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安徽巢湖银河大舞台 招聘女舞蹈6名,要求身高163+ 擅长古典民族舞 ,形象好,开朗,懂点直播更好 5.5k /6.5k月 +提成,综合10k~12k (下午排练拍摄宣传,晚上演出直播卖货 非常轻松) 要求进场时间 ❗️越快越好随时❗️ /合同到2月起步 车费报单500以内 周休一天 管吃管住,工作轻松! 河北石家庄 补女舞蹈6个,要求净身高163+,男女不限制,形象好,情商高,系统学习过舞蹈专业,有 直招女舞蹈演员30名,要求净身高163+,形象好,薪资9000 吃:一天两顿 住:三室一厅 路费500以内单程路费(干满一个月报销) 准备资料: (1)近期全身生活照和演出照、证件照一张或近期模卡一份 (2)1/2分钟个人舞蹈视频 (3)自我介绍视频1个(介绍内容:姓名,年龄,身高,体重,毕业学校,舞龄,出发地,籍贯) 一.湖北餐厅招聘通告 ①人员需求: 补6女舞蹈演员 ②场次安排: 一天3-5场 平均4场左右 一场不超过20分钟 ③薪资待遇 薪资6000-8000/月 包吃住行 管吃管住 住宿酒店标间 有独立卫浴和空调 每月休2~4天 可盖实习章 2个月—半年起签或一年签 二.湖南演绎场 ①人员需求: 6名舞蹈女演员 净身高163及以上,民族舞专业 ②场次安排: 一天3-5场 ③薪资待遇 薪资8000元/月 住宿酒店标间 …
外籍双人乐队,驻场 歌手🎤Xia+吉他🎸Hanna 曲目丰富,中文歌曲 📍现在在东莞 , 11月中空档,现在可以预约。
@All 1000+ High quality wechat model ,actor ,dancer,singer groups available for sell in cheap price add my wechat good groups available no spam,no junk and no advertisements all active groups
✔Cuban/Filipino female singer Casting ✔ Location:Shenyang ✔Requirement: Female singers are required to be able to sing high notes, have the ability to liven up the live atmosphere, interact with clients, and have a beautiful appearance. ✔Conditions: free room ,free food,free ticket,free visa ✔Start:2024.11 ✔Long-term contract 📲Please open the OPH to …
Looking for a female singer for a 6 month contract. Jazz/r&b/funk WECHAT ID : jessymotta 📍Xining city ✅2 days off per month ✅free accommodation ✅work visa To start as soon as possible for more information 👇🏽 : WECHAT ID : jessymotta
A nightclub needs a singer girl(White with interesting appearance, can without hair or look unusual) singer girl Cuba/morocco /Africa /Brazilian or another, long term contract
代唱389,任意风格,多位歌手任选,全网最低 需要+ 可开发票,可对公,可放心 请不要相信他们那些,个人在家做音乐的,小心上当受骗 做音乐找正规音乐公司
北京 日期22~23拍 其中一天[加油] 拍歌手mv, 内容不难, 主要是形象 大块头肌肉男 角色2要拽 酷 脸部有棱角或者线条的 女孩子 比较酷比较飒的短发女生 也需要 (不要甜妹) 报名 资料合并 报名/推荐 报名老师 先来个 图片照片 [破涕为笑] 急急急 谢谢推荐 中国人 外国人都可以耶✌️
‼️Changsha City. Early November... I need 8 singers. Imitate the songs of the following artists. It takes three days to record. You don't have to be on camera. You just pick up sound. If you can. Please send me your artist profile and one of the singers single solo video …
11.30 Yangzhou city JiangSu province - Hotel birthday dinner required 4 ppl foreign band. one female lead singer
who is in China or abroad Bottle live show Xi’an city 🌆 1 singer Gil’s 1 boy , guitar 🎸, electronic keyboard * Working time : 10pm - 2am * 4 sets dance * 6 -12 months contract * Work Visa and Apartment provided * 2 days off every month …
Job Announcement Location: Hotel Lobby, Wenzhou, Zhejiang Staff Needed: 1 Female Singer, 1 Male Keyboardist Music Style: Jazz/Light Music Working Hours: 6 days a week, 4:30-6:00 PM Work Period: Nov. 26, 2024 to Apr. 26, 2025 Accommodation and Meals Provided Please attach your resume and performance video when adding WeChat. …
26th October night 👉we need a black man singer + black man keyboard, 👉white boy DJ with equipment work City : linyi 临沂shandong province please you are in China already ,Cities near Shandong are preferred.,we will pay for you airport tickets ,please Contact me send material
Need job? Message me Job seekers Free charge ♥need Asian girls ,White girls work in #club/bar/KTV/Hotel/party/spa #China, #Singapore, #Malaysia, #Thailand $5,000 to $20,000 a month Pay everyday/weekly/monthly Provide visa. Accommodation . airfare ♥♥Need DJ,MC,Host, dancers, singers and bands .etc ♥♥♥work VISA (Z visa) Come and stay in China Without job …
✔Eastern European / South American playing singer / singer Casting ✔ Location:Changsha five star hotel ✔Conditions: free hotel room ,free ticket,free food ,free visa ✔Start: 2024.12.1 ✔Long-term contract 📲Please open the OPH to view the details of the offer, build your own home page, you can see more information about …
✔European Jazz Duo Band/Pianist Singer Casting ✔ Location:Shanghai five star hotel ✔Requirement: The musician in the band are able to play the piano. English and French proficiency is preferred ✔Conditions: free hotel room ,free food,free ticket,free visa ✔Start:2024.11 ✔Long-term contract 📲Please open the OPH to view the details of the …
外籍双人乐队,驻场 歌手🎤Xia+吉他🎸Hanna 曲目丰富,中文歌曲 📍现在在东莞 , 11月中空档,现在可以预约。 ☎️微信:eatenbymonsters
Wenzhou Zhejiang My friend looking for 🇪🇸Singer or 🇵🇹Singer,this party 21th, if you near city pls contact me,thank you. My friend looking for dancer team, 5-6 people, white people, if you near shanghai hangzhou contact me
National Travel: Shanghai Recording, October Need female singers with explosive songs. Contact me if you are interested
外籍双人乐队,歌手🎤Xia+吉他🎸Hanna,11月中空档 📍现在在东莞 ☎️微信:eatenbymonsters
Looking for a female singer for a 6 month contract. Jazz/r&b/funk. Accommodation and work visa provided
China's largest film company, model company recruitment female external models, female external actors, female dancers, female singers, providing food, drink, housing, clothing luxury goods, part-time or long term cooperative development, high salary, female models who can take on activities recently female actors female dancers, female singers, I am in a …
‼️‼️URGENTLY ‼️‼️ For those inside and outside China 🎙️🎙️🎙️MALE AND FEMALE SINGERS are needed to join a vocal team for 1 year contract in park 🕺🕺🕺💃💃💃 Working visa, tickets, accommodation, costumes and food provided. Start in November 💸💸💸 ‼️‼️СРОЧНО‼️‼️ Для тех, кто в Китае и за его пределами 🎙️🎙️🎙️Нужны ВОКАЛИСТЫ, …
湖北【敦煌】 女舞蹈演员10名 163➕ 💰薪资:8000/月 4.女歌手2名,民族唱法,美声,流行通俗均可,戏腔唱法等 5.补以下乐师数名 🔺【编钟、竽、琵琶、古筝、笛子、箫、小提琴,大提琴,阮,二胡等】 💰薪资:9000起步/月 🕐场次:暂定3场/天 2支舞/场 住宿:酒店住宿标间 进场时间:10.20之前入场 ⭐实习福利:实习生可免费盖实习章薪资待遇与正常社招演员一样
山西沉浸式演出 集国粹和古典乐舞文化打造 山西特色文化,以崭新的舞台承载山西文化,包含热门舞剧选取片段二次创编,集中国经典古典舞乐,国粹曲艺文化于一体的大型沉浸式演出 1.补男舞蹈演员1名: 身高180以上,舞蹈表演专业优先,技巧突出,颜值担当 具备专业素养 薪资:8000~10000 2.补女领舞舞蹈6名,普通演员6名 净身高:领舞女165➕,普通演员163+ 女领舞舞蹈8000-10000/月 女普通舞蹈6000-8000/月 3.女戏曲演员各2名,京剧,豫剧均可,评弹小调等 4.女歌手2名,民族唱法,美声,流行通俗均可,戏腔唱法等 5.补以下乐师数名 🔺【编钟、竽、琵琶、古筝、笛子、箫、小提琴,大提琴,阮,二胡等】 薪资:9000起步/月 场次:3场/天 6支舞/场 主演享受酒店自助餐 4星级酒店住宿标间 🛩️行程所有费用一概全包 点,平时单休 年假探亲假 社保 优秀者🉑晋升领舞主跳,享受领舞待遇 进场时间:10.25号之前进场 🙋住宿环境:酒店人间(均配备独立卫浴) ⭐实习福利:实习生可免费盖实习章薪资待遇与正常社招演员一样 ➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢应聘请先发摩卡,舞蹈视频,自我介绍视频一份,公主病,大爷病,鸽子女的勿扰.黑中介勿扰 欢迎各团队合作浅谈! +微注明来意