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竖屏小女主— 5-7岁,身高不超130。 18-23号拍摄 有时间的发我资料
Shanghai: Video shot on October 16th 💰2500/8h。 Need it: Young foreign actors European and American sense of girls: 18-25 years old, beautiful Other places can also be, beautiful is the most important ⚠ Need to be able to speak Chinese Global portrait a year, 30 days settlement salary 上海:10月16日拍视频 💰2500/8h。 …
大制作,10岁左右女孩,会芭蕾舞的,最好是东北的,合适联系,欢迎推荐~ 横店拍,古装!19号拍, 小男孩,9-12岁左右,长的很英气! 有时间的老师发资料! 古装短剧,占定10月18号开,需要3男1女4个小演员,1️⃣男主小时候,2️⃣女主小时候,3️⃣女主小时候的弟弟,年龄(10岁左右)4️⃣反一号的儿子,合适联系
横店拍,古装短剧!19号拍, 小男孩,9-12岁左右,长的很英气! 有时间的老师发资料 古装短剧,占定10月18号开,需要3男1女4个小演员,1️⃣男主小时候,2️⃣女主小时候,3️⃣女主小时候的弟弟,年龄(10岁左右)4️⃣反一号的儿子,合适联系 有没有会芭蕾舞的女孩,10岁左右,大项目,
job 2 #广州视频和平面拍摄 要男女外籍演员 时间:17号, 价格:总价1500/6小时,提前收工也是给这个价格。 3.场景:办公室(天花机),总价:1500/6小时。超时均价。拍摄时间:17号拍摄。 演员——男白领【25~30岁年轻男白领】(白人) 4.场景:卧室冥想(挂机),总价:1500元/6小时。拍摄时间:16号拍摄。 演员——单身瑜伽冥想女【25~28岁年轻单身贵族】(东南亚) 广州深圳佛山的都可以考虑。 job 2 # Guangzhou video and photo shoot to male and female foreign actors Time: 17th, Price: Total price 1500/6 hours, early closure is also given this price. 3. Scene: Office (ceiling machine), total price: 1500/6 hours. Average overtime …
Dancer work On the 18th, two Phop dancers (one male and one female) are needed to shoot a video commercial. City: Beijing Send me photos and dance videos if you are interested
多语种规整翻译项目(外语翻译中文) 语种:乌克兰语、马来语、菲律宾语、孟加拉语、泰米尔语、乌尔都语 人力画像:具备双语互译能力,熟悉两种语言的语法、拼写、风格和惯用表达,具备 2~5 年翻译经验,对应外语语种专业,本科及以上,有对应语言资质证书,有对应语种国家留学经验者优先 需求类型:国人/母语均可,优先学习者, 有能力的发语言证书。
Guangzhou needs a male and female foreign model temperament class, the customer wants to shoot medical equipment class, the teeth are relatively white and good-looking, the customer's products have such products as medical dental chair, medical toothbrush. Please send me the information of the mold card. thank you
1️⃣guangzhou:tomorrow 9th shooting tvc,MAN business role,40-60years old, speak litter easy Communicate. 2️⃣guangdong shaoguan:11th shooting outdoor daily product,need black skin FEMALE model, 5-7H. 3️⃣donguan:soon indoor shooting winter clothes,FEMALE model,two Hours. 4️⃣shenzhen 10th 5pm shooting need SZ local grandfather 50-80years old MAN. 5️⃣shanghai next month shooting food tvc,need Korean baseball players, Arab …
1---beijing : 21th need Thailand/Philippines (Southeast Asian countries)actors,man /women,game video shooting,only from beijing,send me card and video 2--beijing/zhengzhou(郑州):need black skin female model,23th pm rehearsal,24th pm catwalk,stature more than 175cm,from beijing/zhengzhou all ok,send me card and video 3---beijing :12th need more than 42 years old female USA actor,game shooting
❣️❣️ No need to repeat, no need to repeat, no need to repeat, just need more Shooting in Hangzhou Around the 14th and 15th of October Indoor / outdoor are still being confirmed Videos + Photos 1.Male aged 30-40 years 2.Female aged 30 to 40 3.5 - 10 year old …
❣️❣️ No need to repeat, no need to repeat, no need to repeat, just need more Shooting in Hangzhou From October 15 to 17 Choose 2 or 3 days. 1.25-40 year old male 2.25-40 year old female 3. baby Indoor shoots, furniture Videos + Photos May need to be filmed …
电影短片,参奖项目,11月中旬开机,拍摄地,海南三亚,6-9岁女孩,讨好型人格。8-12岁女孩,性格内向,合适联系 120-150身高,男孩女孩,短剧横店拍。一场戏,10号可以来的,拍拍我,
Beijing Foreigners Notice: The treadmill commercial was filmed: Around 10 October Needed urgently: A black actress, a white actor, aged 20 to 30 years old, would like to be in good shape, fit, and speak English! (8 hours work week) Teachers with a deadline are signing up to issue a …
Shanghai Time tentatively set for 10.9-10.13 to find a foreign actor (male/female) High time flexibility when shooting Tiktok short videosAge 30+It's best if you can speak some Chinese (not mandatory)|Indoor shooting | shooting dialogue, no face, acting brand | only released on the Tiktok platform
Shanghai Notice 15-17 Shooting Southeast Asian actor working man starring (Indonesia, Malaysia, Age 25-35 Empty Hair Model Card Video + Works Pricing by person
🔥🔥Night Club Model🔥🔥 Need in SH and HZ Need Cute female model Monthly 7000 - 20000 🏠Provide free apartment.🏠 ⏰Work for at least 2 month Contact me for more detail
#佛山电影拍摄 时间:10月16号拍摄,15号要提前进剧组。 价格:2000/8小时。 要求: 一位外国过 ,年龄20-30岁都可以,20-30岁,要说几句词,金发白人男,要会说中文的,不用流利,能说就可以。 只要在广州本地的外地不考虑。 # Foshan film shooting Time: October 16 shooting, 15 to enter the crew in advance. Price: 2000/8 hours. Requirements: A foreign, age 20-30 years old can, 20-30 years old, to say a few words, blond white male, to speak Chinese, not fluent, can …
170-175的男孩,18.19岁的样子,瘦瘦的,有保护欲的,白净的,帅帅的,合适联系 大制作电影,12-14岁女孩,会手风琴的,戏好的形象好的,合适联系,
横店通告:10.4-5号两天,红色题材参赛微电影, 小女孩:年龄5-6岁,演技要好,台词功底也要好,需要剪短发,, 报名发资料+作品+坐标 短剧,10号-17号拍,10岁男孩,戏好合适联系 短剧云南拍, 暂定8号开机 5-7岁的女孩,全程戏份7天, 戏好档期可以的发我资料
院线电影,11月开机,需要16-7岁女演员 会动作的。主要角色,合适联系 文艺电影,参奖作品,11月下旬开机,11岁女孩,13岁女孩, 主演小时候,戏好形象好,合适联系 短剧,9号横店开机,16-18岁男孩,10岁左右女孩,拍两天,女孩要会劈叉,合适联系 央6电影,10号横店开机,8岁女孩,14岁女孩,主演小时候,戏好合适联系
12-13岁男孩大剧找,戏份重找我要拼图,条件特别好的有片酬 多部大剧筹备角色,特约,新人可带
院线电影,11月开机,需要16-7岁女演员 会动作的。主要角色,合适联系 福特汽车广告10月8号 有没有三胞胎小朋友,推荐 4-8岁, 男女都可以 文艺电影,参奖作品,11月下旬开机,11岁女孩,13岁女孩, 主演小时候,戏好形象好,合适联系 短剧,9号横店开机,16-18岁男孩,10岁左右女孩,拍两天,女孩要会劈叉,合适联系