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At the beginning of January, for a foreign girl about 3 years old to have a sunscreen shoot in Hainan, any region will pay for the trip.
Guangzhou TVC needs to shoot actors (external models) : 1. Female foreign students (foreign student feeling) 18 to 20 years old 2. Female designer (fashion designer, etc.) 30 to 35 years old 3. Strong woman (three evening gowns) 30 to 35 years old. 8 hours of shooting Please take the …
北京需要两名女外籍女模特、廊坊拍摄。 路费报销 时间:1月1号左右 拍摄婚纱店广告 要求30岁以下 身高170以上 元旦时间拍摄 报名发casting照片➕自我介绍视频
12.15 北京服装拍摄 地点:高碑店 室内拍摄 品类 保暖衣裤 12:00-18:00 500不报路费 要求:身高160-62左右 体型偏瘦 幼态一点 报过的不要重复报
Shooting Costumes in Guangdong on December 13 Height 62-70cm foreign baby Travel reimbursement in any region
Don't add me, contact me on WeChat ADou241109. Tianjin needs 1 foreign model. Female model. Europeans. Young and beautiful. Recent shooting of eye massager products. The shooting time is 3-4 hours. The budget is not high, preferably local to Tianjin.换群
月底在东莞拍摄婴儿玩具 需要3-5个月左右的混血婴儿 (中国长得像混血的也行) 只要广东地区的
Next Monday and Tuesday, we are looking for a male actor to shoot short videos. The actor should have Middle Eastern appearance and be fluent in Arabic. The rate is $1500 per day. If you are available and meet the requirements, please contact me. (Limited to those who are in …
Looking for native English speaker Students: 2 7-years old kids, and one junior high school student Schedule: weekends, Saturday and Sunday, 8 hours each day Location: yanjiao near Beijing Salary:18k monthly
Shoot in Hangzhou on the 14th, need a female model with strong affinity, shoot dog hair dryer, need not be afraid of dogs, about 6 hours. National reimbursement fares [Coffee][Heart]
Recently shooting children dance siamese socks in Guangzhou or Shenzhen Requirements: 130-175cm Foreign Girl (Children) Dance background is preferred Legs, hips. Good. Graceful in form Sign up to send notes Reimbursement of travel expenses in any city
#广州视频拍摄 时间:12月10号 价格:1000/4小时。 要求: 2男2女外籍演员,白人,年龄在25-30岁左右的。在广州的, 只要在广州的,外地没有车补。 欢迎报名。 # Guangzhou video shooting Date: December 10 Price: 1000/4 hours. Requirements: 2 male and 2 female foreign actors, white, aged between 25 and 30. In Guangzhou, As long as there is no car allowance in Guangzhou. Welcome to register.
Don't add me, contact me on WeChat ADou241109. Beijing needs 1 foreign model. Female model. Height of 170+. Cold and ruthless style. Can handle Gothic style. Try on makeup for one day in mid December. On January 8th, there will be an official runway show. The information should include a …
北京探店单: 近期北京探店活动,需要当地的小红书达人,有一定的探店和拍摄经验的 合理自报价 报名相关资料和小红书主页截图 有本号直接发资料,没有的加微信:18675841720 备注北京小红书,谢谢哈
产品拍摄 地点:杭州 时间:12月中旬 模特:90cm左右混血女孩 ⚠️无差旅预算
北京通告: 12.7号定妆,8号拍摄平面 需要1个商务范高质量的男模或演员,视觉35-45岁 预算2000-3000/天 报名相关资料和作品 有本号直接发资料,没有的加微信:yune56 备注北京男模,谢谢哈
Tomorrow, in Ningbo, shooting toys, need 10-14 months of baby, free please contact me
Are there any foreign babies who can go to Dongguan to shoot now, 60-70cm
平谷万达单: 预算调整,重新收资料 查清楚活动地址,住得地近的报名! 12.20周五需要1男1女礼模 万达开业室外拍摄 时间10-6点 男183+,女172+ 价450元,无其他差旅 预算不高,可以的报名! 有本号直接发资料,没有的加微信:yune56 备注平谷万达,谢谢哈
哈尔滨男童演单: 12.5周五需要1名在哈尔滨的小男孩演员,年龄7-8岁左右,有一定拍摄经验,能配合拍摄的 有本号直接发资料,没有的加微信:yune56 备注哈尔滨,谢谢哈,欢迎推荐
In Anhui Province next week or next week, shooting outdoor camping video,shooting for two consecutive days, at least 10 hours a day, need two female models and two male models, and a 7-11 years old child, if you have time, please contact me, reimbursement of travel[Rose][Heart]
Does anyone know the 60-65cm black skin baby in Hangzhou that can be Shooting right now?
北京通告: 12.18-20其中一天 需要探店打卡快闪活动 需要会滑雪的男生 要求: 1.必须要有滑雪视频; 2.必须有小红书,不要求粉丝量(并发布过相关滑雪或者运动类素材) 预算1k-2k/人,无其他差旅 报名发资料(摩卡+滑雪视频+小红书主页截图) 有本号直接发资料,没有的加微信:yune56 备注北京滑雪,谢谢哈
Shooting clothes in Guangdong in December Height of 85-98cm foreign boys and girls Nationally reimbursed travel
🎞️In Beijing for Promotional video shooting need : 1️⃣Requirement: 2 white skin European or American male, age about 25-30 years old need , no lines , need to Act as an ambassador from Europe and the United States For more information send me your model card and video introduction , …