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Shanghai ,need a little fat girl ,130-140cm,3 hours shooting ,need only nearby city model send card +introduce video with English +price+which country from+which city base in please
北京舞蹈团寒假商演活动 12月20左右号~1月22号左右 随时进场 需2女净167+ 古典舞 按场次费算一场170-270 结束能有5000左右 包吃住行,路费干完整个周期报销单程200 项目需求:女首席4名 净170+ 需要形象好 专业好,颜值高,形象好!专业好!颜值高! 薪资待遇: 第一个月8500, 第二个月10000 首演之后评级定薪 国企直签 中国河北大型演艺餐秀《赵都·礼宴》,由中央戏剧学院资深导演倾力制作,礼宴以唐、宋、明、清诗赋集为魂,国风盛宴为骨,通过声、光、电及古典器乐艺术的结合打造沉浸式的饕餮艺术盛宴。 现进行舞蹈演员招募 进项目时间:12月21号 住宿:2人间。 餐食:2荤2素。 行程:进项差旅报销(高铁二等座) 面试要求:个人模卡,自我介绍,舞蹈视频,需要线上面试。 以上项目推荐均有红包🧧
🎬On December 25th, we will shoot a video of small household appliances for e-commerce. [Rose]We need to find some old male models who can speak Italian. Have shooting experience. Location: Shanghai [Rose]Please send me the latest casting photos, advertising videos and videos in Italian. Thank you.[Coffee]
招聘短期舞蹈演员 哈尔滨剧场景区时间:随时马上-2.27 路费实报实销(来回1000以内) 工作稳定 资料过就进场住宿:2-4 需求: 两男舞蹈172以下 舞蹈女身高155-165 薪资: 5000 演出场次:2-6工作轻松休息时间多
1️⃣ 21th shenzhen shooting Alarm product indoor male model,4h+, 400/h. 2️⃣ 2th GZ shooting puppy product indoor outdoor female model,4h+. 3️⃣ foshan soon shooting company video,need 5 man ,40-80years old. 500/h, 4h.
Shooting in Beijing tomorrow 20th needs men aged 20-40 years old, beardless men and suits 500rmb/2 hours. Registration needs photos+self-introduction video.
20 21 2 days shoot Need a foreign girl to shoot a short video ad in Lu'an Shooting both indoor and outdoor Send material asap Nearby cities can apply provide tickets plus travel reimbursement
Guangzhou recruitment notice (Shenzhen and other nearby areas can also sign up) December 29 or 30, clothing shoot, within 4 hours, need a middle-aged male model, over 40 years old, interested please contact me
sanya offer I need female model shooting for Real estate, If u Available plz text me. Thx
深圳平面拍摄 需要童模男女都要身高135左右Shenzhen plane shooting needs child models, both men and women are about 135 height. price 500/h for 4h send card and introduce video to wechat:d080703
Guangzhou Princess dress (photos and videos) Around January 10th, 4-6 hours Need a girl who is 110cm tall. Requirements: Beautiful looking,obedience, highly cooperative, and have experience in clothing shooting. Please send the information and quotation, thank you.
Guangzhou,clothes shooting 【Demand】Need a 137-155cm wheat skin or light brown skin girl , foreigner or 混血都可以(need only nearby city model) Send card+age+country+city+price
there are some foreign model broadcast shooting needs, the specific requirements are as follows: Model Requirements: Male, American, 30 + Shooting type: English broadcast video Shooting equipment: camera, the same script needs to provide landscape and portrait two types of video Shooting location is not limited to: provide the script …
21th ningbo need white male model,shoot viedo,4h price 1k➕ free pls add me
Xiamen shooting: On December 21st, a 7-10-year-old blonde girl model is needed for the shooting of children's furniture products. The cost is reasonably quoted, and travel expenses will be reimbursed by Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Fujian. Thank you
Guangzhou: 26th or 27th need a male model and a female model shooting, sofa, about 4-5 hours, 1200 / ppl
‼️Don't add me,add my new account. 7⃣️Hangzhou job(accept model from any city) January 2rd,clothes photos and video shooting,need a black male model.💰Give me your price,at least 4 hours Send your card+city+price ‼️Copy this post,Send your card to my new account 19270378871
广州:我们在找身高外国的150CM左右的外国男女童 混血也可以, 室内拍衣服2-3小时, ,要高颜值大眼睛有服装平面拍摄经验的 请发模卡和几张单张给我报名,暂时只要广东省内的 we looking for around 150cm foreigners girl and boy shooting for clothes2-3h , Blond /gold Hair , just need Live in guangdong model ,if your child Suitable pls send me model card
Guangzhou need both black and white skin girls,at least 2 hours skin-care products videos+photos shooting 500/h,no travel budget. Date and time depend on model. Who can please send me cards➕English speaking videos with this notice.
1️⃣ 江苏苏州古镇招聘演员多名 1. ~招聘多名女舞蹈演员 要求净身高164+ (不够会被退)擅长古典民族舞 工资5500-6000 /月 2. ~招聘武术演员2名,要求身高170+ 擅长技巧,套路,兵器,工资6000 /月 进场时间 12月23号左右 合同一年 长期优先 周休1天 一天不超6场 演出时间段(下午+晚上) 包两餐 住宿2-3人间 ❗️福利:年后可带薪休假一周左右❗️ ,报名先发送资料,具体详聊 2️⃣ 江苏苏州主题乐园 招舞蹈演员多名 (男净身高177+ 女净身高167+ ) 1.擅长舞蹈表演,舞种不限 2.有乐园或景区等工作经验 !重点是要形象好 ! 3.开朗 ,擅长游客互动,接受室外工作 包吃两餐 住宿4人间 合同需求:❗️长期半年以上 ❗️ 入场时间 ,12月底,长期优先 工作内容(乐园巡游 剧场 舞台演出等) 工资待遇 7000+ /月 周休一天 差旅报单 报名发摩卡资料+自我介绍视频+表演视频 …
1️⃣江苏大型文旅项目 长期!(10个月) 演员招聘通告 (10个月) 需求:群舞 男10名,身高175+(中国舞专业) 女5名,身高165+(中国舞专业) 薪资:5500—6000 主演 男7名,身高180+(中国舞专业) 女9名,身高170+(中国舞专业) 薪资:7000+ 戏剧表演 (6男,2女) 薪资6000—7000 待遇:包吃住行,4人间!一天一场,节假日两场,加场有加场费!月休4(可连休,调休) 近期资料面试 近期视频面试(时间冲突的同学还有第二次面试)通过后明年正月十五之后进场!(等待时间,如遇到好的项目,可择优选择 不做限制) 以上项目有意向的同学私 2️⃣另外莆田补2女主演(b角) (中国舞) 170+ 7000-9000包吃住行 月休四 三人间 3️⃣福建补2舞蹈男孩 6000 武术男孩 5500 近期进月休四 包吃住行 过年不放假 6000 4️⃣珠江景区年后进场 舞蹈男孩15名178+(不限舞种) 舞蹈女孩15名 166+(不限舞种) 包吃住行 月休四 2-4人间 薪资 6000 具体私聊 5️⃣ 河北邯郸项目 专业:舞蹈 4男175➕ 15女 165➕ …
Guangzhou products vedio shoot in January,before 2025 Chinese new year 1. Western male model ,180cm+ 2. Western female model,sexy style 3. little girl and little boy model about 130-140 cm 6-8 hours +,contact if still be in China Thx
Recent shooting need a female model shoot adult toys and tools . Price 1200-1500/hour for 8hours Reimbursement of travels from other cities If interested send material to WeChat Angelosibbs
Guangdong indoors shooting normal underwear/swimsuit,need a young female model 34C. One day available between December 26-27. At least 6 hours,1000/h. Only local,other provinces no travel budget. Send me cards with this notice
Notice from Shenzhen: Next week, we need a man aged about 35 ~ 40 to shoot a publicity film, playing an engineer, and the shooting time is 4 hours. (Customers don't want actors who have filmed health care products videos) The price is 500 yuan per hour, and Guangzhou will …