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杭州拍摄母婴产品 需要 50-58cm混血宝宝 江浙沪报名
杭州拍摄服装。需要85cm左右的混血 、纯外男女各一个,90-95cm混血、纯外男女各一个 。江浙沪报名。
Hangzhou Events Dec 11 2 Male Foreign Models, Mixed Race Is OK, Perfume Event, Etiquette Reception Job Description: Reception, Door Opening, Seating, Handing Cards, Within 2 Hours Interested please contact me
Shanghai job shooting balance car (outdoor), video + plane,female, Shanghai or Hangzhou, the cost is 1500/ day (8h), this Friday (29th), if you are still free, let me know.
Around Dec 20th Hangzhou Amazon furniture photo+ video/outdoor shooting need a male model, normal clothes for this season( u can wear ur own clothes ) if u r available ,please contact me
Picture Shooting in Hangzhou Shooting Day: 4 December 1. Young mom: 💰500/h,4 hrs➕,need 2 people,25-30 yo,1 white skin and 1 bronze skin,shoot for baby carrier(with hipseat), can hold a baby in our product and do simple yoga poses or relax(enjoy coffee). Can shoot together with your own baby if have. …
hangzhou looking for 170-175cm tall young man for clothes shooting,can from every city
Beijing kindergartens need English teachers school: kindergarten, training centers, earlier childhood education, day care. working time: Monday to Friday 8:00-17:00 , 2 or 2.5 Hours lunch break time Salary: 15-25K for none native English teacher, 25-40k for native English teacher. Requirement: one year teaching experience above, good accent Please add …
Hangzhou event on 12.11 requires two foreign male models to do the ceremonial welcome work, about half a day price 1400/ person.
Hangzhou Foreign male models: oily skin, mixed skin, white skin, clear face contour, high nose, slightly prominent brow bone, deep facial features, big eyes (models can provide 5-8 atmosphere display). Handsome display or cross-dressing, gesture dance material) + face is best to have spots 500-1000 / h Four hours without …
[Party][Party]上海通告[Party][Party] 🥳项目亮点:上海黄浦区市中心,每天有专业化妆师化妆 爵士民族古典拉丁均可(排练期间薪资150一天,每天排练两小时,舞蹈简单,排练轻松2-3天即可真是上班,专业条件形象气质好优先✅) 1️⃣要求:面试发摩卡资料➕舞蹈视频➕自我介绍视频 2️⃣身高:净身高165➕,把控严格,身高不够勿扰, ️薪资:1w-1.1w➕提成 ️住宿:酒店标间,离公司不远 [Party][Party]浙江[Party][Party] 11.25-12.25短期一个月(可长期) 浙江杭州—女孩(舞蹈演员) 要求:五官端正,身高形象气质加,专业表现力好,身高165➕,薪资待遇1w➕ [Party][Party]南昌[Party][Party] 文旅合作古风舞台 招聘女舞蹈6名,身高165➕ 5000/月,有晋升空间 🉑短期,实习生可盖实习章,寒假短期有意向的演员欢迎咨询 [Party][Party]甘肃临夏[Party][Party] 酒吧演绎,条件宽松 9000➕,日结 [Party][Party]山西[Party][Party] 歌手底薪13500➕ 要求形象好有气质 流行歌为主,提成点一首歌150-200 平均每天单曲循环6-8首左右,准备1~2首流行歌就行。通俗大众一点 纯演出纯唱歌,165➕,女孩 月底之前进 包路费包住,提成日结 经纪人扩招,在校大学生,居家办公,有充足时间精力,有上进心想赚钱,有群有资源优先,小白勿扰
Hangzhou: Need young handsome foreign white skin male model‼️Powder, 500-1000 / h for four hours, no fare reimbursement
Hangzhou rehearsal on 12.4 and live broadcast on 12.5 requires a man with a similar appearance to the one in the picture and a sense of age. 500 hours per hour, starting from 4 hours Coser, model, all ordinary people, makeup, (Chinese people with profound facial features can also), hair …
[Packet]jobs list !contact my wechat :shiranjingeva [Heart]1. 青岛市 qingdao chengyang district, training center ,non-native male , manager work visa ,5days to work , free house ,max 15k-16k around ,asap [Drool]2. 长春 changchun city ,jilin province non native , training center 3-12 ages , Tuesday to Friday only every day work …
ESL Teacher for Training Center in Hangzhou Start 2024 ASAP (30 total working hours/ week) 【Responsibilities】 -Be able to teach students between the ages of 6 to 16. -Curriculum is based on textbooks from National Geographic's innovative book series,Reading Explorer and Wonderful World. -Be familiar with various topics, including science, …
杭州:拍摄 需要8-15个月宝宝只要江浙沪的 谢谢.混血/纯外 Hangzhou :need about 8-15months baby(Close to Hangzhou city)
1⃣️Guangzhou, we need a black plus size female model 🙋 2⃣️Taiyuan, Shanxi, wants a girl to shoot glass products 3⃣️On the 29th in Hangzhou, we need a man to participate in the event Tell me which you want to register for and which city you are in!
Vacancies of Aug. 2025: Location: Ningbo, Zhejiang School Type: IB School Position: IB PYP Teachers (both KG and PS departments) Salary: 26,000-28,000RMB Housing: provided Holiday: Paid winter and summer holidays Starting Date: Aug. 2025 Requirements: English native speakers; and IBPYP teaching exp. is necessary Location: Chaoyang, Beijing School Type: Primary/Middle/High …
杭州柬埔寨语陪同口译项目(信实翻译公司) 招募人数:1人 项目语言:柬埔寨语 项目时间:2024年11月26日下午(半天) 项目地点:杭州 工作内容:陪同看厂 应聘要求:中柬双语流利,翻译经验丰富,能灵活应变,杭州当地译员,有钢铁行业翻译经验者优先。 [Waddle]亲,看下有无档期~请微信投递:简历➕11月26日杭州柬埔寨语陪同口译项目+报价xx元半天+兼职信息来源+现居地 【微信联系】①如已加HR1-Alice可直接咨询,不要重复添加; ②18102756561(HR2-Mary)
抖音家具测评达人招募 1、平台:抖音 2、产品:取暖器 3、账号类型:垂直家居测评 4、粉丝要求:60w+ 5、合作方式:60s+水下1w内自报价(报备价要4w以上) 6、档期:12月初 7、备注:水下价格要保到12月初 表明报备60s+报备价格 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/PAEcNMG.aspx# 招募标题:杭州医美机构置换博主招募 1、平台:小红书 2、产品:线下参加活动 3、账号类型:无要求 4、粉丝要求:不限 5、合作方式:置换,全脸微调 6、执行时间:选中执行 7、合作费用:项目置换 8、要求:全国都可只要能来杭州就行 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/Q3jhs37.aspx# 养号不易,打扰请踢
11.27,Hangzhou job Oral broadcast shooting We need foreigners actors , playing doctors or professors, no age limit。People are required to live in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai. Please send me model card+video+location
Hangzhou recently shooting, need a male model, need to conform to the muscle image of playing football, shooting sports products
Hangzhou and Shanghai (only Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai) Indoor shooting Pictures and videos Shooting underwear at the end of December Need a female model, at least B cups, Young and beautiful, with temperament. 800/h pm with video and card
Zhuji City, Zhejiang province/August 2025//International K12 school High School A level Economics Teacher Needed in Zhuji City, Zhejiang province; Starting Date: August 2025; Location: Zhuji City,Zhejiang province(29 mins high speed train to Hangzhou); Position: High School A level Economics position; Job Description: 1. Students age: 12-15; 2. Working days: Monday …