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1.成都宽窄巷子戏院找演员,一脱口秀演员,工资私聊,长期,联系电话微信18011448845 阿文德隆 2.苏州旅游剧场找评弹演员,工资待遇私聊联系电话微信18011448845 阿文德隆@所有人
Need Spanish native speaker. ( Spanish passport) 4 girls. TikTok video shooting. 1day 500-800yuan, depends on shooting for 2-3 hours maximum . Day is 28-29th of Dec , 2 days. Work in Beijing .
1.Beijing Local Time: 12.11 Shooting Tvc Requirements: Female, 25-35 years old, 175+, white skin. no transportation expenses 💰:400-600/h (shoot 6h) Card➕video➕price , WeChat:oh-orange-ne ——————————————— 2. 北京 12月11日需要一位男演员,拍摄TVC➕平面套牌,不用露脸,露手即可(手大一点),6-8h,💰600,微信oh-orange-ne
1️⃣福建大型文旅(新项目) 地点:福建项目 近期视频面试 12.15排练(江苏)年底放假!!! 年后进场排练(福州) (长期,室内大型舞剧) 需求:男20名,身高175+(中国舞专业) 女30名,身高165+(中国舞专业) 薪资:5500—6000群演 6000—7000角色 7000到8000主演 待遇:包吃住行,四人间!基础设施完善。 近期线上视频面试 2️⃣江苏大型文旅项目 长期!(10个月) 演员招聘通告 (10个月) 需求:群舞 男20名,身高175+(中国舞专业) 女30名,身高165+(中国舞专业) 薪资:5500—6000 主演 男7名,身高180+(中国舞专业) 女9名,身高170+(中国舞专业) 薪资:7000+ 戏剧表演 (6男,2女) 薪资6000—7000 待遇:包吃住行,4人间!一天一场,节假日两场,加场有加场费!月休4(可连休,调休) 近期资料面试 12.15视频面试,通过后明年正月十五之后进场!(等待时间,如遇到好的项目,可择优选择 不做限制) 以上项目有意向的同学私 3️⃣另外莆田补1女主演(b角) (中国舞) 170+ 8000包吃住行 月休四 三人间 4️⃣另需项目主演舞蹈(中国舞) 10男孩180+ 10女孩170+。 包吃住行 7000+ 5️⃣江苏连云港补一女孩163+ 5000-5500 包吃住行 月休十天 近期进 6️⃣海南长期项目 …
北京 12月11日需要一位男演员,拍摄TVC➕平面套牌,不用露脸,露手即可(手大一点),6-8h,总价💰600,微信oh-orange-ne
Early next month Two TVC Videos wanted talents (South Asia; India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc.) Two Male actor 25-28 years old Boy 8-9 years old Pay tickets all china
Hangzhou shooting December 14-15,we need a young female model👩🏼in hangzhou, brown hair, and height is about 172. Don't need show you face on camera. Age between 20-30 years old. we will shoot it on the 14th and 15th for 1-2 hours each, totaling 4 hours. Price 2000 pls send me …
杭州鞋子拍摄 ❗️脚码28-34或5到10岁 ⚠️男女童都可 时间大概这周 国模混血外模都可 Hangzhou Shoe Shooting Foot size 28-34 or 5-10 years Both boys and girls About this week.
❶、Shanghai modelling job: Dec 30th, need a senior male + female model for glasses shoot,age around 50-60 years old. 500/h. around 2-3 days shooting time for each model.Please send model card directly if you are qualified. Set model today ❷Shanghai modelling job: Dec 30th, need male + female model for …
12月15,上海欧美片场拍摄,需求上海本地演员。 角色:男主替身 要求:身高180,手好看,肤色白,身材匀称好看,爱豆型身材,不需要太会演戏,搭词就行。需要自备一套西装裤鞋 预算:800(拍摄20小时) 角色:教导主任 要求:女性中年,戏好,需自备职场装。 预算:251(半天) 角色:男学生两个 要求:身高180,不需要太帅,会演戏。 预算:200/人(半天) 涉及路费需报销,请留好报销凭证。
Foshan city I need a mature female model for shooting furniture ,more than 45 age .the date based on you.if interested in this job .send me your model card and more details to me
December 13th, Shoot massage electrical products in Guangzhou, need a female model, estimated shooting time is 10-14hours, if you free,send model card to me
We are seeking boys 100 white boys for a shooting in today only Shenzhen • Location: SHENZHEN • Shoot Start Date: TODAY Interesting add me If you’re available and interested, please contact us
Next week ,foshan ,need mature female shooting indoor cushion products,pictures and video all have ,Need make up yourself ,price not high ,just 500/h ,at least 4 hour ,age over 35 ,who available
Nanjing Notice The product plane was shot on the 13th of this month, male external model was required, and travel expenses were reimbursed. Location: Nanjing Budget 500/h Shoot for a day.
[Bomb]Notice: Date: December 18 Location:Guangzhou shooting Product: Child clothes - Princess Dress Price:500H Requirements: 1.One girl model 2. Turkish look 3. Age : 5-8 years old 4. Have modeling experience If you're interested and meet the requirement, can send your model card and video!
河北景区 男15人 175左右 女15人 165左右 待遇,5000 资料➕面试 长期去过年,包食➕宿➕路费 入场时间12月中旬。[Twirl] 浙江台州方特,寒假短期活动 1月16号~2月14号 需提前三天进场 薪资4800,包吃住,4天调休 男净173+ 女净162+ 需流行舞 北京舞蹈团寒假活动 12月17号到18号入场,1月22号左右结束 按场次算,一场150到250,一个月保底5000左右 干完整个周期报销车费(二等座及以下,需拿纸质车票报销) 江苏苏州寒假短期活动预定 档期1月20号到2月16号 需男女舞蹈演员,共58天,包住有餐补。 路费单程300,距离近的优先 咨询请先发资料
The short film in Fuzhou, Fujian Province will be launched at the end of December. Actors are needed: the hero (brown short hair and beard image) and the heroine (brown long hair, hot temper) will be filmed for 5-7 days, with an average daily salary of 3,000 yuan, and the …
❗️ Work in Beijing ❗️Time: December 14th ❗️Shooting tvc requires: A Young Male model, who can hang Wei Ya movements and fly in the air, must have videos that have been taken before. Work for about 6h ~ 8h. ❗️If you have time, please send me the model + video …
📍Shooting in Wuhan Local models only!‼️⚠️ 1️⃣ Looking for female models with light skin and a great figure to represent a clothing brand 👗. Please send your model card ASAP! ID:Arbi__hiM-21
Guangzhou Short Video Shooting A middle-aged and elderly female model with temperament plays the role of a black man's mother Can speak some Chinese and accept newcomers 250-350/h 4-hour pricing based on data analysis Send me the registration materials
Guangzhou recently Location: Guangzhou Baiyun Requirements: Yellow Asian male external model, shooting sportswear, no transportation expenses 💰:700/h (shoot 4h)
Date not confirmed Shenzhen Looking for a female model 20-28 years old. White or tanned skin Latino. Phone product video shooting Two years image right contract. Without manicures. Not even Nude or transparent. 500per hour 4h minimum.