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Shenzhen indoor shooting A white or wheat female model, a gentle family model, Cost 3000 yuan for 8 hours, December 23-27 one day Requires a 5-year portrait authorization contract
In end December or early January Need a male actor to participate in the live streaming( make a speech). 1000💰/, and attend the offline meeting Make a speech (about 15 minutes) 🇭🇰 in Hong Kong.2500/day. Sure your visa no problem through Hong Kong 🇭🇰, interested in connect me.
1️⃣ For flat shooting in Xiamen at the end of December, we need a female model with a sense of sport, with a quotation of 300-600 per hour, starting from 4 hours. If you are interested, please give me the information, and the national reimbursement of airfare. 2️⃣ Xiamen flat …
北京怀柔拍摄短剧 主持人:男,25-30岁左右 价格1000 请发送英文自我介绍视频,模特卡 Beijing Huairou filming short drama Host: Male, around 25-30 years old Price 1000 Please send an English self introduction video and a model card
shooting in Suzhou Need an American female model, shooting accessories, need mature and elegant type 💰700-800/h To sign up please send a quote, model card, details
上海拍摄 12月30号拍摄平面,外地路费自理,要 男孩120-125左右, 女孩110左右, 配合度高,漂亮,可爱 预算800/天(路费自理) 摩卡+自我介绍视频+平面作品+5~8张生活照片 有下面哪个号发哪个号 qydance2017(🈵加不进) qigege122(🈵加不进) qigege12211(可加)
此工作室同行请注意避雷!!!!!!! not ended-叮当 not ended-香蕉 包括其他工作号我就不一一打出来了 某些人心里有数 各个大群都有这个工作室的广告 专收苹果ID余额 这个工作室直接明着剁演都不带演一下 拉个不是公司号的私人微信进来改完密码密保就退群 留下他们在群里演戏 信息也不带回的 屯一两个月的余额ID 在我手上怪好 出给他们 没十分钟 人退群 密码密保都被改 年底了同行们都注意一点 有账单的同行直接划掉指不定哪天咬到你了!!!
Guangzhou 22-23-24 one date Home product indoor outdoor both have video shooting need 1️⃣fashion black man 25-35age 1️⃣handsome man 18-35age 1️⃣🛹skateboard man 18-30age 1️⃣🎸guitar man 18-30age 1️⃣beautiful woman 18-30age 1️⃣youngcute woman 18-28age 1️⃣🛹skateboard woman 18-30age 1️⃣🎸guitar woman 18-30age 💰600-800perhours,minimum 4h
Shanghai notice video shooting on December 16 and 17 consecutive two days We need two expatriates for 800/8h 1️⃣ A white girl 2️⃣ A black boy ⚠️ do not add me to sign up for investment on wechat Know-666
For shooting in Hengdian need 4 black skin guys, need to come now, provide a car, from Hangzhou
厦门拍摄平面广告 (全国🉑报) 12.23-12.27号其中一天 需要年轻女外籍模特,运动感,脸要高级一点,要有训练痕迹,不要太瘦的,比例要好看!比如(网球) 价700💰/h least 8 室外 报名发运动平面资料
23-28th. One day Shanghai need a professional basketball player. black male for sport clothes shooting. Need to play basketball! If u have free date. Pls let me know and send me material thxx Reimburse travel from any city in China
🩷❤🧡💛🧡💚🩵💙 ❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️ Shooting Work: Latino many female dancers needed City: Changsha Price: 2500 ( can negotiate) Date: Jar. 21-23 requirements: 1 dance (2mins) Need Passport latino or Spanish girls. 21th arrive and rehearsal ,22rehearsal, 23th shooting and back. provided travel expenses and hotels and food. Welcome to forward.
Dec 19 th Wuxi city video shooting need young white male and white female also need a black male for how to use for medical machine and show the products with healthy and nature smiles. The models or actors only can accept from Shanghai or Suzhou city close cities. If …
🎬Job Notice 👑 (Only One Week Left🔥) (A Life-changing Opportunity🤑) 1️⃣ More than 50 short movies are going to be produced.🎥 2️⃣ Male and female actors are needed.🙋♂️🙋♀️ 3️⃣ The project will start in January 2025 and is currently in the selection process.🛜 4️⃣ Payment: It depends on the role. …
12.18-12.23 坐标象山 齐小闲:8岁,男,九转魔童,齐等闲和金艺琳的儿子,性格拽、霸气,武力值超强。但是在金艺琳面前又会变成可爱的宝宝。拍5天,短剧,帅的戏好的,合适联系 横店通告 18号开机,萌宝系列,来点小朋友演员吧,视觉年龄5.6岁,身高120cm内,男孩子合适需要录试戏视频,拍摄5天左右,还差男孩女孩, 短剧衢州拍,10岁左右男孩女孩,11场戏,22号拍,长得好看的戏好的,合适联系 北京的男孩女孩7.8岁的,16号有时间的,几场戏,怀柔拍,短剧, 参奖短片,28号北京拍,8岁小男孩,戏好的,合适联系,
One of the days, from December 16 to 19, requires female models to shoot underwear in Wuxi for at least 4-5 hours. Contact me for a model quote
One of the days from December 23 to 27, Xiamen clothing shooting needs a foreign girl model of about 110-140cm. Shoot outdoors, price is 700/h, travel reimbursement.
18th December shooting in Wuxi need : 1️⃣ One Malaysian, Indian and Filipino girl 2️⃣ one Asian boy( Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan) all ok On 19th December need: 1️⃣ One Caucasian boy and girl 2️⃣ One black skin boy and girl Provide tickets from nearest cities.
正能量励志文旅微短剧 开机时间 2024年12月下旬 江苏南通如东地区拍摄· 拍7天 1️⃣--林瑜-- 26岁,女 洒脱、率真,独立自信,重承诺,行动力强,勇敢面对每一个挑战,却在感情上很脆弱。一直留在家乡的古镇上经营着一家红木雕刻店。想尽各种办法,增加家乡的文化宣传和红木雕刻技艺,经历过诸多挫折后, 将家乡的特色文化和红木雕刻技艺发扬光大, 并延伸产业链,销售到全国,甚至是世界,在这过程中也收获了爱情。 2️⃣--万天成-- 28岁,男 执着、正直、不失幽默,有能力,盛天集团董事长,世界首富。因为种种不可抗力因素与林瑜相知相识,开始感受了解如东的传统美食 研究红木雕刻技艺和文化传承,为了保护古镇和非物质文化遗产与不良开发商产生纠纷 最大的愿望是让如东文化一直流传下去。 3️⃣-白慕瑶-25岁,女, 白家千金,性格刁蛮,任性,阴险,为了得到万天成不择手段, 因为嫉妒,对林瑜百般为难,最后后悔莫及 4️⃣--王成-- 25岁,男, 重情重义,万天成的秘书, 做管理工作,一次偶然的机会,与林瑜相识, 5️⃣--白母-- 50岁,女, 白慕瑶的母亲,溺爱自己的女儿,势利眼,对林瑜也是各种打压 6️⃣--白父--55岁,男, 白慕瑶的父亲,盛天集团的原料供应商,溺爱自己的女儿,势利眼,对林瑜也是各种打压 7️⃣--林父--男,56岁, 为人正直,红木雕刻传承人,在栟茶古镇经营着一家红木店,疼爱自己女儿。 8️⃣--万父--男,56岁, 万天成父亲,有智慧,有财富,有气质,对儿子做的对的事情很支持认可 9️⃣--万母--女,53岁, 万天成母亲,对儿子期望很高,思想有点老旧,开始对林瑜不认可, 不过还是很明事理,最后还是认可了林瑜 🔟--查尔斯-- 男,35岁, 阿拉伯富商,来到如东投资房地产生意,利益当先, 后被万天成带去感受了如东的传统文化,古镇的风土人情所感动, 从而撤销了之前的拆迁方案。 文旅微短剧 发打包资料➕坐标➕最低报价
1⃣🌹🌹可短期!💃浙江台州剧场 招舞蹈:女生8名165+ :男生2名175+ 12月18入场🧣 长期半年起签 可以短期到大年后⚠️ 每天一场 舞蹈简单,只有几个舞蹈 工资5000 ,包吃住, 路费报销单程500内 舞种不限 古典民族爵士都可以! 2⃣️河南商丘景区 招20名女165 20名男175+ 中国舞古典民间 工资5000 三个月起‼️‼️ 线上面试 通过25号进 3⃣️云南景区需要舞蹈演员 6男10女 男175+女165+ 包吃住行,民族舞流行舞都可 价格5000-6000资料定 4⃣️哈尔滨街区 一名女舞蹈演员166+ 两名男舞蹈演员176+ 一名男戏剧178+/女戏剧167+ 薪资:5500/🈷️ 形象为主!资料定人 合同半年 尽快进场 包吃住行 住宿2-3人 5⃣️湖北咸宁 3个月项目 12.19进场 ——女孩身高165➕薪资:5000/月 舞蹈种类:民族 一天5-6场平均每场不超过15分钟 成品舞蹈 简单 条件好放宽标准 咨询者发送资料:摩卡 舞蹈视频 自我介绍 包吃住行 干满三个月报销双重路费单程路费500以内 …
Announcement We are looking for people for a shoot in Shanghai on the 23rd and 24th. We need: • Men and women for secondary roles (400 yuan/hour, minimum 4 hours, but shooting may last longer) – not from Russia, Ukraine, or America, • Extras for a party (800 yuan for …
xiamen soon shooting normal clothes 110-140cm girl,6h-10h 500/h. we pay ticket from all china.✈️
#佛山室内基地拍摄 时间:18号拍摄 价格:2000/8小时,超时均价。3年肖像权。 要求: 一位女外籍,年轻漂亮的,欧美人感觉的,巴西的也可以,不要黑人。 只要在广州或者佛山,深圳的都可以。车费实报实销。 欢迎报名 # Foshan indoor base shooting Time: Shoot on the 18th Price: 2000/8 hours, overtime average price. Three years of portrait rights. Requirements: A female expat, young, pretty, Euro-American, Brazilian, no black. As long as it is in Guangzhou or Foshan, Shenzhen can be. …
Hefei on 23rd 🎬🎬 Need 1 European man over 35 years old Shoot a Truck commerical As long as he can drive and have licence Nearby cities can apply provide tickets Send Material asap Thankyou [Hug]