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Don't add me❗❗❗ Shooting an advertisement in Beijing No.8 requires 10 foreign white boys aged 20-30 (with a salary of 500 a day) to sign up for 8 hours to send photos and videos, and WeChat: 17600192217.
[Party][Party][Party]现浙江招募: 1、 男女舞蹈演员(形象气质佳) 2、魔术演员 3、佤族演员 4、双人杂技演员(男女搭档) 5、武术演员(会太极) 6、编导岗 7、方案策划岗 以上演员和我联系一专多能的优先[Party]吃住行都包,长期稳定项目,出粮准,✅本月进场[Rose][Rose][Rose][Gift][Gift][Gift]
哈尔滨男童演单: 12.5周五需要1名在哈尔滨的小男孩演员,年龄7-8岁左右,有一定拍摄经验,能配合拍摄的 有本号直接发资料,没有的加微信:yune56 备注哈尔滨,谢谢哈,欢迎推荐
K.Kids|📷官方通告 大品牌平面拍摄 地点:深圳 时间:12月底1月初 要求:132-145身高的男女 身材饱满一点最佳‼️ 国模外模混血都可以 报名直接发模卡➕运动视频 K.Kids| 📷 Official announcement: Location for big brand graphic photography: Shenzhen Time: Late December to Early January Requirements: Men and women with a height of 132-145, preferably with a fuller figure ‼️ Both domestic and foreign models of mixed race can register …
Skit shooting Location: Hangzhou The total shooting period on December is 6 days 1. Male and female lead assist (also assistant): male 30 years old funny some December 7 December 9 December 15 Three Days 2. Female stars as female stars Age 25 or so (There are intimate scenes …
#保密筹备戏 演员要求: 5-6岁男孩 可爱机灵 #爱奇艺大型电视剧 拍期地点:重庆 演员要求: 8岁左右,男孩,像的,机灵点,配合度高 #筹备古装剧 演员要求: 8-12岁,女孩,双胞胎 #全国小演员招募 #身高90-170男孩女孩加我 一线影视剧需跟主演拼图 大量特约角色新人锻炼单,双胞胎,胖子,有技能, 优秀孩子片酬可谈
Beijing Shooting AI company’s English video shooting need: 2 male models from Middle East countries Only Beijing locals Interested people can contact me ASAP
A vertical short film will be filmed in Beijing on December 6th. Only Beijing actors of foreign nationality are needed. Both men and women are welcome, young people are preferred, and they should be able to speak Chinese. There are lines, suitable for sending materials. The price is private message, …
广深拍摄服装 需要80-85cm 纯外女孩 长发 全国找
江浙沪通告(报销差旅) 暂定12月8号上海定妆 10-11号中1-2天拍摄纪实片TVC ⭕️备注方言+坐标(江浙话优先)、接受素人演员 ⚠️本片纪实片、所有演员素人感、生活华、形象贴合角色优先,需多发生活照/符合角色照片⚠️ 1️⃣温州服装厂老板男 (38-45岁、憨厚朴实、生活化、爱笑) 2️⃣大厂女白领 (25岁左右 、初入职场、生活气息、朴素) 3️⃣民宿老板娘(28-30岁、生活感、刚刚怀孕) 4️⃣民宿老板男(30-35岁,新手爸爸、朴素有质感) 5️⃣皮具店大明(25岁左右、接地气、眼神有戏) 6️⃣父母(40-50岁、妈妈刀子嘴豆腐心,眼神坚毅有戏、爸爸和蔼可亲,有亲和力、参考岁月神偷) 7️⃣渔民船长男 (45岁左右 、沧桑感 辛勤劳作、爽朗干练,有渔民经验者优先) 报名认真发符合角色的资料⚠️朴素/质感生活化照片等、入选率高 费用💰1000-1500/12h
In Anhui Province next week or next week, shooting outdoor camping video,shooting for two consecutive days, at least 10 hours a day, need two female models and two male models, and a 7-11 years old child, if you have time, please contact me, reimbursement of travel[Rose][Heart]
Foshan, Shunde, December 19th and 20th, shooting for Maternal and child electrical appliances. Requirement: Female models should have golden hair. Child, aged 6 months to 1 year old, still breastfeeding, white child, half-blooded is also acceptable. Only accept models living in the Pearl River Delta region.
JOB Offer: sexy lingerie shooting [Location] HZ [Date] Dec 5th [Model] models who near hz Need a female model with wheat skin. If you are interested and free please contact me.
Casting Call: Child Actor Needed for Shooting in Shanghai • Age: 5 to 7 years old • Shooting Dates: December 11th, 12th, or 13th, 2024 • Details: Looking for a male child actor for a shoot in Shanghai • Other Options: If you are located in nearby cities around Shanghai, …
The short video shooting in Shanghai on the afternoon of December 6 requires a mature male model, the role is the boss, and there are a few lines. Price 500-600/h, 2-3 hours of shooting.
🎥Looking for an actor for a TV shoot in Shanghai: • Role: Priest (requires some Chinese lines) • Male, 45y.o, with good Chinese • Arrival December 6th, Shooting December 7th, Departure on 8th morning probably. • Compensation: Negotiable. Let me know if you are interested in my p.m. with suitable …
December fifteenth. All day, Shenzhen Sea World, I need 4 people over 178. Foreign high-faced female models. Catwalk (bikini catwalk manicure catwalk costume catwalk modeling catwalk. The scene also needs a shooting plane. If you are free, please contact me. The fee is 2000 per person.
Looking for baby for shooting today . Size 80-85 . Pm card now
Fujian: December, need an actress, about 45-60 years old, need to be able to speak English fluently, shooting about 8 hours, provide air ticket
Does anyone know the 60-65cm black skin baby in Hangzhou that can be Shooting right now?
Picture Shooting in Hangzhou Now Shooting Day: 4 December today 1.Baby: 💰500/h,4 hrs➕,need a boy and a girl, black skin, height near 65cm,cute Plz send me your 【card➕self introduce video➕more work videos】
#湖南 #安徽 景区、剧院招聘: 舞蹈演员女6/男3人💃 需求:男178+、女165+ 薪资待遇:💰5500 下午1-3场 晚上4-5场(2-4分钟) 节假日下午2-4场 晚上6-8场(2-4分钟) #浙江衢州 #杭州 舞蹈演员(民族舞 中国舞 古典舞 爵士)💃💃💃 要求 净身高165+ 薪资待遇:15000到20000 工作时间:晚上8点到11.30 包吃住行 (报销路费) 酒店双人标间住宿 过年有大🧧 过年会放假 合同一个月起签 月休四天 #江苏无锡 薪资待遇💰 :8000+ 招8名女舞蹈演员💃💃 要求 净身高162+ 工作时间:6点到11点 酒店双人标间住宿 合同可签短期 月休四天 买群 换群 + (只要舞蹈) ➕ 备注来意 谢谢
I need a thin boy with the real height of 177cm without shoes to play body double extras Three months contract Shooting will start in mid January Available people dm with their material and city name
guangdong dongguan shooting guangzhou,shenzhen提供车票 价格300~400💰/h 6h起 black girl model follow send your model card and vedio
Video shooting, I am looking for South American women who can speak Spanish and are around 30 years old,you can be in Any city or any country ,please contact me if you can