 110-116cm foreigner boy and girl . One of parent must shooting with them . Model better from Guangzhou or near by .
长沙通告 12月内衣内裤家居服拍摄 女生甜美 胸围75b+以上 身高170cm 形象好 男生身高180 秀气感觉 预算💰800/1h ,⚠️拍8-10h左右 报名符合资料+介绍视频+作品 ⚠️(全国备注地区 报差旅)
@所有人 江浙沪报销差旅, 12.2定妆,12.5拍摄,儿童饮品,视频+平面套拍 哥哥7-8岁,妹妹5岁左右 价1000 报名发卡+自我介绍视频+作品视频(平面也发)+9张以上高像素清楚正面生活照,不要艺术照(最好彰显性格,各种表情的)+以下文字信息 姓名: 出生年月: 最新身高: 体重: 鞋码: 所在地: