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Shooting in Hangzhou around December 18th, we need a female external model to shoot a fashionable flat. The requirements are height 177-181, weight around 50kg, young and beautiful 💰 2000/day
Next Friday, the 13th, we need a mature foreign man to shoot overseas products and play the role of a father! Additionally, we need a child around 5-7 years old. If interested, please send me the information
Ningbo shooting: Product shooting on December 6th requires a white male baby around 12 months old, with travel expenses reimbursed in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai regions~
Tomorrow, in Ningbo, shooting toys, need 10-14 months of baby, free please contact me
Shooting on 10th [Hug] In Chongqing ((Only Chongqing local)) 🎬Need 2 male and 2 females who's native English speaking ooor very Good in English Foreigner ok not professional just speak good English [Hug][Joyful] Shoot about 2 to 3 days Send your material asap Only local Chongqing people [Rose]
Lishui city, negotiation after confirmation of shooting time Need a model, female, around 40-50 years old, white Shooting a blood pressure monitor, indoors 4 hours, 500 / hours To sign up, please send a model card and your city of residence
Hangzhou Notice (all over the country can apply, reimbursement of travel expenses) Shoot Date: Any day between tomorrow and December 10th (time to be determined by model) Female foreign models, your face must have edges and corners a little more advanced, preferably short or medium hair (preferably straight, not curly) …
Shenzhen foreign notice, to determine the person is to determine the shooting Foreign actors, Male: Foreign model, European, master type, one day short video shooting Registration: Send model card + introduction video Address: Futian, Shenzhen Time: To be determined 📱 wechat: 13316439784 Mr. Liang Welcome to forward and recommend
宁波平面通告🎬江浙沪🉑️报销差旅 地点:宁波市区 时间:半天4小时定人定档 近期需要2位气质类年轻女模拍摄背心上衣平面(参考如图),自报价符合群规,必须有服装平面经验,拍过背心类的最好。高质量的来,一定要气质类的❗️甜美可爱的不要❌ 报名发平面资料➕坐标,自报半天最低合作价,请合理报价
Hainan shooting Documentary shooting on 15th 16th December 3 males required black skin Base in hainan Wx: weiweijessica167
❤️ Don't add me, add me New WeChat ADou241109 Suzhou needs one foreign actor, male or female, regardless of the country, mature and stable style, a little bit of Chinese e-commerce Tiktok live broadcast product for 8 hours of fruit cherry live broadcast nationwide, can sign up for a fixed …
Female models based in Guangzhou Shooting formal attire This month is still in China. Budget 800-1000/h 💰 Send me the information Model type reference is shown in the picture. You can recommend the image model to me.
有水下拍摄经验的女演员女模请联系我~ 🎬2025年1月份拍 项目:字节跳动旗下游戏公司 类型:拍摄决胜巅峰美女宣传片 预计拍摄3天 (拍摄地-东南亚海岛)具体还没确定哪个海岛(至少提前一天要到) 演员需求2名,女,国籍不限, 优先级-【有过水下拍摄经验】 演员外貌-可爱类型/御姐类型,年龄20-28左右 注:这次我们是在水下拍摄,会到真实的海边拍摄,需要演员有水下拍摄经验。 (参考视频在我朋友圈) 💰片酬自报价/天。 会安排差旅(注明所在城市) 👉🏻报名请发演员卡+自我介绍视频+水下拍摄的视频作品。 ❤️联系微信:KMY520520520
Shenzhen job ,recently we need a female or actress shoot for product video ,looks like american or british people, ,30-50years old ,pls send pic to wechat:happyvero123
杭州通告: 近期天猫店铺少女文胸内衣拍摄,需要青少年女模一名,国籍不限,混血也可以,要求:年轻13岁左右,年轻漂亮,有气质,有拍摄经验,大牌范儿,参考下图气质和风格,价格按小时自报合作价,定人定档期,杭州本地优先考虑,外地差旅费自理,符合要求发我模卡+样片,新人勿扰!@所有人
#全国3-18岁寒假小演员招募 大量特约角色新人锻炼单 新人可带,优秀孩子片酬可谈 拉全国通告群,换群
海南当地 15-16 号拍摄纪录片,黑人外籍 2-3 人饰演恐怖分子,会如果会法语可备注 发资料摩卡➕自我介绍 定人快
In Guangzhou, I need actors who are overweight. There is no gender restriction. If there is a suitable candidate, please send me the information. I welcome recommendations from people around me, no experience required 💰 400/h 5h
Shooting in Beijing on the 8th needs a boy and a mother aged 6-8. WeChat: 17600192217.
Shenzhen job ,recently we need a female model or actress shoot for product video ,35-50years old ,pls send pictures to WeChat : MOYAO1109
GZ: Mid- December,looking for a male model for clothes shooting,mature with bearded,short and blonde hair or brush cut. Contact me if u available,thx[Rose]
Shooting an advertisement in Beijing on the 8th requires a mother and son (boys aged 6-8). WeChat: 17600192217.
12-13 16-17 This four days shooting needs a white male model, needs to be good at professional skateboarding, customer price 500 hours, if you can please let me know
Notice from Shanghai and Hangzhou: A female model is needed for the recent shooting. Requirements: Exquisite facial features and three-dimensional, rich shooting experience Shooting time: 4-6h Self-quotation
‼️Don't add me,add my new account. 3⃣️Guangzhou job(accept nearly city models) Date depends on your time,tiktok skin care product video shooting,need a female model.have 2-3 easy Chinese lines. 💰Give me your price Send your card+city+price ‼️Copy this post,Send your card to my new account 19270378871