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Hangzhou Announcement: The casting and shooting schedule will be finalized at the end of this month. We need a young female foreign model to shoot bedding four-piece sets. Requirements: The model should be over 165cm in height, with blonde hair, slender hands without nail polish, fair skin and no tattoos. …
Qingdao notice 19-24th(4days shooting). Short drama need a male actor. English lines 3000/12hrs/day Offer travel fee from any city in China
Shenzhen job Date: 18th Time:4-6hs Cost:500/h Shooting products:sports bracelet need a male model,young, handsome and energetic, indoor pictures➕video shooting, no lines No travel expenses.only needs SZ model Sign 1 years portrait rights agreement Plz send model card + self-introduction video + work (WeChat:15975329085)
Shooting on December 19, Shenzhen notice: long-term need for baby shooting, need 4~5 months of baby, need blond hair, blue eyes, height not more than 65cm, American face, long-term need, please send model card + video + quotation, fare reimbursement
杭州通告 时间:19-22号珠宝视频拍摄 需要年轻女模特 肤白貌美 有珠宝拍摄作品优先 没有演技台词 展示产品10人 预算2k/天 (优秀合理报价) 报名符合资料+介绍视频+符合作品 (外地备注地区) 报名一定备注地区 报名一定备注地区 报名一定备注地区
Models who are native English speakers are needed for jobs in Guangzhou and Shenzhen. We are shooting overseas game advertisements (slot machines). The business is legally operated overseas. The pay is 500 yuan per hour. Lines are required and video works of speaking English should be provided. The minimum shooting …
小红书生活类、探店类(谈过酒水优先)、追星达人招募 项目:某艺人TVC直发 粉丝量:1000+ 达人类型:生活类、探店类(谈过酒水优先)、追星类 合作方式:报备直发 到手价格:100 账号要求:近期活跃度比较高,有爆文的,数据好 执行时间:下周 报名链接:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/Qz7fi3z.aspx# 小红书美食分享、生活分享、潮流时尚类达人招募 产品:咖啡饮品 平台:小红书 类型:美食分享、生活分享、潮流时尚类 报备图文费用:要求3000-30000内,返点要求50%+ 合作方向:原创图文走报备 拍摄方式:只需要简单的咖啡分享,出片好看即可 档期:12月17号-12月25号 要求:发布内容保留一年并免费授权品牌使用 报名链接:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/Qa87fxB.aspx#
Hangzhou Announcement: Zhejiang Mobile Promotional Video (No business trip required for out-of-town talent) Tentative shoot on Tuesday with 2 foreign actors (either male or female). Only one quick shot, with a few lines (can speak in their native language). Location: West Lake 5️⃣ Foreign friends 6️⃣ Foreign tourists 💰 1000 …
Don't add me‼️plz add Dali3i Looking for Philippine's talents Main role: (requires dialogs in Filipino) ~45 y.o female aunt (can be a bit chubby) ~38 y.o woman ~30 y.o male (handsome) Sedondary: ~28 y,o girl ~50 y.o male (uncle) The filming is scheduled to take place in Guangdong from December …
❄️寒假舞蹈演员提前预订 山西场 上海场 浙江场 补招女舞蹈演员10名 1.不需要留下过年 舞蹈编导 舞蹈表演专业的优先考虑 2.净身高:女舞蹈163➕ 底薪9000~12000 ❄️湖北咸宁 3个月项目 19号进场 女孩身高165➕男178➕ 薪资:5000 舞蹈种类:民族 一天5-6场平均每场不超过15分钟 咨询者发送资料:摩卡 舞蹈视频 自我介绍 包吃住行 干满三个月报销双重路费 住宿四人间 待遇丰厚 鸽子勿扰 事儿逼勿扰!
Models in Chengdu or Chongqing contacted me on December 16th to shoot a promotional video for 400 RMB/h
一个很急的通告:12月16日 需求:找一个外国人拍摄酒店项目 时间:拍摄2个小时 片酬:看资料合理报价 联系人:王某人 17623854321(同V)
山西太原(甲方直招) 盛宴舞台演艺 城市会客厅盛宴 人员需求:现在继续增加名额加12名舞蹈演员164➕ 要求舞蹈:民族古典 现代 流行爵士 女民乐4位:琵琶 古筝 二胡等 歌手两位:165+流行音乐为主,要求自信有气质,工资可日结,薪资待遇好 魔术师:男一位能带动气氛的优先。 DjMC:女两位,长期的优先. 薪资:底薪9000-1.2w(根据现场形象专业定) 提成次日结,日结,日结 (演出生意爆满) 档期:1-3个月起步 场次:每天平均3场 住宿:3室1厅标准公寓套间(空间很大) 进场时间:12.15入场,当天排练,第2天上岗 舞种不限,要求形象好、气质佳,自信且大方,要有一定基本功及舞台表现力 可盖实习章实习证明, 吃住行全包,资料审核面试 通过即可入职安排住宿安排进场 长期者优先,实习生毕业生优先 名额有限,满编停止
Recently,need a female model to shoot bath products in Ningbo, with a cost of 500/h and a minimum of 6 hours. Travel expenses can be reimbursed in surrounding cities
A female model is needed for lingerie shooting next week. The payment is 1500 yuan per hour and travel expenses will be covered. Those who are interested, please add me and send your profiles.
寒假工提前预订 山西场 补招女舞蹈演员20名 能过年的 舞蹈编导 舞蹈表演专业的优先考虑 1.补招女领舞舞蹈蹈6名,普通演员6名 净身高:领舞女165➕ 女领舞舞蹈8000-10000/月 女普通舞蹈6000-8000/月 2、民族乐器数名,古筝,琵琶,二胡,笛子,阮等 300~1000/天 3、西洋乐器数名,大提琴,小提琴,萨克斯,手风琴等 300~1000/天 4、杂技双人力量2名,柔术2名,魔术师1名 300~1000/天 本地可全职,可兼职,时间自由,每天都有演出,长期全职者享受福利待遇,过年红包不断!
广东拍摄 Looking for Filipino talents Main role: (requires dialogs in Filipino) ~45 y.o female aunt (can be a bit chubby) ~38 y.o woman ~30 y.o male (handsome) Sedondary: ~28 y,o girl ~50 y.o male (uncle) The filming is scheduled to take place in Guangdong from December 26th to 27th, lasting …
Time Change Notice: Jiangsu Recruitment Notice (Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai area can apply, can be reimbursed travel expenses) A day in China on December 18 or 19, filmed in Suqian, Jiangsu Province, an actor, white, about 30 years old, can speak Chinese, can read Chinese script, speak Chinese lines, within 5 …
北京通告[Packet]燕郊拍摄 12月16号明天,短剧拍摄 资料通过 今晚进组或明早上到 需要跟组青年男能说词 16到21号拍六天 费用200/天 饰演保镖身高180以上 资料模卡自我介绍 有台词的昨品 报名点击头像加微信
Skit shooting Location: Shanghai The total shooting period on December 16th is 1 day. 2female 2male 20-35 years American speech Send information
Guangzhou, December 17th. I need a young male model who can speak a little Chinese to shoot skincare products video , please contact me as soon as possible
20号,横店拍短剧,5-7岁小女孩,三天戏份,戏好合适, 短剧,衢州拍,22号,8.9岁男孩,几场戏,合适联系好 竖屏短剧,25号以后有时间的,联系 小男孩:6岁,可爱 小女孩:6岁,可爱 小胖墩:7岁,孩子王。 都是角色,合适联系 短剧,横店18号开机,17号进组定妆围读,18-23,拍5天,120以内男孩,可爱的洋气的,机灵的,横店周边联系,欢迎推荐, 在北京的7.8岁小男孩小女孩,17号有时间的,短剧,特约,联系我,
🌈🌈 1️⃣ Gz dress shoot need C cup girls ,better can fitting,if you can let me know pls 2️⃣ Sz clothes job ,need Noble and dignified young girls ,this month shoot ASAP
Gz/sz Shooting need red hair girls,better have freckle,if u r blond but can take dye red hair for one time thing also ok, if u r please send me your card thanks !