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甘肃舞蹈表演 专业:舞种不限 1.工资待遇:1w➕额外提成 2.住宿:酒店标间 3.包车票机票 4.工作内容:舞台跳舞 没表演时后台休息 咨询请发模卡 舞蹈视频 项目直招 无中介! 湖北沉浸式舞蹈演出 女舞蹈:8个 🧚♀️女乐器6个 民乐 专业:舞种不限 1.工资待遇: 9000+额外提成 工资半月一发 2.酒店标间 3.路费报销500以内 4.工作内容:一天3个舞蹈 咨询先请先发摩卡,舞蹈视频! ❗️补6名女舞蹈❗️ 项目直聘(无中介) 演出场地:山西演艺剧场 女舞蹈演员6名 身高164以上,形象好 无责底薪:10k—15k 住宿:酒店标间 路费报销 另招3名线上领队,本人亲手带(备注来意)
Oscar Bar in Luoyang, Henan Province needs a foreign female GOGO dancer, please contact me at any time if you are interestedNingbo Zoo needs foreign dancers clown actors, half a year contract, interested in contact me! Beijing recently need pure American English or game commentary experience of foreign girls, record …
山西省活动12月初进场 城市音乐舞蹈表演 马上进~1-2个月起步 🙋♀️招15女舞蹈,歌手3位,乐器5位,DJ3位,主持人2位 350一天➕800餐补️ 下午晚上演出 工资准时发,日结工资 包住行单程 项目靠谱 想长期稳定有意向的来!🫵 包吃住行(长期演员限名额12个) 住宿4人间 月休待定2-4 资料通过马上进场 寒假生即将满人,(毕业生,实习生,长期者优先)
1️⃣福建大型文旅(新项目) 地点:福建项目 近期视频面试 12.15排练(江苏)年底放假!!! 年后进场排练(福州) (长期,室内大型舞剧) 需求:男20名,身高175+(中国舞专业) 女30名,身高165+(中国舞专业) 薪资:5500—6000群演 6000—7000角色 7000到8000主演 待遇:包吃住行,四人间!基础设施完善。 近期线上视频面试 2️⃣江苏大型文旅项目 长期!(10个月) 演员招聘通告 (10个月) 需求:群舞 男20名,身高175+(中国舞专业) 女30名,身高165+(中国舞专业) 薪资:5500—6000 主演 男7名,身高180+(中国舞专业) 女9名,身高170+(中国舞专业) 薪资:7000+ 戏剧表演 (6男,2女) 薪资6000—7000 待遇:包吃住行,4人间!一天一场,节假日两场,加场有加场费!月休4(可连休,调休) 近期资料面试 12.15视频面试,通过后明年正月十五之后进场!(等待时间,如遇到好的项目,可择优选择 不做限制) 以上项目有意向的同学私 3️⃣另外莆田《印象妈祖》补一位女主演 170+ 薪资8000+ 包吃住行 月休四 三人间 4⃣️大IP舞剧~舞者招募!!! 需一女身高165+,古典舞者,有现代舞基础者优先 排练、合成、彩排,150元/天/人 演出,600元/场/人 包住宿交通,每月集中发放餐补补贴
1.28-29 Hengdian need Models Wear Chinese Hanfu Shooting Video Posted on TikTok ,free pls add me
Shenzhen Indoor Video Shooting A female model, white skin, plump figure, plus-size model, need 5 years portrait license. 12.10-13 One of the days 3000 / 8h, no car repair
Xi'an notice[Packet] Only Xi'an local Tomorrow need black African girls for the testing of door lock shoot , for 90-100 minutes Black African girls of Xi'an dm me
[Packet]1---石家庄 shi jia zhaung: need one 30-55years old man (no russia and Ukraine) AS the boss, jon meeting, speaking in meetings, not many lines 8:30--12:30,payment 1000 [Packet]2---often need shanghai /gaungzhou /beijing, from USA /cannda/England Adults and children actors ,game video shooting,welcome singn up [Packet]3----often need for actors and actresses who …
💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻招聘短期舞蹈戏剧男演员!![Fireworks][Fireworks][Fireworks](人偶无经验也可以只要身高满足) 哈尔滨剧场景区👉🏻时间⌚️:12.12-2.27 路费实报实销(来回1000以内) 工作稳定 资料过就进场 👉🏻住宿:2-4 👉🏻需求:一名舞蹈女身高155-165 👉🏻薪资: 2名戏剧:6000 舞蹈5000 👉🏻演出场次:2-5工作轻松休息时间多
通告,12月13号15号春晚宣传片拍摄。需要男女演员8名,儿童演员6名 嘉宾,刘德华,肖战,杨紫,王俊凯,全红婵,窦靖童,李宇春,成龙,杨幂,王一博,费用3000元, 报名发我模卡自我介绍PPT, 事妈,鸽子勿扰,[ThumbsUp][Party][Packet][Moon]
Douyin platform has fans, to Jinhua Hengdian shot a spring festival lantern festival-type video posted to the account, if you have time please send me account screenshots and coordinates 横店通告: 春节灯会,需要外籍抖音达人,到线下拍摄一条视频发布到平台上。粉丝量不限制 报名发我主页截图和坐标
Shooting Date: 10th Dec. Location: Shenzhen Shooting product: baby carriage Model requirements: a white female model,25-30, mom style a baby,about 1 year old,cute! 4h+ pls send me ur materials and price thx
横店通告: 春节灯会,需要外籍抖音达人,到线下拍摄一条视频发布到平台上。粉丝量不限制 报名发我主页截图和坐标
Wuhan Notice: A male actor is needed to shoot the commercial around December 13, and he is about 20-30 years old. Handsome and elegant. Please send me information card photo + video self-introduction + work video. Price: RMB 600/hour Reimbursement of travel
需要大量群组,外籍群 演员群 需要加我
Female model who can speak Chinese is preferred 🎬 Guangzhou shooting, 5th Thursday, need about 30 years old actress, good performance, preferably speak Chinese, preferably white skin blond hair 💰600 / hour at least 4 hours shooting, please sign up to send Chinese video only in Guangzhou local female models
On December 15th, we need beautiful women aged 16-23 to shoot a 5-hour English video in Xiamen and come to Hangzhou to pay for their train tickets💰
Shooting an advertisement in Beijing on the 8th requires a mother and son (boys aged 6-8) (each with a salary of 500). Wechat: 17600192217.
Fujian Putian bar needs a foreign female DJ business no problem can be long-term, interested in speed contact me! 【 Shandong Weihai Notice 】 Annual meeting of the enterprise on December 31 Nearby cities report high-speed rail 🚅 White foreign 1500 per person Male and female singers 1 Dancers 4 …
GuangZhou shooting 16th night to the next morning 1️⃣Need a girl about 18-23 years old, can naturally show very happy surprise expression 💰500-700 / h, at least 8 h Interested please send me information wx:ZW418WQ
We need a beautiful woman to shoot a 5-hour English video in Xiamen on December 15th
‼️Don't add me,add my new account. 🔟Gz or sz job Date depends on your time,inside clothes photos and videos shooting,need a male and a female model like in picture feel.💰600/h,at least 2 hours Send your card+city ‼️Copy this post,Send your card to my new account 19270378871
Shenzhen product shooting requires a female external model and a 1-3 year old female external model. The child needs to be a bit more mischievous, as the mother (around 170) has the joy of being a new mother. Suitable model cards
Shanghai Notice Filming around December 20th requires the following foreign actors: ⚠️White children: around 2-5 years old, suitable for both male and female children cost RMB💰 Global portrait rights for 2 years, with a shooting time of no more than 12 hours. ⚠️Materials: Module card+self introduction video+work video+coordinates