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Date:10.6 or 10.7 location:Shanghai Type:videos Requirements: 1️⃣Need an old white models,Designer temperament, around 50 years old 2️⃣ young white male model,good looking eyes 3️⃣ young Spanish woman who can perform flamingo dance 4️⃣young white female model Indoor,Permanent portrait rights in mainland China 💰600-700/h,4hours
[红包]Shanghai Offline Turkish Meeting recording. 20 Turkish native speaker needed, if you are interested please contact me 🎙️ 【250 RMB for 2 scripts(120mins), 450RMB for 3 scripts(180mins)】 🏮Task: 6-10 people pretend to have a meeting, reading script.Everyone has role, which means u do not need keep talking Paid in 7 …
Gz: shooting for 1 or 2 days 📷Shooting,about beauty and body care, Need :female models; white skin,height 170+, Three dimensional features body and face, neck no obvious flaws have relevant shooting experience is preferred, Plz contact me!