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1⃣ Guangzhou, early December Two male models are needed. 1. Brazilian model, wheat-colored skin, good physique with muscles, more than 183 cm tall. 2.Large-size model, white, more than 180 cm tall, good condition can reduce height. Clothing shooting, 4 hours or more, 2⃣Shenzhen, early December Need 1 model, female Wheat-colored …
上海通告,9号一天拍摄宣传片 法式混血感的中国女模特,脸部轮廓有棱角,看起来高级一点,不要纯正外国人。 报名发资料(全国接受资料备注地区) 费用💰3500/10小时
🌟🌟🌟 Jimei Casting🌟🌟🌟 🟦National order, reimbursement of travel: 11.29: subway new line promotional film, Beijing shooting, shooting 8h [Requirements for personnel]: 1. White, young mother, 30+ female, 5 people required 2. White, male, 20-40 years old, 8 people are needed [Required materials]: model card + self-introduction video (note whether you …
sign up ➕ADou241109 Send information and your shooting price. Beijing area needs one foreign model, male, European, American or black, mature and not too young. On November 26th, from 1pm to 2pm, the company will shoot a promotional video.
青岛(现代)竖屏短剧拍摄(全国报销) 12月初开机拍六天左右需要以下角色演员: 1️⃣男演员27岁以内 身高182以上霸道总裁 2️⃣女演员24岁左右 可盐可甜 可御姐可爱 剧中角色带着一个5岁的机灵男娃‼️ 3️⃣小男孩 视觉年龄5岁 聪明可爱 所有演员戏好,配合度高‼️ 男主参考何健麒类型 女主参考韩雨桐 石雪婧 类型 大人演员💰1500天 小男孩💰600天 合适资料爆款作品ppt
12月3号,北京外籍拍摄通告~ 1.白人男生1位,白人女性1-2位 2.美国人种长相,不要俄罗斯乌克兰国籍 3.拍摄地北京,日期12月3号,至少提前一天到,配合提前fitting(也可能是拍摄当天,具体看情况) 4.投放海外线上(主要是美国),一年
Beijing circular ⌚12月15日Shooting time 1️⃣Demand 1: white face, mom and dad feel, aged 25-35 years old. 2️⃣Demand 2: 4-7 years old, white face, little boy and little girl will do. Your salary can be calculated by the hour, and you need a reasonable quotation.💰💰💰/1h ———————————— I will take plane poster …
Tianjin shooting 🎬 Find a female external model from Beijing 6h 500/h Skincare product photography 🎬
北京拍,全国可报名,包差旅 11🈷️30号,🧧2~3k/人(优质的🉑️自报价)12h制,肖像1年,汽车广告拍摄,高质量的来,平时不是这个价的勿扰,模特和演员均🉑️报名 1️⃣ 年轻情侣,18~30岁,男帅女美,青春活力 2️⃣爸爸妈妈,30~40岁,成熟稳重,温柔贤惠 3️⃣爷爷奶奶,50~65岁,和蔼可亲,慈祥 4️⃣ 小男孩和小女孩,5~10岁,好看 资料:(卡➕自我介绍➕作品➕坐标) 此号人已🈵️不加新好友,有此号的直接发资料。没有此号请加小号YYZMCC888
(1)A total of two days of shooting in Nanjing on December 10 and 11, 500-700 per hour for at least 4 hours a day, white-skinned boy 2-3 years old (child), white-skinned girl,2-4 years old (child), note your city Mother role White-skinned 20-30 years old, send me your modeling materials and …
11.30 北京 靴子拍摄 12:00-18:00 共 600 无路补 地点在高碑店 36码的 小腿围细的 有半身有全身 需要露脸 自己化妆
Who is the professional player of this bicycle and can do some professional movements.Height 178-182cm tall and have a beard.White-skinned male model 25-35 years old Shooting in Nanjing on December 3-4, 500-700 per hour, at least 4 hours a day
Good day everyone☺️ @ all people Create the best memories for you. Get special fashion photoshoot, with exclusive package from us! Check it out💘
需要优质童星,童模通告群的朋友加下方名片 拉你进群接通告哈🌹
Today, the filming of a TV drama in Shenyang requires Russian actors, as long as there are local boys in Shenyang
In November, Hangzhou Around 30 years old, foreign women Play the role of a mother Smiling warmly Please send me the model card and price
On one day from December 2nd to 6th, shoot in Guangzhou or Shenzhen Foreign boys with a height of 95-110cm, as long as they are from Guangdong region
北京试衣模特通告 日期:11月16日 地点:西单 时间:18:00-24:00 要求:女生一位,身高165-170,体重80~92斤,(无纹身,长相甜美,皮肤白皙,深色长发,穿xs或者s,最好会自己化妆,瘦,小腿细直) 价格:700
广州市,时间待定 需要一位男孩,儿童, 外籍或者混血 身高135-140cm 拍摄服饰,4小时起 全国找报销差旅 Guangzhou City, time to be determined need a boy, child, Foreign or mixed-race Height 135-140cm Costumes for 4 hours or more Nationwide search for reimbursement for travel
春节档大品牌商务定制剧 ,大咖云集。 现招中国籍外国裔、混血,年轻男演员 ,视觉年龄20-35岁,要求中文流利,有影视表演基础。11月底开机,拍摄周期10天左右 During the Spring Festival, big brand business customized dramas gather with big names. We are currently recruiting young male actors of Chinese nationality of foreign descent and mixed race, with a visual age of 20-35 years old. They are required to be fluent in Chinese and …
北京通告 11月14日 需求:直播间两位试衣模特(女),身高165-170 地点:五道口 时间:8小时 价格:700 报名发资料
19-20号在杭州拍TVC 需要6-10岁小麦色或黑色皮肤男孩女孩,外籍或者混血偏外 Shooting TVC in Hangzhou from the 19th to the 20th Boys and girls aged 6-10 with wheat or black skin are required
Beijing next week I need a girl with standard English pronunciation to record an English course, white-skinned, about 25-35 years old. 600/h, shooting for 4-6 hours, Both Beijing and Tianjin can sign up. Please send me a self-introduction video in English and your model card.
Changsha: 25-29th 2 days photo shooting. Family shooting need 3 models - Dad 30-40 years old - Mom 25-35 years old - Son 4-6 years old, 105-125 cm. Looks cute 外国人或混血都可以